OpenMRS Intro workshop at Johns Hopkins - Welcome workshop participants

Do it yourself: So now that we’re all experts at creating forms in OpenMRS using the HTML form entry module, spend some time in creating a form. You can follow along with the example given in the online guide:

The online guide is also a great way to reinforce some of the “concepts” (pun intended) we learnt today. The guide is a little out of date with the release of the OpenMRS 2.x RefApp so some of the UI screenshots, like the login screen or the patient dashboard, will look different from what you have seen so far.

And if you wanted to get some practice with some of the things we did today, here’s a recap of what we covered. We covered how to,

  1. Install the OpenMRS standalone instance
  2. Login
  3. Go through some standard workflows in the OpenMRS Ref App like registering a patient, capturing vitals
  4. Create a new Role
  5. Add Privileges to that Role
  6. Create new Users for these Roles and given them logins
  7. Look up a concept in the in built concept library that came with the standalone
  8. Create a new concept
  9. Create an HTML form

We also learnt about what a concept is and why they are important. We talked about the OpenMRS architecture and the information model (all this in 2.5 hours, man, you guys are GOOD!).

In the next session we’ll cover,

  1. What is a module
  2. How we can extend OpenMRS’s core functionality by using modules other people have created or by creating our own
  3. To create our own module
  4. OpenMRS’s community resources and how you can contribute to OpenMRS

We’ll also go into a bit more detail about OpenMRS’s data model and how the data is stored in it.

_Do make sure to come with the OpenMRS SDK already installed. Follow the instructions on this wiki post to install the SDK: _