openmrs-module-referencemetadata 2.3.1+ deletes our Reference Term(s)?

Hi @raff, thanks for your prompt reply.

I found the obvious culprit here in the Reference_Application_Concepts-17.xml file:

<concept_reference_term concept_reference_term_id="278819" .../>

(I say ‘obvious’ because I am afraid there may be others, but, if any, their effects haven’t been observed yet.)

As I said, our module’s activator adds a few concepts and mappings initially, then this code is never run again since the target database already carries the changes. Through doing this a Concept Reference Term ID’d 278819 was created… and hence overwritten by Reference Metadata’s activator through processing the above line of its XML resource.

It is actually not that easy for me to change our code since the mappings are created alongside with the concepts, so I would need to separate all that… etc.

(Q) Anyway my question is, as much as I understand that it could be necessary to ensure the existence of specific concept IDs (for the CIEL CD for instance), why does it ever matter to hardcode the Concept Reference Terms IDs? Surely those IDs are never used anywhere in forms and such and could just be generated by Reference Metadata when it creates those terms based on the XML data. Or, if any piece of code should ever point to a specific Concept Reference Term then it should use its UUID and not its ID, but does this even ever happen?