Installing Bahmni on separate servers

Hello @tapologo, In the inventory file you should add the host ip of your application & db server with ansible_user & ansible_private_key_file like link.

You can see @angshuonline reply Link

I can describe in short about ssh access & ansible in the bellow:

We can use-

  • Application server(,
  • database server( &
  • another control machine.

In Control Machine we will install bahmni installer & edited the inventory file like above mentioned pestbin link. The requirement of ansible’s remote access is : sudo access to application & database server. We can do it by generating ssh-keygen command & you can study from here.

In each server we need to generate ssh-key by executing ssh-keygen & copy authorized key to other servers by executing ssh-copy user@server_ip. After this, We need to install ansible in control machine and add the bellow lines in /etc/ansible/hosts file: ansible_user=root ansible_private_key_file=/root/.ssh/id_rsa ansible_user=root ansible_private_key_file=/root/.ssh/id_rsa

And we can test ansible access by executing ansible all -a “/bin/echo hello” and get the bellow result if all configuration is correctly done. | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
hello | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

after that if you need edit bahmni setup file please edit it & start bahmni install by executing bahmni -i local install. I have tested in bahmni 0.91. So please do it in bahmni 0.91 first & then 0.92.