Build standalone failure

Hey there, here comes a summary of what I looked into and found.

The docker-compose log contains a liquibase error:

web_1  | INFO - ChangeLogDetective.getInitialLiquibaseSnapshotVersion(93) |2020-09-25T17:11:20,618| file 'org/openmrs/liquibase/snapshots/schema-only/liquibase-schema-only-1.9.x.xml' contains 2 un-run change sets
web_1  | INFO - ChangeLogDetective.logUnRunChangeSetDetails(202) |2020-09-25T17:11:20,619| file 'org/openmrs/liquibase/snapshots/schema-only/liquibase-schema-only-1.9.x.xml' contains un-run change set with id '20120529-2230' by author 'mvorobey'
web_1  | INFO - ChangeLogDetective.logUnRunChangeSetDetails(202) |2020-09-25T17:11:20,619| file 'org/openmrs/liquibase/snapshots/schema-only/liquibase-schema-only-1.9.x.xml' contains un-run change set with id '20120529-2231' by author 'mvorobey'
web_1  | WARN - InitializationFilter$InitializationCompletion$ |2020-09-25T17:11:20,703| Error while trying to update to the latest database version
web_1  | java.lang.IllegalStateException: identifying the snapshot version that had been used to initialize the OpenMRS database failed as no candidate change set resulted in zero un-run changes
web_1  | 	at org.openmrs.liquibase.ChangeLogDetective.getInitialLiquibaseSnapshotVersion( ~[openmrs-api-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
web_1  | 	at org.openmrs.web.filter.initialization.InitializationFilter$InitializationCompletion$ [openmrs-web-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
web_1  | 	at [?:1.8.0_212]

which is actually something that I fixed in in May 2020. The database dump contained in that repository was incomplete and I added two change sets.

The respective commit is available here.

It looks like the same fix needs to be applied to the source of openmrs-distro-platform/target/distro/dbdump/dump.sql. Where does that file come from pls?