Assessing Style Guides and Design Systems

Wonderful! Thank you so much @gracebish @insookwa @tendomart @loisnaki. Here is what I think we should do next.

  1. Each person will be responsible for comparing the Bootstrap Design System and one other Design System of their choice - please pick your choice below! :slight_smile: (Ideally we’d have at least 1 person for each of these, but it’s also good to have multiple people involved so if you feel strongly about one option, it’s okay to have more than one person reviewing that set.)
  • Bootstrap vs Carbon
  • Bootstrap vs Material
  • Bootstrap vs Lightening
  • Bootstrap vs ADG

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  1. Use the Summary of Analysis framework on this confluence page to compare the design systems. Add in your findings into the Summary of Analysis table on that page.

  2. In addition to people sharing their notes here and in that Confluence page, we can connect in 1 week to discuss peoples’ feedback together.

How does this sound? We can further discuss in the PM call today :slight_smile: