Getting quiz result for Smart Developer badge

I finally got around to fixing the /dev/1 quiz…

The quiz has been held together with bailing wire & duct tape, with Zapier migrating Survey Monkey form entires a Google Spreadsheet and notifying an old, manually deployed node-based quiz grader service. I updated the quiz grader node app libraries & refactored its code, added a GitHub action to automatically deploy any changes, and replaced the old Survey Monkey quiz with a new Google Form that automatically triggers the quiz grader each time a form is submitted. :slight_smile:

I migrated recent responses that hadn’t been graded to the new version of the /dev/1 quiz, which means a Smart Developer badge has now been granted to @jonathan, @kumuditha, @dbaluku, @pwargulak, @richa09, and @abertnamanya. (Reminder, it can take up to 24 hours from getting the Smart Developer badge to being granted the /dev/1 badge)