I want to give an update on the work happening on the community recommended module and the progress:
I am working with Bob Joliffe and James Kariuki to work on Requirements 1 and 2 and 3.
This is the :Module Github Repo
Progress on Requirement 1: Should be able to generate ADX messages
- [Done] We were able to generate and send basic(without disaggregations) ADX to DHIS2 successfully and this was even presented in the IHE connectathon by James and Bob.
- [In Progress] We are working on a plan to implement the diaggregations. The main blocker being in ADX every disaggregation name needs to be an attribute name.
Progress on Requirement 2 and 3: Should use OpenMRS reporting module and Should Reduce the technical dependence on Implementations
- [In Progress] We are working on consuming the reporting modules reports directly and to provide a mapping between the complete reporting module report to dhisreport. As we believe this will help implementations already having reports in reporting module can directly use them. Also this helps people not comfortable with SQL.