Error Importing Metadata Using Metadata Sharing Module on Platform 1.11.5

@raff I figured I didn’t need to run the debugger after all because I was trying to import the package exported from 1.9.3 to 1.11.5 which may be the problem, but anyway I didn’t want to find out. Instead I with the help of @wyclif I got hold of the metadata exported from 1.11.5. Unfortunately I am still running into errors as shown in this stack trace

To reproduce this error follow the steps below:

  1. Spawn a 1.11.5 instance of OpenMRS (I am using legacy UI although I doubt if it matters!)

  2. Go to Administration, click “Import Metadata” under “Metadata sharing module” section. You should see a screen as shown below. Download and use this metadata package

  3. Click next where you will see a page as shown (i.e everything looks fine)

  4. Click next and choose “From Peer” option. You should see the page below.

  5. At this point when you click next you will see stack trace mentioned above.

I am still investigating the reason for this but it appears the query generator is having issues generating the right query.

I have no idea what is going on with my server instance I used for this exercise because trying to reproduce the same problem on a standalone reference application 2.3.1 does not work, that is the package is imported successfully!