Let's consider using bintray for our maven repo

Got it, so now it’s about 11–13, after deleting the snapshots. What about the bandwidth?

I’m not sure…I left before we got centralized logging/analytics via the ELK stack…I do know that a lot of the community uses it…

@jbaruch, I’m in the process of evaluating openmrs.jfrog.io for OpenMRS purposes.

I’d be happy to provide you with the bandwidth details you requested. As @r0bby mentioned we haven’t monitored that before with any external tooling, but maybe there is a way to get that out of Nexus? If yes, then let me know where to look for that.

I wonder if there is any integration between openmrs.jfrog.io and Bintray. For example it would be great to see artifacts published to openmrs.jfrog.io under https://bintray.com/openmrs/maven. Is it possible to use the same credentials for Bintray and openmrs.jfrog.io?

We should probably consider adding an acknowledgement here: http://openmrs.org/about/support/.

And probably remove the text which says that the list is in alphabetical order. :smile:

we could switch our monitoring over to datadog and send snmp data to datadog like the ASF does. This will allow insight into traffic analytics when we combine centralized logging.

Seriously – you should all should be forking the Apache Software Foundation’s puppet repo. Seeing how they do things, they are the Open Source infrastucture standard.