Yes it Does. Thanks for your help @mozzy .
Thanks @mozzy Appreciate your replies.
Actually what I have done because I want to associate the logo with each location, in my case I am considering location as a hospital and trying to display this logo along with location.
here or any where as required.@atiq is there any reason why you did not use Location Attributes?
Actually just now I understand the purpose of attributes.Thanks @dkayiwa for this. Actually through this stuff that I have done I understand some code base of open mrs. I will also try to understand what you suggested. Appreciate.
Hello @dkayiwa , @mozzy is there any approach to change location icon to image tag because that is what I need to display logo along with location name instead of location icon. I haven’t found any home page.htm in the code directories. Please help me or suggest me the approach, Thanks.
You can play with this: openmrs-module-appui/header.gsp at 1.13.0 · openmrs/openmrs-module-appui · GitHub