Developing the "OCL for OpenMRS" Application

Hey @darius,

A few follow up points from the call in regards to the custom validation.

  1. First, using the custom validation applies it to both the source and collection, i.e if you try to create a concept from that source, it is rejected(when validation fails) at the time it is being created, not when its reference is being added to the collection.
  2. We have encountered an issue in regards to the validation of the map types. A bunch of them are being rejected e.g CONCEPT-SET and Q-AND-A. We took a look at the API code and it seems that they are rejected at this point. What we understood was that map types are concepts as well and need to exist in order to be used(when custom validation is enforced on a collection).
    We would like to find out at what point these are seeded into the db.
    We suspect this file is used to seed the map types(oclapi/maptypes_fixed.json at master · OpenConceptLab/oclapi · GitHub) which happens to be missing some of the map types.
    We would not mind adding them ourselves to this file, but we couldn’t quite be clear on the external_id field.

cc @paynejd, @akanter, @dkayiwa