Bahmni - Notifications on patients events

As discussed, below are a set of initial mockups to help guide the design of some of the components of the project, based on the proposed scope of the MVP:

  • Being able to subscribe/unsubscribe to notification one patient at a time
  • Predefined events
    • a visit opened for the patient
    • a particular lab result received in openmrs
  • Notifications - in app notifications

and the project objectives:

  • To be able to subscribe to in-app notifications on one or more predefined events for a patient (one patient at a time).
  • To be able to receive in-app notifications.
  • To be able to mark notifications as read.
  • To be able to unsubscribe to a particular subscribed notification.

This would consist of adding a new Notifications app to the Admin section in Bahmni:

The app itself would consist of Subscription and Notification management sections.

In the Subscriptions management section, users can manage their notification subscriptions, and assign individual patients to each subscription:

The Notifications management section provides a central solution to view notifications and ‘mark as read’, supplemented by an in-app alert mechanism added to the UI header:

These mockups are open to input and discussion from the community though. I think central in-app notifications are a good starting point for further extensibility in adding support for other notification mechanisms. Similarly, I think central management of subscriptions provides a good base, that would benefit from future work to allow for direct assignment of individuals to a subscription from a patient dashboard, and leveraging cohorts or patient lists for bulk assignment of patients to a subscription.

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