My fellowship Journey: Hadijah Kyampeire

OpenMRS Frontend Dev Fellowship Journey 2022.

I got the opportunity to be part of the OpenMRS fellowship as a Frontend Dev mainly working on 3.0 app and getting familiar with MicroFrontends. We had an official kick-off last week where we were onboarded on how the classrooms will be working. I am so excited to use the classroom platform it is so organized and helps one to properly keep the progress of their work in a given timeline.

I had my first call with my mentor @zacbutko who gave me pointers on how to get started and told me about some ongoing work that I can contribute to.

What I plan to do in my first month

  • Use the template repo, build on it and add my own small MF in order to get familiar with how components are used and how data is fetched from the API.
  • Weekly calls/syncs with my mentor.
  • Attend squad calls and design calls to get more knowledge of what is happening around the application development.
  • Collaborate with @lumuchris256 during development since we have aligned goals and share the same interest.
  • Revise and document my fellowship goals.