bahmni-lab not start after install bahmni!!!

I did not tried that yet. I just checked whether bahmni-lab was started or not. thanks for mention it. I will try that

I have the same issue , bahmni lab (open Elis ) is running but does not appear in the home page , can you please give me a step by step way to make it resolve this issue . Thanks

look how i solve this issue LAB unable to sync


after following @binduak on this post, after running bahmni -i local install,

Dasboard is “Down for Maintenance”

Then I deleted the file maintenance.enable at /var/www/hmtl folder

You can now see all three apps on the dashboard!


which of @binduak’s steps did you follow?

Is the lab working? Can you logon to ELIS? Also check the status

service bahmni-lab status

Hi, still concerning bahmni-lab i restarted my server and now the openelis is stuck on maintainance page openmrs and odoo are running just fine

i have already deleted the maintainance.enable file located at ‘/var/www/html’

have tried using “sudo service bahmni-lab status” error-> env: /etc/init.d/bahmni-lab: Permission denied tried “sudo service bahmni-lab start” error-> env: /etc/init.d/bahmni-lab: Permission denied

i had to “yum remove bahmni-lab”, then re-run the installation command it worked fine after the above actions

NOW TO THE POINT: is there an easier way to return to the proper openelis page? mybe a file to be deleted or a command to be done?