Displaying a prescribed medicines in default medication display control

Hi @gsluthra,

Please find below my answers.

  1. If I understand your requirement correctly, you want to show only the NON-CHEMO drugs in this drug display control on this page here: https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/40501375/Prescribing+Medications - Yes

  2. So, even though the patient has Chemo drugs prescribed (along with other non-chemo drugs), you want the above medication screen to ONLY SHOW the non-Chemo drugs, becase you are showing the chemo drugs on a separate Chemo drugs TAB? - Yes Gurpreet we want to show only non chemo drugs in the display control

  3. Ideally this page shows all ACTIVE medications prescribed for the patient. Since Chemo drugs are also prescribed, this page will show them too. - Yes its displaying chemo drugs in the non chemo drug tab which are currently active

  4. If you want that non-chemo drugs should not be showed, then it seems that this page/control will need an enhancement, where via configuration someone will be able to say: “excludeDrugConcepts”, which list a comma seperated list of drug concepts to IGNORE (or not show) on this page. If this will meet your requirement please confirm. Also, the disadvantage of this approach is that one needs to manually configure and maintain this drug list, because if a “new” drug is prescribed for chemotherapy… then it will also show up, if someone doesn’t update this control configuration. Do you see this as a problem? - Yes, if we have excludedrugconcepts configuration, it will fulfil our requirement. In order to display in custom display control, we are already maintaining a two different concept set to differentiate chemo and non chemo drugs. Can we have something like that to exclude the other drugs in the default display control to show only non chemo drugs? Kindly refer this link → in the code snippet under the config "drugOrderHistoryConfig" : ”excludeConceptSet" : "<ConceptSetName>" ,

  5. Ideally, if there was a smart way to say… don’t show any Chemo drugs, or any drugs which are classified as Chemotherapy drugs, then it would make life easier. But without using some Drug Hierarchy/classification standard, I don’t think this is possible – and hence will require manually maintained lists, which will be an inconvenience - In Bahmni wiki, for multiple medication tab, we will be maintaining a drugs list with two different concept set to display in the custom display control. Will it works for this one?

@akhilmalhotra @angshuonline @adikarle @binduak @buvaneswariarun @supriyam @muhima08 @thomasrod

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