2016-07-21 Leadership Call: Infrastructure issues

Thanks @r0bby for keeping us honest. The truth is, we all want to help out and we don’t have time to monitor Talk and type everything into it. I would prefer not to have the calls, but a phone call provides higher bandwidth conversation for those who can join and have an hour and might not have several hours to invest into Talk threads. The calls are more about project management & updates, not making decisions for the community.

Actually, I didn’t come to a leadership call with some agenda about infrastructure. I just reminded folks that we need to find a way to grow the team & resources and that lead people to brainstorming on how that could happen.

FYI – Maurya is actually trying to help understand and document our help desk processes, not infrastructure support.

100% agree; however, we do need to find ways for volunteers to help. How does someone go from new to trusted? How do we know when someone is trusted? Aren’t there some things a new volunteer could help with along that path? Perhaps that’s some fodder for developing OMRS Stages.

If we can onboard people asynchronously, that’s great. As I mentioned here, we need to create some documentation for onboarding people. Perhaps onboarding without a call would help lead to some of that documentation getting created.

FYI – I’m trying to increase resources (people and hardware) for the infrastructure team. The minutes from the leadership call just reflect people brainstorming on how we might be able to better support the infrastructure team, not making decisions in the dark.

As you know, we have 30-40 servers hosted at IU XSEDE We have been talking to groups, including CATIS, on the possibility of helping with support. Nothing has happened beyond us reaching out to them and introducing them to the idea; nothing has been decided. You not out of the loop.

I don’t anyone is suggesting that we just hand out the keys to the kingdom to whoever shows interest, but we do need to find a way to grow the team, which will include finding a way in which people can get involved and gain trust.

The suggestion here was that, if we are onboarding more than just Pascal, a call might be more efficient. This was just restating the statement @janflowers already made on Talk.

There’s a good start to onboarding on this page, but the documentation for OpenMRS.org Infrastructure appears outdated. Is there somewhere that someone would know that there’s an Infra chat or infra team structure? Is that in Google Docs somewhere? Or on the wiki? If there are updated docs, then getting those exposed; otherwise, creating/updating the docs that make the infrastructure process less of a black box could be a great outcome of onboarding people (e.g., Maurya, Pascal, etc.).

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