Addons and RefApp environments outage

I thought it was clear by my message, I raised the ticket with the provider. Their whole datacenter is down, last update they sent was that they are having problems with backend storage.

We are waiting for the provider to fix the problem on their end, that’s why I raised the ticket with the provider. I cannot fix their datacenter for them. They are in the US, so I’d expect them to be on the problem full hands when they wake up for their monday.

TACC appears to be slightly more unstable than the other datacenter, but so far I’ve been giving some time for them to stabilize their datacenter, as I’d rather not have all our machines on the very same datacenter and have a single point of failure. Anyway, the datacenter is down, so I cannot even create a new VM. In all fairness, if I was to configure any sort of high availability, addons is pretty low on the list:

demo, modules-refapp and qa-refapp were considered more relevant.