Configure clinical visit page

This feature is available (a few steps needed):

If you see this wiki page it says the following:

> There should be at least one tab / dashboard that has “defaultSections”: true

What this means is that in “visit.json” file under “clinical” folder, duplicate the “general” attribute and rename it to something different like: “general1:” and give it an appropriate KEY_NAME as you wish to see on screen. Then in this first section, you can set defaultSections to false and put only the sections you want.

Here is a sample config file and screenshot that I tired on V0.92:

Here is my visit.json file: Bahmni Visit Dashboard configuration with additional section default sections false -

Code background: It seems there is some code written which specifically looks for the first tab that has defaultSection true and manipulates some Treatment config. See code here: openmrs-module-bahmniapps/visitTabConfig.js at ea3e81a2c5e1c7450aa16674ea349475d20e8b42 · Bahmni/openmrs-module-bahmniapps · GitHub

The comment says:
// TODO: Patch for #1461 lokbiradari-config: It's bad. But to err is Human, to forgive is Divine!

What do you feel is going on here? :slight_smile: