I have managed to reach the server-side. Am using Ajax and the Controller. However, one small thing is disturbing: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
The client does not seem to receive a response in the success callback method.
Here is my client-side code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function searchFingerPrint(){
var baseUrl ="http://localhost:8080/openmrs/coreapps/clinicianfacing/patient.page?patientId=";
url : "${ ui.actionLink('searchForPatientByFingerPrint') }",
method : "POST",
data: {"datakey": "fingerPrintInBase64"},
success : function(returnedPatientUuid) {
alert("Data returned: "+returnedPatientUuid);
window.location = baseUrl.concat(returnedPatientUuid);
error : function(e) {
alert("Ooops: "+e.message);
public @ResponseBody String searchForPatientByFingerPrint(
@RequestParam(value = "datakey", required = false)String fingerPrintInBase64){
//String patientSearchPageUrl = "http://localhost:8080/openmrs/coreapps/findpatient/findPatient.page?app=patients.findPatientByFingerprint";
String fingerPrintPersonAttributeTypeUUID = "0fe8824e-f9f8-42fa-a919-4d2dcd00a5da";
String uuid ="null";
System.out.println("Server reached");
//search patient attribute: leftIndexFingerPrint
List<Patient> patients = Context.getPatientService().getAllPatients();
System.out.println("Number of Patients: "+patients.size());
if(fingerPrintInBase64!= null){
for(Patient patientInstance : patients){
List<PersonAttribute> personAttributes = patientInstance.getActiveAttributes();
for(PersonAttribute personAttribute: personAttributes){
System.out.println("Person Attribute: "+personAttribute.getValue());
System.out.println("Person Attribute Type UUID: "+personAttribute.getAttributeType().getUuid());
System.out.println("Person attributeType passed...");
//test if the base64 generated matches our stored base64 text
if(personAttribute.getValue() != null ){
System.out.println("Patient UUID: "+patientInstance.getUuid());
uuid = patientInstance.getUuid();
}//end person attribute loop
}//end patient loop
return uuid;
Server logs:
Server reached
Number of Patients: 3
Person Attribute: 0980008888
Person Attribute Type UUID: 14d4f066-15f5-102d-96e4-000c29c2a5d7
Person Attribute: 0789786843
Person Attribute Type UUID: 14d4f066-15f5-102d-96e4-000c29c2a5d7
Person Attribute: MyFingerPrint
Person Attribute Type UUID: 0fe8824e-f9f8-42fa-a919-4d2dcd00a5da
Person attributeType passed...
Patient UUID: 083c2982-ae98-4a29-9e89-322c97ccbb0d
I wonder why there is no success yet the client sends data to the server. I have debugged the server, and all lines in the controller are successfully reached.
Here is a screenshot of the error when debugging with the browser.