Openmrs platform 2.2-alpha Release Impending

The actual Release will be done in the next week or so. I’m done with rudimentary testing and yet to post for other implementations to do more testing of the beta. If no bug is reported, we shall go ahead with the final release :slight_smile:

Thanks @samuel34 for the update.

@c.antwi Is the call still on after updates from @samuel34

@tendomart there is no need to meet . I hope we should be done with this by our next PM meeting

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@c.antwi great Thanks.

@samuel34 How far have you gone with the push to full release for platform 2.2?

We would like to get it out before the next PM Call on Monday 25th March 2019

Im done with the release. Will do the talk post and blog when I get time.

Thanks @dkayiwa, I think, I’ll employ this hack for the Platform 2.3.0-apha and beta release which are around the corner and definitely document it for later reference.

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