2021-06-20T18:30:00Z Update
I created a set of JIRA issues for the Extended Period Support feature. And I added those issues to the “Support all available period types in DHIS2” Epic. All those issues are about extending period support in Automation UI. Also I created a JIRA issue for the task “Initiating the location mapping UI”.
Link: https://issues.openmrs.org/projects/DCM/issues/DCM-47?filter=allopenissues
So @akshika47 @k.joseph , could you please check them and mark those as available for work. Let me know if I have to change anything.
I Tested the “Reporting REST throws 500 when getting Evaluated Report Definition” issue on https://qa-refapp.openmrs.org/ and the issue is in there also. Couldn’t find the reason yet.
And thank you @herbert24 for reviewing my pull request on location mapping database generation. I think it can be merged now. (cc: @akshika47 @k.joseph @jayasanka )