Allowing free Text for Death Reason

Why is this so large?

  • Add person.caused_of_death_non_coded varchar(255) as we did for Orders’ order reason
  • In Person, add getCauseOfDeathNonCoded() and setCauseOfDeathNonCode(String).

That’s not a big PR is it? :slight_smile:


  • Set Person.CAUSE_OF_DEATH_NON_CODED to “non coded” concept (I’m assuming we have this in a global property)
  • Add a convenience method like setCauseOfDeath(String) that would automatically set the coded value to Person.CAUSE_OF_DEATH_NON_CODED
  • Consider a convenience method like isCauseOfDeathCoded() to avoid forcing a client to know about Person.CAUSE_OF_DEATH_NON_CODED