Handling Timezones with REST web services

I am more concerned that when we send a date/time with format such as:

2016-11-23T20:42:52.000+07:00 (notice the “:”) 2016-11-23T20:42:52.000+07 2016-11-23T20:42:52.000Z (for UTC ref)

the server won’t report any parsing problem but just save the time with the server time zone, as if we didn’t provide any, even though these seems to be valid ISO 8601 date/time format.

Maybe we should take the problem the other way around and instead make sure that the REST resource can work with ISO 8601 date/times?

Oh, if there are valid date formats that OpenMRS is interpreting incorrectly, we should definitely treat that as a bug and fix it.

After checking in more details, there was a bug and it has been resolved in 2.14 version of webservices.rest:

2.14+ supports just fine the ISO 8601 formats :slight_smile:

Ah, I remember that pesky one now! Sorry, my memory wasn’t jogged until I saw your reference to RESTWS-419. Wish I could have pointed you in that direction earlier and saved you some time!

Take care, Mark