I agree with the idea of moving some/many things out of the openmrs github org, and setting the expectation that it’s fine and normal for modules (including commonly-used ones) to have their repo outside the openmrs org.
I’m not sure how I feel about the specific proposal, and I think we should have some more concrete guidelines about what belongs under /openmrs, and and see how this applies to particular examples.
For example, we might say that all bundled modules (in the Platform or Reference Application) should live under /openmrs. If we don’t say that, would you be suggesting that xforms should live under /dkayiwa and reporting should live under /mseaton?
My initial reaction is that I don’t like active as the primary driver, but rather I’d want having a module under /openmrs imply some level of (community) support. I said on the other thread:
Rather than “openmrs-archive” I would suggest something more like “openmrs-universe” (inspired by Ubuntu).