Appointment Scheduling Refactoring to React

@c.antwi I think discussing this on the design call would be appropriate. However, if you can join Bahmni PAT call today, we can give you an update on the difference between the 2 modules. Its not just technology, its also the approach that is different between OpenMRS appt scheduling and Bahmni’s. This would also provide you context, why Bahmni decided to go with a different approach. (although if you search in talk, you will find enough materials, User research, including technical threads)

I would like to get an understanding of how many existing implementations (and orgs) are using the OpenMRS appointment scheduling and broadly what feedback they had.

In the other thread, I don’t think there was a discussion over features / approaches for making a decision. We can share our past user research, their feedbacks and requirements if this would clear up things.

Look forward to your participation in PAT call.

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