GSoC 2018 - Improved built-in reports project

Hi @raff

I see you posted a request to move the repo. You can start coding on your fork before it is done.

Yes, and I have sent a mail to OpenMRS helpdesk for requesting a new JIRA project for this module. Hope I can make it within this week.

We’ll skip the first objective for now about extracting react components out of our OWA until the openmrs-contrib-reactcomponents effort led by @mogoodrich will be ready for contributions and we have a consensus on how it should work :slight_smile:

I also thought to skip this now to work on other objectives.

Hello @mogoodrich, In my GSoC project, there is an objective defined to create a reusable react elements for the future usage. I have planned to create the

  1. OpenMRS header
  2. OpenMRS breadcrumbs
  3. OpenMRS body layout
  4. Side Left Menu view
  5. Table content view

In the meantime, I have seen about your attention to create the common reusable react elements for OpenMRS.

As I discussed with @raff, I’m waiting for your guidance and direction to put my contributions to this module also.

Meanwhile, please pick up this objective: “In List of Diagnosis report, once a table row is being clicked, it should redirect to a new view which shows patients who were affected.” It should be easy enough to start with.

Thanks @raff, I will look into this objective and start to work on this.

I will use my own repository for keeping the commits and changes until we have a project and repository under the OpenMRS.