openmrs.js (JavaScript API Wrapper)

I’m curious about how to approach this. I know how to solve it in Angular, and other frameworks have similar mechanisms.

But if we want a static framework-independent solution to this, we need something like a preprocessor that is run on html files as we serve them up. (Note that we would not actually want to use the current cookie locale resolver in that case, since it would make the static resources uncacheable.) This, however, is totally antithetical to how OWAs are supposed to work.

I was thinking about this in the context of how letting a distro or sysadmin configure some global CSS to be applied to every page (even OWA ones) in this comment (my code snippet was eaten my markdown, so I just fixed that now):

At this point I think the right approach is to just promote best-practice usage of a particular AngularJS approach (by default I’d choose the one Bahmni chose) + the same for other frameworks. (Including for my global CSS example, where that CSS can be loaded dynamically via JS.) But I’m curious whether anyone else thinks that macro preprocessing of the HTML files we serve is even worth considering.

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