GSoC 2018 Attachments Module Enhancements

Neither, it will be React :slight_smile:

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In the AttachementsController inside the upload method, it used the updated UPLOAD_ATTACHMENT_URL too. So is that the reason debugger go through that?

I haven’t used the SDK in a while but I would assume that it is able to automatically fetch the latest snapshots from the distribution that it puts together.

For this to happen the module should probably be under watch or something, see ‘Watching projects’ in ‘OpenMRS SDK’.

@mksd Thank you for the tips. Now I have a better understanding.

@ridmal good catch! Could you temporarily change the requested mapping on AttachementsController and confirm that it isn’t used anymore?

@zouchine, as part of ATT-4, it will be necessary to change the URL mapping of AttachementsController. You may introduce new constants such as LEGACY_UPLOAD_ATTACHMENT_URL.

Yeah, I will change that try again.

Thanks @ridmal for the catch. changing the URL mapping will be introduced on the next ATT-4 PR soon!

I send a PR for relating the ATT-24 issue without any test functions. (Just to clarify I am following the correct path ) .Can you review it and send me some feedback.

@mksd The issue you (@ridmal)are dealing with is claimed by another contributor. According to the guidelines found here you should work on an issue that is assigned to you. We appreciate your eagerness but it is important to follow the manners.

sorry for the inconvenience. Actually, i assigned my self for that issue in a few times back ,since the assignee follows a different task. Then he assigned again while I am working on that. sorry, i didn’t follow the procedure. And sorry @madushan, who was the assignee when I am sent the PR. It won’t happen again.

@ridmal Read the guidelines here First you pick a task, then you assign it next you have to claim it. Then only you should make a PR.

Ok , Actually I forget to claim the issue before sending the PR. Thank for the reminder and sorry again for this.

@ridmal there are more interesting features to work on though.

  • ATT-7 - Auditing - Watermarking Attachment Downloads
    That’s if you want Java development.
  • ATT-23 - Migrate UI components to a React OWA
    That’s if you want client-side React development.

Both are substantial pieces of work, the latter is probably more work than the former.

Thank you @mksd for your guidance and motivation. I will look into the above issues. :slight_smile:

@mksd Regarding the building of OWA, should the current interfaces(web pages) be modified in the new React OWA or the same work-flow is followed?

Short answer is no, I have expanded on this on your draft proposal.

@mksd Thank you very much!

22 posts were split to a new topic: AttachmentsService ahead of REST API work (ATT-24)