O3: How to translate O3 apps with Transifex

@dkayiwa yes - seems like with GitHub Actions we can kick off translation updates directly from Transifex on a scheduled basis. Ian pointed out to me today that it makes sense to do it there instead of in Bamboo, because all our O3 frontend stuff is already happening via Github Actions.

In fact, the timing right now seems perfect, because @frederic.deniger’s team has a group of people actively doing French translations right now using the Transifex UI within the OpenMRS Org.

This flow would reduce the turnaround time for those translators to also review their work: They could almost immediately go and check in dev3 (if their own distro can’t be kept that closely up to date). This helps address one of the hardest parts of accurate translations: Making sure the translations are contextually appropriate. Sounds win-win!!

@dkayiwa would you be up for hooking this pipeline up?

This would also mean that efforts to expand our network of community volunteer Translators could really have impressive, quick impact.

The only concern might be the fact that this means anything done in the OpenMRS org on Transifex would be auto-submitted. We already have a past Bamboo job that blanketly approves all translations. Right now, auto-approving is the only scaleable solution we have. Or, we could turn-off the review setting/requirement in our Transifex org overall. @burke have there been any hard lessons learned about this in our past?