Adding webservices to exisiting Pharmacy module developed by Harini.How to make it compatable with reference application 2.0.5.

got different error of missing dependencies.Right now I want just to confirm that do I need to upgrade the module to openmrs version 2?

If you want to achieve Core 2.x compatibility only, yes.

can you explain little more.I need to code it from scratch by building module using sdk and incorporate code into that module.Another question is do I need to upgrade the dependencies as well?

I never said that you had to code anything from scratch, I just said that if you intend to run this module against Core 2.x (and not below) you could ā€œupgrade the module to openmrs version 2ā€.

Which means: upgrade the Core dependency to 2.0+ in your moduleā€™s pom.xml.