/usr/sbin/mysqld, Version: 5.6.33-0ubuntu0.14.04.1-log ((Ubuntu)). started with: Tcp port: 3306 Unix socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Time Id Command Argument 190220 16:05:25 1 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 1 Quit 2 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on mysql 2 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 2 Query SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0 2 Query show variables like 'datadir' 2 Quit 3 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 3 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 3 Query SELECT count(*) FROM mysql.user WHERE user='root' and password='' 3 Quit 4 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 4 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 4 Query select concat('select count(*) into @discard from `', TABLE_SCHEMA, '`.`', TABLE_NAME, '`') from information_schema.TABLES where ENGINE='MyISAM' 4 Quit 5 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 5 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 5 Query select count(*) into @discard from `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` 5 Quit 6 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 6 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 6 Query select count(*) into @discard from `information_schema`.`EVENTS` 6 Quit 7 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 7 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 7 Query select count(*) into @discard from `information_schema`.`OPTIMIZER_TRACE` 7 Quit 8 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 8 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 8 Query select count(*) into @discard from `information_schema`.`PARAMETERS` 8 Quit 9 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 9 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 9 Query select count(*) into @discard from `information_schema`.`PARTITIONS` 190220 16:05:26 9 Quit 10 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 10 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 10 Query select count(*) into @discard from `information_schema`.`PLUGINS` 10 Quit 11 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 11 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 11 Query select count(*) into @discard from `information_schema`.`PROCESSLIST` 11 Quit 12 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 12 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 12 Query select count(*) into @discard from `information_schema`.`ROUTINES` 12 Quit 13 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 13 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 13 Query select count(*) into @discard from `information_schema`.`TRIGGERS` 13 Quit 14 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 14 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 14 Query select count(*) into @discard from `information_schema`.`VIEWS` 14 Quit 15 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 15 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 15 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`columns_priv` 15 Quit 16 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 16 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 16 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`db` 16 Quit 17 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 17 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 17 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`event` 17 Quit 18 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 18 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 18 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`func` 18 Quit 19 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 19 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 19 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`help_category` 19 Quit 20 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 20 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 20 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`help_keyword` 20 Quit 21 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 21 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 21 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`help_relation` 21 Quit 22 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 22 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 22 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`help_topic` 22 Quit 23 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 23 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 23 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`ndb_binlog_index` 23 Quit 24 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 24 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 24 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`plugin` 24 Quit 25 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 25 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 25 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`proc` 25 Quit 26 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 26 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 26 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`procs_priv` 26 Quit 27 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 27 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 27 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`proxies_priv` 27 Quit 28 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 28 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 28 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`servers` 28 Quit 29 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 29 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 29 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`tables_priv` 29 Quit 30 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 30 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 30 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`time_zone` 30 Quit 31 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 31 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 31 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`time_zone_leap_second` 31 Quit 32 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 32 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 32 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`time_zone_name` 32 Quit 33 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 33 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 33 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`time_zone_transition` 33 Quit 34 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 34 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 34 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`time_zone_transition_type` 34 Quit 35 Connect debian-sys-maint@localhost on 35 Query select @@version_comment limit 1 35 Query select count(*) into @discard from `mysql`.`user` 35 Quit 190220 16:05:27 36 Connect root@localhost on openmrs 36 Query SET SESSION default_storage_engine=InnoDB 36 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name ='language' OR Variable_name = 'net_write_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'interactive_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'wait_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_client' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_connection' OR Variable_name = 'character_set' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_server' OR Variable_name = 'tx_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'transaction_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_results' OR Variable_name = 'timezone' OR Variable_name = 'time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'system_time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'lower_case_table_names' OR Variable_name = 'max_allowed_packet' OR Variable_name = 'net_buffer_length' OR Variable_name = 'sql_mode' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_type' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_size' OR Variable_name = 'init_connect' 36 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment 36 Query SHOW COLLATION 37 Connect root@localhost on openmrs 37 Query SET SESSION default_storage_engine=InnoDB 37 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name ='language' OR Variable_name = 'net_write_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'interactive_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'wait_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_client' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_connection' OR Variable_name = 'character_set' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_server' OR Variable_name = 'tx_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'transaction_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_results' OR Variable_name = 'timezone' OR Variable_name = 'time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'system_time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'lower_case_table_names' OR Variable_name = 'max_allowed_packet' OR Variable_name = 'net_buffer_length' OR Variable_name = 'sql_mode' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_type' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_size' OR Variable_name = 'init_connect' 36 Query SET NAMES utf8 36 Query SET character_set_results = NULL 37 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment 37 Query SHOW COLLATION 37 Query SET NAMES utf8 37 Query SET character_set_results = NULL 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES' 37 Query SELECT @@session.tx_isolation 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query SET sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES' 36 Query SELECT @@session.tx_isolation 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:05:27', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:05:27' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:05:32 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:05:32', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:05:32' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:05:36 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 190220 16:05:37 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:05:37', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:05:37' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:05:41 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 190220 16:05:42 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:05:42', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:05:42' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:05:46 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:05:47 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:05:47', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:05:47' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:05:51 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:05:52 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:05:52', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:05:52' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:05:56 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 190220 16:05:57 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:05:57', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:05:57' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:06:01 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:06:02 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:02', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:02' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.provider_id as provider1_121_0_, this_.person_id as person_i2_121_0_, this_.name as name3_121_0_, this_.identifier as identifi4_121_0_, this_.creator as creator5_121_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre6_121_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_7_121_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_121_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_9_121_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re10_121_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_121_0_, this_.retired as retired12_121_0_, this_.uuid as uuid13_121_0_, this_.provider_role_id as provide14_121_0_ from provider this_ where this_.retired=0 and this_.person_id=1 order by this_.provider_id asc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select patient0_.patient_id as person_i1_111_, patient0_1_.uuid as uuid2_111_, patient0_1_.gender as gender3_111_, patient0_1_.birthdate as birthdat4_111_, patient0_1_.birthdate_estimated as birthdat5_111_, patient0_1_.birthtime as birthtim6_111_, patient0_1_.dead as dead7_111_, patient0_1_.death_date as death_da8_111_, patient0_1_.deathdate_estimated as deathdat9_111_, patient0_1_.cause_of_death as cause_o10_111_, patient0_1_.creator as creator11_111_, patient0_1_.date_created as date_cr12_111_, patient0_1_.changed_by as changed13_111_, patient0_1_.date_changed as date_ch14_111_, patient0_1_.voided as voided15_111_, patient0_1_.voided_by as voided_16_111_, patient0_1_.date_voided as date_vo17_111_, patient0_1_.void_reason as void_re18_111_, patient0_.patient_id as patient_1_106_, patient0_.creator as creator2_106_, patient0_.date_created as date_cre3_106_, patient0_.changed_by as changed_4_106_, patient0_.date_changed as date_cha5_106_, patient0_.voided as voided6_106_, patient0_.voided_by as voided_b7_106_, patient0_.date_voided as date_voi8_106_, patient0_.void_reason as void_rea9_106_, patient0_.allergy_status as allergy10_106_, case when exists (select * from patient p where p.patient_id = patient0_1_.person_id) then 1 else 0 end as formula1_ from patient patient0_ inner join person patient0_1_ on patient0_.patient_id=patient0_1_.person_id where patient0_1_.uuid='9e969b98-a49c-48be-87fe-313cf47d7bd6' 37 Query select attributes0_.person_id as person_i3_111_1_, attributes0_.person_attribute_id as person_a1_113_1_, attributes0_.person_attribute_id as person_a1_113_0_, attributes0_.uuid as uuid2_113_0_, attributes0_.person_id as person_i3_113_0_, attributes0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a4_113_0_, attributes0_.value as value5_113_0_, attributes0_.creator as creator6_113_0_, attributes0_.date_created as date_cre7_113_0_, attributes0_.changed_by as changed_8_113_0_, attributes0_.date_changed as date_cha9_113_0_, attributes0_.voided_by as voided_10_113_0_, attributes0_.date_voided as date_vo11_113_0_, attributes0_.voided as voided12_113_0_, attributes0_.void_reason as void_re13_113_0_ from person_attribute attributes0_ where attributes0_.person_id=8 37 Query select personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a1_114_0_, personattr0_.uuid as uuid2_114_0_, personattr0_.name as name3_114_0_, personattr0_.description as descript4_114_0_, personattr0_.format as format5_114_0_, personattr0_.foreign_key as foreign_6_114_0_, personattr0_.sort_weight as sort_wei7_114_0_, personattr0_.searchable as searchab8_114_0_, personattr0_.creator as creator9_114_0_, personattr0_.date_created as date_cr10_114_0_, personattr0_.changed_by as changed11_114_0_, personattr0_.date_changed as date_ch12_114_0_, personattr0_.retired_by as retired13_114_0_, personattr0_.date_retired as date_re14_114_0_, personattr0_.retire_reason as retire_15_114_0_, personattr0_.retired as retired16_114_0_, personattr0_.edit_privilege as edit_pr17_114_0_ from person_attribute_type personattr0_ where personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id=9 37 Query select personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a1_114_0_, personattr0_.uuid as uuid2_114_0_, personattr0_.name as name3_114_0_, personattr0_.description as descript4_114_0_, personattr0_.format as format5_114_0_, personattr0_.foreign_key as foreign_6_114_0_, personattr0_.sort_weight as sort_wei7_114_0_, personattr0_.searchable as searchab8_114_0_, personattr0_.creator as creator9_114_0_, personattr0_.date_created as date_cr10_114_0_, personattr0_.changed_by as changed11_114_0_, personattr0_.date_changed as date_ch12_114_0_, personattr0_.retired_by as retired13_114_0_, personattr0_.date_retired as date_re14_114_0_, personattr0_.retire_reason as retire_15_114_0_, personattr0_.retired as retired16_114_0_, personattr0_.edit_privilege as edit_pr17_114_0_ from person_attribute_type personattr0_ where personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id=13 37 Query select personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a1_114_0_, personattr0_.uuid as uuid2_114_0_, personattr0_.name as name3_114_0_, personattr0_.description as descript4_114_0_, personattr0_.format as format5_114_0_, personattr0_.foreign_key as foreign_6_114_0_, personattr0_.sort_weight as sort_wei7_114_0_, personattr0_.searchable as searchab8_114_0_, personattr0_.creator as creator9_114_0_, personattr0_.date_created as date_cr10_114_0_, personattr0_.changed_by as changed11_114_0_, personattr0_.date_changed as date_ch12_114_0_, personattr0_.retired_by as retired13_114_0_, personattr0_.date_retired as date_re14_114_0_, personattr0_.retire_reason as retire_15_114_0_, personattr0_.retired as retired16_114_0_, personattr0_.edit_privilege as edit_pr17_114_0_ from person_attribute_type personattr0_ where personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id=24 37 Query select personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a1_114_0_, personattr0_.uuid as uuid2_114_0_, personattr0_.name as name3_114_0_, personattr0_.description as descript4_114_0_, personattr0_.format as format5_114_0_, personattr0_.foreign_key as foreign_6_114_0_, personattr0_.sort_weight as sort_wei7_114_0_, personattr0_.searchable as searchab8_114_0_, personattr0_.creator as creator9_114_0_, personattr0_.date_created as date_cr10_114_0_, personattr0_.changed_by as changed11_114_0_, personattr0_.date_changed as date_ch12_114_0_, personattr0_.retired_by as retired13_114_0_, personattr0_.date_retired as date_re14_114_0_, personattr0_.retire_reason as retire_15_114_0_, personattr0_.retired as retired16_114_0_, personattr0_.edit_privilege as edit_pr17_114_0_ from person_attribute_type personattr0_ where personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id=39 37 Query select names0_.person_id as person_i4_111_1_, names0_.person_name_id as person_n1_116_1_, names0_.person_name_id as person_n1_116_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid2_116_0_, names0_.preferred as preferre3_116_0_, names0_.person_id as person_i4_116_0_, names0_.prefix as prefix5_116_0_, names0_.given_name as given_na6_116_0_, names0_.middle_name as middle_n7_116_0_, names0_.family_name_prefix as family_n8_116_0_, names0_.family_name as family_n9_116_0_, names0_.family_name2 as family_10_116_0_, names0_.family_name_suffix as family_11_116_0_, names0_.degree as degree12_116_0_, names0_.creator as creator13_116_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cr14_116_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed15_116_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch16_116_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_17_116_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_vo18_116_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_re19_116_0_, names0_.voided as voided20_116_0_ from person_name names0_ where names0_.person_id=8 order by names0_.voided asc, names0_.preferred desc, names0_.date_created desc 37 Query select addresses0_.person_id as person_i3_111_1_, addresses0_.person_address_id as person_a1_112_1_, addresses0_.person_address_id as person_a1_112_0_, addresses0_.uuid as uuid2_112_0_, addresses0_.person_id as person_i3_112_0_, addresses0_.address1 as address4_112_0_, addresses0_.address2 as address5_112_0_, addresses0_.city_village as city_vil6_112_0_, addresses0_.state_province as state_pr7_112_0_, addresses0_.postal_code as postal_c8_112_0_, addresses0_.country as country9_112_0_, addresses0_.latitude as latitud10_112_0_, addresses0_.longitude as longitu11_112_0_, addresses0_.county_district as county_12_112_0_, addresses0_.address3 as address13_112_0_, addresses0_.address4 as address14_112_0_, addresses0_.address6 as address15_112_0_, addresses0_.address5 as address16_112_0_, addresses0_.address7 as address17_112_0_, addresses0_.address8 as address18_112_0_, addresses0_.address9 as address19_112_0_, addresses0_.address10 as address20_112_0_, addresses0_.address11 as address21_112_0_, addresses0_.address12 as address22_112_0_, addresses0_.address13 as address23_112_0_, addresses0_.address14 as address24_112_0_, addresses0_.address15 as address25_112_0_, addresses0_.creator as creator26_112_0_, addresses0_.date_created as date_cr27_112_0_, addresses0_.voided_by as voided_28_112_0_, addresses0_.date_voided as date_vo29_112_0_, addresses0_.void_reason as void_re30_112_0_, addresses0_.voided as voided31_112_0_, addresses0_.preferred as preferr32_112_0_, addresses0_.changed_by as changed33_112_0_, addresses0_.date_changed as date_ch34_112_0_, addresses0_.start_date as start_d35_112_0_, addresses0_.end_date as end_dat36_112_0_ from person_address addresses0_ where addresses0_.person_id=8 order by addresses0_.voided asc, addresses0_.preferred desc, addresses0_.date_created desc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select patient0_.patient_id as person_i1_111_, patient0_1_.uuid as uuid2_111_, patient0_1_.gender as gender3_111_, patient0_1_.birthdate as birthdat4_111_, patient0_1_.birthdate_estimated as birthdat5_111_, patient0_1_.birthtime as birthtim6_111_, patient0_1_.dead as dead7_111_, patient0_1_.death_date as death_da8_111_, patient0_1_.deathdate_estimated as deathdat9_111_, patient0_1_.cause_of_death as cause_o10_111_, patient0_1_.creator as creator11_111_, patient0_1_.date_created as date_cr12_111_, patient0_1_.changed_by as changed13_111_, patient0_1_.date_changed as date_ch14_111_, patient0_1_.voided as voided15_111_, patient0_1_.voided_by as voided_16_111_, patient0_1_.date_voided as date_vo17_111_, patient0_1_.void_reason as void_re18_111_, patient0_.patient_id as patient_1_106_, patient0_.creator as creator2_106_, patient0_.date_created as date_cre3_106_, patient0_.changed_by as changed_4_106_, patient0_.date_changed as date_cha5_106_, patient0_.voided as voided6_106_, patient0_.voided_by as voided_b7_106_, patient0_.date_voided as date_voi8_106_, patient0_.void_reason as void_rea9_106_, patient0_.allergy_status as allergy10_106_, case when exists (select * from patient p where p.patient_id = patient0_1_.person_id) then 1 else 0 end as formula1_ from patient patient0_ inner join person patient0_1_ on patient0_.patient_id=patient0_1_.person_id where patient0_1_.uuid='9e969b98-a49c-48be-87fe-313cf47d7bd6' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select visit0_.visit_id as visit_id1_151_, visit0_.date_started as date_sta2_151_, visit0_.date_stopped as date_sto3_151_, visit0_.date_created as date_cre4_151_, visit0_.voided as voided5_151_, visit0_.date_voided as date_voi6_151_, visit0_.void_reason as void_rea7_151_, visit0_.date_changed as date_cha8_151_, visit0_.uuid as uuid9_151_, visit0_.visit_type_id as visit_t10_151_, visit0_.patient_id as patient11_151_, visit0_.indication_concept_id as indicat12_151_, visit0_.location_id as locatio13_151_, visit0_.creator as creator14_151_, visit0_.changed_by as changed15_151_, visit0_.voided_by as voided_16_151_ from visit visit0_ where visit0_.uuid='1b4f6261-a996-4be5-a5a7-1ace3cc1a98e' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select form0_.form_id as form_id1_63_, form0_.uuid as uuid2_63_, form0_.name as name3_63_, form0_.version as version4_63_, form0_.build as build5_63_, form0_.published as publishe6_63_, form0_.description as descript7_63_, form0_.encounter_type as encounte8_63_, form0_.creator as creator9_63_, form0_.date_created as date_cr10_63_, form0_.changed_by as changed11_63_, form0_.date_changed as date_ch12_63_, form0_.retired as retired13_63_, form0_.retired_by as retired14_63_, form0_.date_retired as date_re15_63_, form0_.retired_reason as retired16_63_ from form form0_ where form0_.uuid='3b07b00c-1623-4380-af4a-4brr68244e16' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.encounter_type_id as encounte1_59_0_, this_.name as name2_59_0_, this_.description as descript3_59_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_59_0_, this_.creator as creator5_59_0_, this_.edit_privilege as edit_pri6_59_0_, this_.view_privilege as view_pri7_59_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_59_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_9_59_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re10_59_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_59_0_, this_.retired as retired12_59_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_59_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch14_59_0_ from encounter_type this_ where this_.uuid='f0e18d30-6e52-4022-862c-54e433a4ff11' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.id as id1_72_0_, this_.form_id as form_id2_72_0_, this_.xml_data as xml_data3_72_0_, this_.creator as creator4_72_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_72_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_6_72_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha7_72_0_, this_.retired as retired8_72_0_, this_.name as name9_72_0_, this_.uuid as uuid10_72_0_, this_.description as descrip11_72_0_, this_.retired_by as retired12_72_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re13_72_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_14_72_0_ from htmlformentry_html_form this_ where this_.form_id=6 order by this_.date_created desc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='layout.name.format' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='layout.name.format' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select patient0_.patient_id as person_i1_111_, patient0_1_.uuid as uuid2_111_, patient0_1_.gender as gender3_111_, patient0_1_.birthdate as birthdat4_111_, patient0_1_.birthdate_estimated as birthdat5_111_, patient0_1_.birthtime as birthtim6_111_, patient0_1_.dead as dead7_111_, patient0_1_.death_date as death_da8_111_, patient0_1_.deathdate_estimated as deathdat9_111_, patient0_1_.cause_of_death as cause_o10_111_, patient0_1_.creator as creator11_111_, patient0_1_.date_created as date_cr12_111_, patient0_1_.changed_by as changed13_111_, patient0_1_.date_changed as date_ch14_111_, patient0_1_.voided as voided15_111_, patient0_1_.voided_by as voided_16_111_, patient0_1_.date_voided as date_vo17_111_, patient0_1_.void_reason as void_re18_111_, patient0_.patient_id as patient_1_106_, patient0_.creator as creator2_106_, patient0_.date_created as date_cre3_106_, patient0_.changed_by as changed_4_106_, patient0_.date_changed as date_cha5_106_, patient0_.voided as voided6_106_, patient0_.voided_by as voided_b7_106_, patient0_.date_voided as date_voi8_106_, patient0_.void_reason as void_rea9_106_, patient0_.allergy_status as allergy10_106_, case when exists (select * from patient p where p.patient_id = patient0_1_.person_id) then 1 else 0 end as formula1_ from patient patient0_ inner join person patient0_1_ on patient0_.patient_id=patient0_1_.person_id where patient0_1_.uuid='9e969b98-a49c-48be-87fe-313cf47d7bd6' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select identifier0_.patient_id as patient_3_111_0_, identifier0_.patient_identifier_id as patient_1_107_0_, identifier0_.patient_identifier_id as patient_1_107_1_, identifier0_.uuid as uuid2_107_1_, identifier0_.patient_id as patient_3_107_1_, identifier0_.identifier as identifi4_107_1_, identifier0_.identifier_type as identifi5_107_1_, identifier0_.location_id as location6_107_1_, identifier0_.date_created as date_cre7_107_1_, identifier0_.date_voided as date_voi8_107_1_, identifier0_.preferred as preferre9_107_1_, identifier0_.voided as voided10_107_1_, identifier0_.void_reason as void_re11_107_1_, identifier0_.creator as creator12_107_1_, identifier0_.voided_by as voided_13_107_1_, identifier0_.changed_by as changed14_107_1_, identifier0_.date_changed as date_ch15_107_1_ from patient_identifier identifier0_ where identifier0_.patient_id=8 36 Query select patientide0_.patient_identifier_type_id as patient_1_108_0_, patientide0_.uuid as uuid2_108_0_, patientide0_.name as name3_108_0_, patientide0_.description as descript4_108_0_, patientide0_.format as format5_108_0_, patientide0_.format_description as format_d6_108_0_, patientide0_.required as required7_108_0_, patientide0_.validator as validato8_108_0_, patientide0_.date_created as date_cre9_108_0_, patientide0_.location_behavior as locatio10_108_0_, patientide0_.uniqueness_behavior as uniquen11_108_0_, patientide0_.creator as creator12_108_0_, patientide0_.retired_by as retired13_108_0_, patientide0_.date_retired as date_re14_108_0_, patientide0_.retire_reason as retire_15_108_0_, patientide0_.retired as retired16_108_0_, patientide0_.changed_by as changed17_108_0_, patientide0_.date_changed as date_ch18_108_0_ from patient_identifier_type patientide0_ where patientide0_.patient_identifier_type_id=3 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.visit_id as visit_id1_151_0_, this_.date_started as date_sta2_151_0_, this_.date_stopped as date_sto3_151_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_151_0_, this_.voided as voided5_151_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_151_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_151_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_151_0_, this_.uuid as uuid9_151_0_, this_.visit_type_id as visit_t10_151_0_, this_.patient_id as patient11_151_0_, this_.indication_concept_id as indicat12_151_0_, this_.location_id as locatio13_151_0_, this_.creator as creator14_151_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_151_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_16_151_0_ from visit this_ where this_.patient_id in (8) and this_.voided=0 order by this_.date_started desc, this_.visit_id desc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=51 36 Query select this_.visit_id as visit_id1_151_0_, this_.date_started as date_sta2_151_0_, this_.date_stopped as date_sto3_151_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_151_0_, this_.voided as voided5_151_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_151_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_151_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_151_0_, this_.uuid as uuid9_151_0_, this_.visit_type_id as visit_t10_151_0_, this_.patient_id as patient11_151_0_, this_.indication_concept_id as indicat12_151_0_, this_.location_id as locatio13_151_0_, this_.creator as creator14_151_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_151_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_16_151_0_ from visit this_ where this_.patient_id in (8) and this_.voided=0 order by this_.date_started desc, this_.visit_id desc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select location0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, location0_.uuid as uuid2_81_0_, location0_.name as name3_81_0_, location0_.description as descript4_81_0_, location0_.address1 as address5_81_0_, location0_.address2 as address6_81_0_, location0_.city_village as city_vil7_81_0_, location0_.state_province as state_pr8_81_0_, location0_.country as country9_81_0_, location0_.postal_code as postal_10_81_0_, location0_.latitude as latitud11_81_0_, location0_.longitude as longitu12_81_0_, location0_.county_district as county_13_81_0_, location0_.address3 as address14_81_0_, location0_.address4 as address15_81_0_, location0_.address6 as address16_81_0_, location0_.address5 as address17_81_0_, location0_.address7 as address18_81_0_, location0_.address8 as address19_81_0_, location0_.address9 as address20_81_0_, location0_.address10 as address21_81_0_, location0_.address11 as address22_81_0_, location0_.address12 as address23_81_0_, location0_.address13 as address24_81_0_, location0_.address14 as address25_81_0_, location0_.address15 as address26_81_0_, location0_.date_created as date_cr27_81_0_, location0_.date_changed as date_ch28_81_0_, location0_.parent_location as parent_29_81_0_, location0_.changed_by as changed30_81_0_, location0_.creator as creator31_81_0_, location0_.retired_by as retired32_81_0_, location0_.date_retired as date_re33_81_0_, location0_.retire_reason as retire_34_81_0_, location0_.retired as retired35_81_0_ from location location0_ where location0_.location_id=10 36 Query select childlocat0_.parent_location as parent_29_81_1_, childlocat0_.location_id as location1_81_1_, childlocat0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, childlocat0_.uuid as uuid2_81_0_, childlocat0_.name as name3_81_0_, childlocat0_.description as descript4_81_0_, childlocat0_.address1 as address5_81_0_, childlocat0_.address2 as address6_81_0_, childlocat0_.city_village as city_vil7_81_0_, childlocat0_.state_province as state_pr8_81_0_, childlocat0_.country as country9_81_0_, childlocat0_.postal_code as postal_10_81_0_, childlocat0_.latitude as latitud11_81_0_, childlocat0_.longitude as longitu12_81_0_, childlocat0_.county_district as county_13_81_0_, childlocat0_.address3 as address14_81_0_, childlocat0_.address4 as address15_81_0_, childlocat0_.address6 as address16_81_0_, childlocat0_.address5 as address17_81_0_, childlocat0_.address7 as address18_81_0_, childlocat0_.address8 as address19_81_0_, childlocat0_.address9 as address20_81_0_, childlocat0_.address10 as address21_81_0_, childlocat0_.address11 as address22_81_0_, childlocat0_.address12 as address23_81_0_, childlocat0_.address13 as address24_81_0_, childlocat0_.address14 as address25_81_0_, childlocat0_.address15 as address26_81_0_, childlocat0_.date_created as date_cr27_81_0_, childlocat0_.date_changed as date_ch28_81_0_, childlocat0_.parent_location as parent_29_81_0_, childlocat0_.changed_by as changed30_81_0_, childlocat0_.creator as creator31_81_0_, childlocat0_.retired_by as retired32_81_0_, childlocat0_.date_retired as date_re33_81_0_, childlocat0_.retire_reason as retire_34_81_0_, childlocat0_.retired as retired35_81_0_ from location childlocat0_ where childlocat0_.parent_location in (51, 10) order by childlocat0_.name 36 Query select attributes0_.location_id as location2_81_1_, attributes0_.location_attribute_id as location1_82_1_, attributes0_.location_attribute_id as location1_82_0_, attributes0_.location_id as location2_82_0_, attributes0_.attribute_type_id as attribut3_82_0_, attributes0_.value_reference as value_re4_82_0_, attributes0_.creator as creator5_82_0_, attributes0_.date_created as date_cre6_82_0_, attributes0_.changed_by as changed_7_82_0_, attributes0_.date_changed as date_cha8_82_0_, attributes0_.voided as voided9_82_0_, attributes0_.voided_by as voided_10_82_0_, attributes0_.date_voided as date_vo11_82_0_, attributes0_.void_reason as void_re12_82_0_, attributes0_.uuid as uuid13_82_0_ from location_attribute attributes0_ where attributes0_.location_id in (51, 10, 47, 45, 48, 49, 46, 50) order by attributes0_.voided asc 36 Query select attributes0_.provider_id as provider2_121_1_, attributes0_.provider_attribute_id as provider1_122_1_, attributes0_.provider_attribute_id as provider1_122_0_, attributes0_.provider_id as provider2_122_0_, attributes0_.attribute_type_id as attribut3_122_0_, attributes0_.value_reference as value_re4_122_0_, attributes0_.creator as creator5_122_0_, attributes0_.date_created as date_cre6_122_0_, attributes0_.changed_by as changed_7_122_0_, attributes0_.date_changed as date_cha8_122_0_, attributes0_.voided as voided9_122_0_, attributes0_.voided_by as voided_10_122_0_, attributes0_.date_voided as date_vo11_122_0_, attributes0_.void_reason as void_re12_122_0_, attributes0_.uuid as uuid13_122_0_ from provider_attribute attributes0_ where attributes0_.provider_id=1 order by attributes0_.voided asc 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.metadata_term_mapping_id as metadata1_89_1_, this_.metadata_source_id as metadata2_89_1_, this_.code as code3_89_1_, this_.metadata_class as metadata4_89_1_, this_.metadata_uuid as metadata5_89_1_, this_.name as name6_89_1_, this_.description as descript7_89_1_, this_.creator as creator8_89_1_, this_.date_created as date_cre9_89_1_, this_.changed_by as changed10_89_1_, this_.date_changed as date_ch11_89_1_, this_.retired as retired12_89_1_, this_.date_retired as date_re13_89_1_, this_.retired_by as retired14_89_1_, this_.retire_reason as retire_15_89_1_, this_.uuid as uuid16_89_1_, metadataso1_.metadata_source_id as metadata1_88_0_, metadataso1_.name as name2_88_0_, metadataso1_.description as descript3_88_0_, metadataso1_.creator as creator4_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_created as date_cre5_88_0_, metadataso1_.changed_by as changed_6_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_changed as date_cha7_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired as retired8_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_retired as date_ret9_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired_by as retired10_88_0_, metadataso1_.retire_reason as retire_11_88_0_, metadataso1_.uuid as uuid12_88_0_ from metadatamapping_metadata_term_mapping this_ inner join metadatamapping_metadata_source metadataso1_ on this_.metadata_source_id=metadataso1_.metadata_source_id where this_.retired=0 and this_.code='emr.admissionEncounterType' and metadataso1_.name='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' 36 Query select this_.encounter_type_id as encounte1_59_0_, this_.name as name2_59_0_, this_.description as descript3_59_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_59_0_, this_.creator as creator5_59_0_, this_.edit_privilege as edit_pri6_59_0_, this_.view_privilege as view_pri7_59_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_59_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_9_59_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re10_59_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_59_0_, this_.retired as retired12_59_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_59_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch14_59_0_ from encounter_type this_ where this_.uuid='e22e39fd-7db2-45e7-80f1-60fa0d5a4378' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.metadata_term_mapping_id as metadata1_89_1_, this_.metadata_source_id as metadata2_89_1_, this_.code as code3_89_1_, this_.metadata_class as metadata4_89_1_, this_.metadata_uuid as metadata5_89_1_, this_.name as name6_89_1_, this_.description as descript7_89_1_, this_.creator as creator8_89_1_, this_.date_created as date_cre9_89_1_, this_.changed_by as changed10_89_1_, this_.date_changed as date_ch11_89_1_, this_.retired as retired12_89_1_, this_.date_retired as date_re13_89_1_, this_.retired_by as retired14_89_1_, this_.retire_reason as retire_15_89_1_, this_.uuid as uuid16_89_1_, metadataso1_.metadata_source_id as metadata1_88_0_, metadataso1_.name as name2_88_0_, metadataso1_.description as descript3_88_0_, metadataso1_.creator as creator4_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_created as date_cre5_88_0_, metadataso1_.changed_by as changed_6_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_changed as date_cha7_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired as retired8_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_retired as date_ret9_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired_by as retired10_88_0_, metadataso1_.retire_reason as retire_11_88_0_, metadataso1_.uuid as uuid12_88_0_ from metadatamapping_metadata_term_mapping this_ inner join metadatamapping_metadata_source metadataso1_ on this_.metadata_source_id=metadataso1_.metadata_source_id where this_.retired=0 and this_.code='emr.exitFromInpatientEncounterType' and metadataso1_.name='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' 37 Query select this_.encounter_type_id as encounte1_59_0_, this_.name as name2_59_0_, this_.description as descript3_59_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_59_0_, this_.creator as creator5_59_0_, this_.edit_privilege as edit_pri6_59_0_, this_.view_privilege as view_pri7_59_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_59_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_9_59_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re10_59_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_59_0_, this_.retired as retired12_59_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_59_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch14_59_0_ from encounter_type this_ where this_.uuid='181820aa-88c9-479b-9077-af92f5364329' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select encounters0_.visit_id as visit_i16_151_0_, encounters0_.encounter_id as encounte1_56_0_, encounters0_.encounter_id as encounte1_56_1_, encounters0_.uuid as uuid2_56_1_, encounters0_.encounter_datetime as encounte3_56_1_, encounters0_.date_created as date_cre4_56_1_, encounters0_.voided as voided5_56_1_, encounters0_.date_voided as date_voi6_56_1_, encounters0_.void_reason as void_rea7_56_1_, encounters0_.date_changed as date_cha8_56_1_, encounters0_.changed_by as changed_9_56_1_, encounters0_.patient_id as patient10_56_1_, encounters0_.location_id as locatio11_56_1_, encounters0_.form_id as form_id12_56_1_, encounters0_.encounter_type as encount13_56_1_, encounters0_.creator as creator14_56_1_, encounters0_.voided_by as voided_15_56_1_, encounters0_.visit_id as visit_i16_56_1_ from encounter encounters0_ where encounters0_.visit_id=1 order by encounters0_.encounter_datetime desc, encounters0_.encounter_id desc 37 Query select visittype0_.visit_type_id as visit_ty1_154_0_, visittype0_.name as name2_154_0_, visittype0_.description as descript3_154_0_, visittype0_.uuid as uuid4_154_0_, visittype0_.date_created as date_cre5_154_0_, visittype0_.date_changed as date_cha6_154_0_, visittype0_.date_retired as date_ret7_154_0_, visittype0_.retired as retired8_154_0_, visittype0_.retire_reason as retire_r9_154_0_, visittype0_.creator as creator10_154_0_, visittype0_.changed_by as changed11_154_0_, visittype0_.retired_by as retired12_154_0_ from visit_type visittype0_ where visittype0_.visit_type_id=1 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.metadata_term_mapping_id as metadata1_89_1_, this_.metadata_source_id as metadata2_89_1_, this_.code as code3_89_1_, this_.metadata_class as metadata4_89_1_, this_.metadata_uuid as metadata5_89_1_, this_.name as name6_89_1_, this_.description as descript7_89_1_, this_.creator as creator8_89_1_, this_.date_created as date_cre9_89_1_, this_.changed_by as changed10_89_1_, this_.date_changed as date_ch11_89_1_, this_.retired as retired12_89_1_, this_.date_retired as date_re13_89_1_, this_.retired_by as retired14_89_1_, this_.retire_reason as retire_15_89_1_, this_.uuid as uuid16_89_1_, metadataso1_.metadata_source_id as metadata1_88_0_, metadataso1_.name as name2_88_0_, metadataso1_.description as descript3_88_0_, metadataso1_.creator as creator4_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_created as date_cre5_88_0_, metadataso1_.changed_by as changed_6_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_changed as date_cha7_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired as retired8_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_retired as date_ret9_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired_by as retired10_88_0_, metadataso1_.retire_reason as retire_11_88_0_, metadataso1_.uuid as uuid12_88_0_ from metadatamapping_metadata_term_mapping this_ inner join metadatamapping_metadata_source metadataso1_ on this_.metadata_source_id=metadataso1_.metadata_source_id where this_.retired=0 and this_.code='emr.admissionEncounterType' and metadataso1_.name='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' 37 Query select this_.encounter_type_id as encounte1_59_0_, this_.name as name2_59_0_, this_.description as descript3_59_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_59_0_, this_.creator as creator5_59_0_, this_.edit_privilege as edit_pri6_59_0_, this_.view_privilege as view_pri7_59_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_59_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_9_59_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re10_59_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_59_0_, this_.retired as retired12_59_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_59_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch14_59_0_ from encounter_type this_ where this_.uuid='e22e39fd-7db2-45e7-80f1-60fa0d5a4378' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.metadata_term_mapping_id as metadata1_89_1_, this_.metadata_source_id as metadata2_89_1_, this_.code as code3_89_1_, this_.metadata_class as metadata4_89_1_, this_.metadata_uuid as metadata5_89_1_, this_.name as name6_89_1_, this_.description as descript7_89_1_, this_.creator as creator8_89_1_, this_.date_created as date_cre9_89_1_, this_.changed_by as changed10_89_1_, this_.date_changed as date_ch11_89_1_, this_.retired as retired12_89_1_, this_.date_retired as date_re13_89_1_, this_.retired_by as retired14_89_1_, this_.retire_reason as retire_15_89_1_, this_.uuid as uuid16_89_1_, metadataso1_.metadata_source_id as metadata1_88_0_, metadataso1_.name as name2_88_0_, metadataso1_.description as descript3_88_0_, metadataso1_.creator as creator4_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_created as date_cre5_88_0_, metadataso1_.changed_by as changed_6_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_changed as date_cha7_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired as retired8_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_retired as date_ret9_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired_by as retired10_88_0_, metadataso1_.retire_reason as retire_11_88_0_, metadataso1_.uuid as uuid12_88_0_ from metadatamapping_metadata_term_mapping this_ inner join metadatamapping_metadata_source metadataso1_ on this_.metadata_source_id=metadataso1_.metadata_source_id where this_.retired=0 and this_.code='emr.exitFromInpatientEncounterType' and metadataso1_.name='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' 36 Query select this_.encounter_type_id as encounte1_59_0_, this_.name as name2_59_0_, this_.description as descript3_59_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_59_0_, this_.creator as creator5_59_0_, this_.edit_privilege as edit_pri6_59_0_, this_.view_privilege as view_pri7_59_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_59_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_9_59_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re10_59_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_59_0_, this_.retired as retired12_59_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_59_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch14_59_0_ from encounter_type this_ where this_.uuid='181820aa-88c9-479b-9077-af92f5364329' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='icrctaskmanagement.todoList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='registrationapp.basicRegisterPatientNew' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.metadatamapping' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='dhisconnector' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.adminui.configuremetadata' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='formentryapp.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.vitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.homepage' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.homeApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.schedulingAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.requestAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.dormWaitingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.confDorm' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.conceptdictionary' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.dataManagementApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.patientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.systemAdministrationApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.clinicianFacingPatientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mergePatients' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.diagnoses' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='xforms.formentry' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.findPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.mhpss.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='chartsearch.chartSearchApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='atlas' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='reportingui.reports' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.awaitingAdmission' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.activeVisits' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mostRecentVitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.latestObsForConceptList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsAcrossEncounters' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.visitByEncounterType' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.relationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.pastEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.personalRelationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.findHSU' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.financialAssessmentPendingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='workflow.supportWaitinglist' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.ongoingEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.recentAssessment.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.forms.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.diagnosis.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.medication.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.allergies.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.visitHistory.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.investigationResult.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.specificConditions.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.planOfAction.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.latestObservation.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.relationships.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.attachments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.appointments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.icrccustomizations.createVisit' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.icrccustomizations.createRetrospectiveVisit' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.icrccustomizations.mergeVisits' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='chartsearch.chartSearchLink' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuGeneralActions.generateHSUCard' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.icrccustomizations.markPatientDead' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='xforms.formentry.cfpd' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='icrctaskmanagement.todoList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='registrationapp.basicRegisterPatientNew' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.metadatamapping' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='dhisconnector' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.adminui.configuremetadata' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='formentryapp.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.vitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.homepage' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.homeApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.schedulingAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.requestAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.dormWaitingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.confDorm' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.conceptdictionary' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.dataManagementApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.patientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.systemAdministrationApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.clinicianFacingPatientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mergePatients' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.diagnoses' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='xforms.formentry' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.findPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.mhpss.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='chartsearch.chartSearchApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='atlas' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='reportingui.reports' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.awaitingAdmission' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.activeVisits' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mostRecentVitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.latestObsForConceptList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsAcrossEncounters' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.visitByEncounterType' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.relationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.pastEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.personalRelationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.findHSU' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.financialAssessmentPendingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='workflow.supportWaitinglist' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.ongoingEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.recentAssessment.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.forms.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.diagnosis.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.medication.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.allergies.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.visitHistory.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.investigationResult.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.specificConditions.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.planOfAction.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.latestObservation.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.relationships.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.attachments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.appointments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='icrctaskmanagement.todoList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='registrationapp.basicRegisterPatientNew' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.metadatamapping' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='dhisconnector' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.adminui.configuremetadata' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='formentryapp.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.vitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.homepage' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.homeApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.schedulingAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.requestAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.dormWaitingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.confDorm' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.conceptdictionary' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.dataManagementApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.patientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.systemAdministrationApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.clinicianFacingPatientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mergePatients' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.diagnoses' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='xforms.formentry' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.findPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.mhpss.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='chartsearch.chartSearchApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='atlas' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='reportingui.reports' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.awaitingAdmission' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.activeVisits' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mostRecentVitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.latestObsForConceptList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsAcrossEncounters' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.visitByEncounterType' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.relationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.pastEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.personalRelationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.findHSU' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.financialAssessmentPendingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='workflow.supportWaitinglist' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.ongoingEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.recentAssessment.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.forms.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.diagnosis.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.medication.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.allergies.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.visitHistory.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.investigationResult.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.specificConditions.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.planOfAction.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.latestObservation.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.relationships.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.attachments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.appointments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select patient0_.patient_id as person_i1_111_, patient0_1_.uuid as uuid2_111_, patient0_1_.gender as gender3_111_, patient0_1_.birthdate as birthdat4_111_, patient0_1_.birthdate_estimated as birthdat5_111_, patient0_1_.birthtime as birthtim6_111_, patient0_1_.dead as dead7_111_, patient0_1_.death_date as death_da8_111_, patient0_1_.deathdate_estimated as deathdat9_111_, patient0_1_.cause_of_death as cause_o10_111_, patient0_1_.creator as creator11_111_, patient0_1_.date_created as date_cr12_111_, patient0_1_.changed_by as changed13_111_, patient0_1_.date_changed as date_ch14_111_, patient0_1_.voided as voided15_111_, patient0_1_.voided_by as voided_16_111_, patient0_1_.date_voided as date_vo17_111_, patient0_1_.void_reason as void_re18_111_, patient0_.patient_id as patient_1_106_, patient0_.creator as creator2_106_, patient0_.date_created as date_cre3_106_, patient0_.changed_by as changed_4_106_, patient0_.date_changed as date_cha5_106_, patient0_.voided as voided6_106_, patient0_.voided_by as voided_b7_106_, patient0_.date_voided as date_voi8_106_, patient0_.void_reason as void_rea9_106_, patient0_.allergy_status as allergy10_106_, case when exists (select * from patient p where p.patient_id = patient0_1_.person_id) then 1 else 0 end as formula1_ from patient patient0_ inner join person patient0_1_ on patient0_.patient_id=patient0_1_.person_id where patient0_1_.uuid='9e969b98-a49c-48be-87fe-313cf47d7bd6' 37 Query select personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a1_114_0_, personattr0_.uuid as uuid2_114_0_, personattr0_.name as name3_114_0_, personattr0_.description as descript4_114_0_, personattr0_.format as format5_114_0_, personattr0_.foreign_key as foreign_6_114_0_, personattr0_.sort_weight as sort_wei7_114_0_, personattr0_.searchable as searchab8_114_0_, personattr0_.creator as creator9_114_0_, personattr0_.date_created as date_cr10_114_0_, personattr0_.changed_by as changed11_114_0_, personattr0_.date_changed as date_ch12_114_0_, personattr0_.retired_by as retired13_114_0_, personattr0_.date_retired as date_re14_114_0_, personattr0_.retire_reason as retire_15_114_0_, personattr0_.retired as retired16_114_0_, personattr0_.edit_privilege as edit_pr17_114_0_ from person_attribute_type personattr0_ where personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id=9 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query select personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a1_114_0_, personattr0_.uuid as uuid2_114_0_, personattr0_.name as name3_114_0_, personattr0_.description as descript4_114_0_, personattr0_.format as format5_114_0_, personattr0_.foreign_key as foreign_6_114_0_, personattr0_.sort_weight as sort_wei7_114_0_, personattr0_.searchable as searchab8_114_0_, personattr0_.creator as creator9_114_0_, personattr0_.date_created as date_cr10_114_0_, personattr0_.changed_by as changed11_114_0_, personattr0_.date_changed as date_ch12_114_0_, personattr0_.retired_by as retired13_114_0_, personattr0_.date_retired as date_re14_114_0_, personattr0_.retire_reason as retire_15_114_0_, personattr0_.retired as retired16_114_0_, personattr0_.edit_privilege as edit_pr17_114_0_ from person_attribute_type personattr0_ where personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id=13 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a1_114_0_, personattr0_.uuid as uuid2_114_0_, personattr0_.name as name3_114_0_, personattr0_.description as descript4_114_0_, personattr0_.format as format5_114_0_, personattr0_.foreign_key as foreign_6_114_0_, personattr0_.sort_weight as sort_wei7_114_0_, personattr0_.searchable as searchab8_114_0_, personattr0_.creator as creator9_114_0_, personattr0_.date_created as date_cr10_114_0_, personattr0_.changed_by as changed11_114_0_, personattr0_.date_changed as date_ch12_114_0_, personattr0_.retired_by as retired13_114_0_, personattr0_.date_retired as date_re14_114_0_, personattr0_.retire_reason as retire_15_114_0_, personattr0_.retired as retired16_114_0_, personattr0_.edit_privilege as edit_pr17_114_0_ from person_attribute_type personattr0_ where personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id=24 36 Query select this_.metadata_term_mapping_id as metadata1_89_1_, this_.metadata_source_id as metadata2_89_1_, this_.code as code3_89_1_, this_.metadata_class as metadata4_89_1_, this_.metadata_uuid as metadata5_89_1_, this_.name as name6_89_1_, this_.description as descript7_89_1_, this_.creator as creator8_89_1_, this_.date_created as date_cre9_89_1_, this_.changed_by as changed10_89_1_, this_.date_changed as date_ch11_89_1_, this_.retired as retired12_89_1_, this_.date_retired as date_re13_89_1_, this_.retired_by as retired14_89_1_, this_.retire_reason as retire_15_89_1_, this_.uuid as uuid16_89_1_, metadataso1_.metadata_source_id as metadata1_88_0_, metadataso1_.name as name2_88_0_, metadataso1_.description as descript3_88_0_, metadataso1_.creator as creator4_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_created as date_cre5_88_0_, metadataso1_.changed_by as changed_6_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_changed as date_cha7_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired as retired8_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_retired as date_ret9_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired_by as retired10_88_0_, metadataso1_.retire_reason as retire_11_88_0_, metadataso1_.uuid as uuid12_88_0_ from metadatamapping_metadata_term_mapping this_ inner join metadatamapping_metadata_source metadataso1_ on this_.metadata_source_id=metadataso1_.metadata_source_id where this_.retired=0 and this_.code='emr.admissionEncounterType' and metadataso1_.name='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' 37 Query select personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a1_114_0_, personattr0_.uuid as uuid2_114_0_, personattr0_.name as name3_114_0_, personattr0_.description as descript4_114_0_, personattr0_.format as format5_114_0_, personattr0_.foreign_key as foreign_6_114_0_, personattr0_.sort_weight as sort_wei7_114_0_, personattr0_.searchable as searchab8_114_0_, personattr0_.creator as creator9_114_0_, personattr0_.date_created as date_cr10_114_0_, personattr0_.changed_by as changed11_114_0_, personattr0_.date_changed as date_ch12_114_0_, personattr0_.retired_by as retired13_114_0_, personattr0_.date_retired as date_re14_114_0_, personattr0_.retire_reason as retire_15_114_0_, personattr0_.retired as retired16_114_0_, personattr0_.edit_privilege as edit_pr17_114_0_ from person_attribute_type personattr0_ where personattr0_.person_attribute_type_id=39 37 Query commit 36 Query select this_.encounter_type_id as encounte1_59_0_, this_.name as name2_59_0_, this_.description as descript3_59_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_59_0_, this_.creator as creator5_59_0_, this_.edit_privilege as edit_pri6_59_0_, this_.view_privilege as view_pri7_59_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_59_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_9_59_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re10_59_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_59_0_, this_.retired as retired12_59_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_59_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch14_59_0_ from encounter_type this_ where this_.uuid='e22e39fd-7db2-45e7-80f1-60fa0d5a4378' 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query commit 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='1c3db49d-440a-11e6-a65c-00e04c680037' 36 Query select roles0_.user_id as user_id1_150_0_, roles0_.role as role2_149_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from user_role roles0_ inner join role role1_ on roles0_.role=role1_.role where roles0_.user_id=1 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='System Developer' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='System Developer' 39 Connect root@localhost on openmrs 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Has Super User Privileges' 39 Query SET SESSION default_storage_engine=InnoDB 39 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name ='language' OR Variable_name = 'net_write_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'interactive_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'wait_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_client' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_connection' OR Variable_name = 'character_set' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_server' OR Variable_name = 'tx_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'transaction_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_results' OR Variable_name = 'timezone' OR Variable_name = 'time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'system_time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'lower_case_table_names' OR Variable_name = 'max_allowed_packet' OR Variable_name = 'net_buffer_length' OR Variable_name = 'sql_mode' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_type' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_size' OR Variable_name = 'init_connect' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Has Super User Privileges' 38 Connect root@localhost on openmrs 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Has Super User Privileges' 37 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Privilege Level: High' 37 Query select this_.metadata_term_mapping_id as metadata1_89_1_, this_.metadata_source_id as metadata2_89_1_, this_.code as code3_89_1_, this_.metadata_class as metadata4_89_1_, this_.metadata_uuid as metadata5_89_1_, this_.name as name6_89_1_, this_.description as descript7_89_1_, this_.creator as creator8_89_1_, this_.date_created as date_cre9_89_1_, this_.changed_by as changed10_89_1_, this_.date_changed as date_ch11_89_1_, this_.retired as retired12_89_1_, this_.date_retired as date_re13_89_1_, this_.retired_by as retired14_89_1_, this_.retire_reason as retire_15_89_1_, this_.uuid as uuid16_89_1_, metadataso1_.metadata_source_id as metadata1_88_0_, metadataso1_.name as name2_88_0_, metadataso1_.description as descript3_88_0_, metadataso1_.creator as creator4_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_created as date_cre5_88_0_, metadataso1_.changed_by as changed_6_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_changed as date_cha7_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired as retired8_88_0_, metadataso1_.date_retired as date_ret9_88_0_, metadataso1_.retired_by as retired10_88_0_, metadataso1_.retire_reason as retire_11_88_0_, metadataso1_.uuid as uuid12_88_0_ from metadatamapping_metadata_term_mapping this_ inner join metadatamapping_metadata_source metadataso1_ on this_.metadata_source_id=metadataso1_.metadata_source_id where this_.retired=0 and this_.code='emr.exitFromInpatientEncounterType' and metadataso1_.name='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' 39 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment 39 Query SHOW COLLATION 37 Query select this_.encounter_type_id as encounte1_59_0_, this_.name as name2_59_0_, this_.description as descript3_59_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_59_0_, this_.creator as creator5_59_0_, this_.edit_privilege as edit_pri6_59_0_, this_.view_privilege as view_pri7_59_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_59_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_9_59_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re10_59_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_59_0_, this_.retired as retired12_59_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_59_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch14_59_0_ from encounter_type this_ where this_.uuid='181820aa-88c9-479b-9077-af92f5364329' 38 Query SET SESSION default_storage_engine=InnoDB 37 Query commit 38 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name ='language' OR Variable_name = 'net_write_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'interactive_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'wait_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_client' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_connection' OR Variable_name = 'character_set' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_server' OR Variable_name = 'tx_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'transaction_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_results' OR Variable_name = 'timezone' OR Variable_name = 'time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'system_time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'lower_case_table_names' OR Variable_name = 'max_allowed_packet' OR Variable_name = 'net_buffer_length' OR Variable_name = 'sql_mode' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_type' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_size' OR Variable_name = 'init_connect' 39 Query SET NAMES utf8 39 Query SET character_set_results = NULL 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES' 39 Query SELECT @@session.tx_isolation 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment 37 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query SHOW COLLATION 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query SET NAMES utf8 38 Query SET character_set_results = NULL 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES' 38 Query SELECT @@session.tx_isolation 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='icrctaskmanagement.todoList' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='registrationapp.basicRegisterPatientNew' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.metadatamapping' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='dhisconnector' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.adminui.configuremetadata' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Privilege Level: High' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='formentryapp.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.vitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.homepage' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.homeApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Writes Clinical Notes' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.schedulingAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.requestAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Writes Clinical Notes' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.dormWaitingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.confDorm' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Organizational: Doctor' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.conceptdictionary' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Organizational: Doctor' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.dataManagementApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Organizational: Doctor' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.patientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.systemAdministrationApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Writes Clinical Notes' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.clinicianFacingPatientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Uses Patient Summary' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mergePatients' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Uses Patient Summary' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.diagnoses' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Organizational: Nurse' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Organizational: Nurse' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='xforms.formentry' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Organizational: Nurse' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.findPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Uses Patient Summary' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.mhpss.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='chartsearch.chartSearchApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Uses Capture Vitals App' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='atlas' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='reportingui.reports' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Uses Capture Vitals App' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.awaitingAdmission' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Uses Capture Vitals App' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.activeVisits' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Sees Appointment Schedule' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mostRecentVitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.latestObsForConceptList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Sees Appointment Schedule' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsAcrossEncounters' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Organizational: Registration Clerk' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.visitByEncounterType' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Organizational: Registration Clerk' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Organizational: Registration Clerk' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.relationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Sees Appointment Schedule' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.pastEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Schedules Appointments' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.personalRelationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Schedules Appointments' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.findHSU' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Schedules Appointments' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.financialAssessmentPendingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Schedules And Overbooks Appointments' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='workflow.supportWaitinglist' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Schedules And Overbooks Appointments' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.ongoingEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.recentAssessment.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Organizational: Hospital Administrator' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.forms.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Organizational: Hospital Administrator' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.diagnosis.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Organizational: Hospital Administrator' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.medication.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Schedules And Overbooks Appointments' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.allergies.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Requests Appointments' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.visitHistory.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Requests Appointments' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.investigationResult.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Requests Appointments' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.specificConditions.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Registers Patients' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.planOfAction.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Registers Patients' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.latestObservation.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Registers Patients' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Records Allergies' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.relationships.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Records Allergies' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.attachments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Records Allergies' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.appointments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Manages Provider Schedules' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.realTime.endVisit' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Manages Provider Schedules' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.realTime.simpleVisitNote' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Organizational: System Administrator' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.allocateBedsToDorm' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Organizational: System Administrator' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='workflowlist.programdashboard' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Organizational: System Administrator' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuform.addClinicalConsent' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Manages Provider Schedules' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.realTime.simpleAdmission' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Manages Atlas' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.realTime.simpleDischarge' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Manages Atlas' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.realTime.simpleTransfer' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 39 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.realTime.vitals' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Manages Atlas' 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Enters Vitals' 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Enters Vitals' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Enters Vitals' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Enters ADT Events' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Enters ADT Events' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Enters ADT Events' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Edits Existing Encounters' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Edits Existing Encounters' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Edits Existing Encounters' 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Configures Metadata' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Configures Metadata' 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Configures Metadata' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Configures Forms' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Configures Forms' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Configures Forms' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Configures Appointment Scheduling' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Configures Appointment Scheduling' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Configures Appointment Scheduling' 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Application: Administers System' 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Application: Administers System' 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Application: Administers System' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Privilege Level: High' 39 Query commit 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='System Developer' 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 36 Query select privileges0_.role as role1_138_0_, privileges0_.privilege as privileg2_139_0_, privilege1_.privilege as privileg1_117_1_, privilege1_.uuid as uuid2_117_1_, privilege1_.description as descript3_117_1_ from role_privilege privileges0_ inner join privilege privilege1_ on privileges0_.privilege=privilege1_.privilege where privileges0_.role='Provider' 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query select childroles0_.parent_role as parent_r2_138_0_, childroles0_.child_role as child_ro1_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role childroles0_ inner join role role1_ on childroles0_.child_role=role1_.role where childroles0_.parent_role='Provider' 36 Query select inheritedr0_.child_role as child_ro1_138_0_, inheritedr0_.parent_role as parent_r2_140_0_, role1_.role as role1_138_1_, role1_.uuid as uuid2_138_1_, role1_.description as descript3_138_1_ from role_role inheritedr0_ inner join role role1_ on inheritedr0_.parent_role=role1_.role where inheritedr0_.child_role='Provider' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 39 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='emrapi.lastviewedpatientsizelimit' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query select userproper0_.user_id as user_id1_150_0_, userproper0_.property_value as property2_148_0_, userproper0_.property as property3_0_ from user_property userproper0_ where userproper0_.user_id=1 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='patient.namevalidationregex' 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='patient.namevalidationregex' 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='user.requireemailasusername' 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='icrctaskmanagement.todoList' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='registrationapp.basicRegisterPatientNew' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.metadatamapping' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='dhisconnector' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.adminui.configuremetadata' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='formentryapp.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.vitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.homepage' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.homeApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.schedulingAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.requestAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.dormWaitingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.confDorm' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.conceptdictionary' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.dataManagementApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.patientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.systemAdministrationApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.clinicianFacingPatientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mergePatients' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.diagnoses' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='xforms.formentry' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.findPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.mhpss.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='chartsearch.chartSearchApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='atlas' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='reportingui.reports' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.awaitingAdmission' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.activeVisits' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mostRecentVitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.latestObsForConceptList' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsAcrossEncounters' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.visitByEncounterType' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.relationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.pastEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.personalRelationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.findHSU' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.financialAssessmentPendingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='workflow.supportWaitinglist' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.ongoingEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.recentAssessment.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.forms.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.diagnosis.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.medication.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.allergies.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.visitHistory.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.investigationResult.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.specificConditions.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select given_name, middle_name, family_name, preferred from person_name where voided = 0 and person_id=1 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.planOfAction.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.latestObservation.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.relationships.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select count(*) as col_0_0_ from users user0_ where (user0_.username='Admin' or user0_.system_id='Admin' or user0_.username='admin' or user0_.system_id='admin' or user0_.system_id='Admin-9') and user0_.user_id<>1 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.attachments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.appointments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 38 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.coreapps.patientDashboard.includeFragments' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 38 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select xform0_.form_id as form_id1_157_, xform0_.uuid as uuid2_157_, xform0_.xform_xml as xform_xm3_157_, xform0_.layout_xml as layout_x4_157_, xform0_.locale_xml as locale_x5_157_, xform0_.javascript_src as javascri6_157_, xform0_.css_text as css_text7_157_, xform0_.creator as creator8_157_, xform0_.date_created as date_cre9_157_, xform0_.changed_by as changed10_157_, xform0_.date_changed as date_ch11_157_ from xforms_xform xform0_ 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query commit 38 Query rollback 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select program0_.program_id as program_1_118_, program0_.uuid as uuid2_118_, program0_.name as name3_118_, program0_.description as descript4_118_, program0_.date_created as date_cre5_118_, program0_.date_changed as date_cha6_118_, program0_.retired as retired7_118_, program0_.concept_id as concept_8_118_, program0_.outcomes_concept_id as outcomes9_118_, program0_.creator as creator10_118_, program0_.changed_by as changed11_118_ from program program0_ where program0_.uuid='b3c9c840-1c98-40b5-96b9-b22a412e4066' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.patient_program_id as patient_1_109_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_109_0_, this_.date_enrolled as date_enr3_109_0_, this_.date_completed as date_com4_109_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_109_0_, this_.voided as voided6_109_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi7_109_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea8_109_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_b9_109_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_109_0_, this_.outcome_concept_id as outcome11_109_0_, this_.program_id as program12_109_0_, this_.patient_id as patient13_109_0_, this_.creator as creator14_109_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_109_0_, this_.location_id as locatio16_109_0_ from patient_program this_ where this_.patient_id=8 and this_.voided=0 36 Query select states0_.patient_program_id as patient11_109_0_, states0_.patient_state_id as patient_1_110_0_, states0_.patient_state_id as patient_1_110_1_, states0_.uuid as uuid2_110_1_, states0_.start_date as start_da3_110_1_, states0_.end_date as end_date4_110_1_, states0_.date_created as date_cre5_110_1_, states0_.date_changed as date_cha6_110_1_, states0_.voided as voided7_110_1_, states0_.date_voided as date_voi8_110_1_, states0_.void_reason as void_rea9_110_1_, states0_.state as state10_110_1_, states0_.patient_program_id as patient11_110_1_, states0_.creator as creator12_110_1_, states0_.changed_by as changed13_110_1_, states0_.voided_by as voided_14_110_1_ from patient_state states0_ where states0_.patient_program_id=1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select program0_.program_id as program_1_118_0_, program0_.uuid as uuid2_118_0_, program0_.name as name3_118_0_, program0_.description as descript4_118_0_, program0_.date_created as date_cre5_118_0_, program0_.date_changed as date_cha6_118_0_, program0_.retired as retired7_118_0_, program0_.concept_id as concept_8_118_0_, program0_.outcomes_concept_id as outcomes9_118_0_, program0_.creator as creator10_118_0_, program0_.changed_by as changed11_118_0_ from program program0_ where program0_.program_id=1 36 Query select allworkflo0_.program_id as program_6_118_0_, allworkflo0_.program_workflow_id as program_1_119_0_, allworkflo0_.program_workflow_id as program_1_119_1_, allworkflo0_.uuid as uuid2_119_1_, allworkflo0_.date_created as date_cre3_119_1_, allworkflo0_.date_changed as date_cha4_119_1_, allworkflo0_.retired as retired5_119_1_, allworkflo0_.program_id as program_6_119_1_, allworkflo0_.concept_id as concept_7_119_1_, allworkflo0_.creator as creator8_119_1_, allworkflo0_.changed_by as changed_9_119_1_ from program_workflow allworkflo0_ where allworkflo0_.program_id=1 order by allworkflo0_.date_created asc 36 Query select states0_.program_workflow_id as program_8_119_0_, states0_.program_workflow_state_id as program_1_120_0_, states0_.program_workflow_state_id as program_1_120_1_, states0_.uuid as uuid2_120_1_, states0_.initial as initial3_120_1_, states0_.terminal as terminal4_120_1_, states0_.date_created as date_cre5_120_1_, states0_.date_changed as date_cha6_120_1_, states0_.retired as retired7_120_1_, states0_.program_workflow_id as program_8_120_1_, states0_.concept_id as concept_9_120_1_, states0_.creator as creator10_120_1_, states0_.changed_by as changed11_120_1_ from program_workflow_state states0_ where states0_.program_workflow_id=5 order by states0_.date_created asc 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.relationship_id as relation1_130_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_130_0_, this_.start_date as start_da3_130_0_, this_.end_date as end_date4_130_0_, this_.voided as voided5_130_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_130_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_130_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre8_130_0_, this_.person_a as person_a9_130_0_, this_.person_b as person_10_130_0_, this_.relationship as relatio11_130_0_, this_.creator as creator12_130_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_13_130_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_130_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_130_0_ from relationship this_ where this_.person_a=8 and this_.voided=0 36 Query select this_.relationship_id as relation1_130_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_130_0_, this_.start_date as start_da3_130_0_, this_.end_date as end_date4_130_0_, this_.voided as voided5_130_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi6_130_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea7_130_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre8_130_0_, this_.person_a as person_a9_130_0_, this_.person_b as person_10_130_0_, this_.relationship as relatio11_130_0_, this_.creator as creator12_130_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_13_130_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_130_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_130_0_ from relationship this_ where this_.person_b=8 and this_.voided=0 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select relationsh0_.relationship_type_id as relation1_131_0_, relationsh0_.uuid as uuid2_131_0_, relationsh0_.a_is_to_b as a_is_to_3_131_0_, relationsh0_.b_is_to_a as b_is_to_4_131_0_, relationsh0_.description as descript5_131_0_, relationsh0_.preferred as preferre6_131_0_, relationsh0_.weight as weight7_131_0_, relationsh0_.date_created as date_cre8_131_0_, relationsh0_.creator as creator9_131_0_, relationsh0_.retired_by as retired10_131_0_, relationsh0_.date_retired as date_re11_131_0_, relationsh0_.retire_reason as retire_12_131_0_, relationsh0_.retired as retired13_131_0_, relationsh0_.changed_by as changed14_131_0_, relationsh0_.date_changed as date_ch15_131_0_ from relationship_type relationsh0_ where relationsh0_.relationship_type_id=9 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:06:03 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.provider_id as provider1_121_0_, this_.person_id as person_i2_121_0_, this_.name as name3_121_0_, this_.identifier as identifi4_121_0_, this_.creator as creator5_121_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre6_121_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_7_121_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_121_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_9_121_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re10_121_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_121_0_, this_.retired as retired12_121_0_, this_.uuid as uuid13_121_0_, this_.provider_role_id as provide14_121_0_ from provider this_ order by this_.retired asc, this_.name asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select attributes0_.person_id as person_i3_111_1_, attributes0_.person_attribute_id as person_a1_113_1_, attributes0_.person_attribute_id as person_a1_113_0_, attributes0_.uuid as uuid2_113_0_, attributes0_.person_id as person_i3_113_0_, attributes0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a4_113_0_, attributes0_.value as value5_113_0_, attributes0_.creator as creator6_113_0_, attributes0_.date_created as date_cre7_113_0_, attributes0_.changed_by as changed_8_113_0_, attributes0_.date_changed as date_cha9_113_0_, attributes0_.voided_by as voided_10_113_0_, attributes0_.date_voided as date_vo11_113_0_, attributes0_.voided as voided12_113_0_, attributes0_.void_reason as void_re13_113_0_ from person_attribute attributes0_ where attributes0_.person_id=3 36 Query select names0_.person_id as person_i4_111_1_, names0_.person_name_id as person_n1_116_1_, names0_.person_name_id as person_n1_116_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid2_116_0_, names0_.preferred as preferre3_116_0_, names0_.person_id as person_i4_116_0_, names0_.prefix as prefix5_116_0_, names0_.given_name as given_na6_116_0_, names0_.middle_name as middle_n7_116_0_, names0_.family_name_prefix as family_n8_116_0_, names0_.family_name as family_n9_116_0_, names0_.family_name2 as family_10_116_0_, names0_.family_name_suffix as family_11_116_0_, names0_.degree as degree12_116_0_, names0_.creator as creator13_116_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cr14_116_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed15_116_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch16_116_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_17_116_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_vo18_116_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_re19_116_0_, names0_.voided as voided20_116_0_ from person_name names0_ where names0_.person_id=3 order by names0_.voided asc, names0_.preferred desc, names0_.date_created desc 36 Query select addresses0_.person_id as person_i3_111_1_, addresses0_.person_address_id as person_a1_112_1_, addresses0_.person_address_id as person_a1_112_0_, addresses0_.uuid as uuid2_112_0_, addresses0_.person_id as person_i3_112_0_, addresses0_.address1 as address4_112_0_, addresses0_.address2 as address5_112_0_, addresses0_.city_village as city_vil6_112_0_, addresses0_.state_province as state_pr7_112_0_, addresses0_.postal_code as postal_c8_112_0_, addresses0_.country as country9_112_0_, addresses0_.latitude as latitud10_112_0_, addresses0_.longitude as longitu11_112_0_, addresses0_.county_district as county_12_112_0_, addresses0_.address3 as address13_112_0_, addresses0_.address4 as address14_112_0_, addresses0_.address6 as address15_112_0_, addresses0_.address5 as address16_112_0_, addresses0_.address7 as address17_112_0_, addresses0_.address8 as address18_112_0_, addresses0_.address9 as address19_112_0_, addresses0_.address10 as address20_112_0_, addresses0_.address11 as address21_112_0_, addresses0_.address12 as address22_112_0_, addresses0_.address13 as address23_112_0_, addresses0_.address14 as address24_112_0_, addresses0_.address15 as address25_112_0_, addresses0_.creator as creator26_112_0_, addresses0_.date_created as date_cr27_112_0_, addresses0_.voided_by as voided_28_112_0_, addresses0_.date_voided as date_vo29_112_0_, addresses0_.void_reason as void_re30_112_0_, addresses0_.voided as voided31_112_0_, addresses0_.preferred as preferr32_112_0_, addresses0_.changed_by as changed33_112_0_, addresses0_.date_changed as date_ch34_112_0_, addresses0_.start_date as start_d35_112_0_, addresses0_.end_date as end_dat36_112_0_ from person_address addresses0_ where addresses0_.person_id=3 order by addresses0_.voided asc, addresses0_.preferred desc, addresses0_.date_created desc 36 Query select attributes0_.person_id as person_i3_111_1_, attributes0_.person_attribute_id as person_a1_113_1_, attributes0_.person_attribute_id as person_a1_113_0_, attributes0_.uuid as uuid2_113_0_, attributes0_.person_id as person_i3_113_0_, attributes0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a4_113_0_, attributes0_.value as value5_113_0_, attributes0_.creator as creator6_113_0_, attributes0_.date_created as date_cre7_113_0_, attributes0_.changed_by as changed_8_113_0_, attributes0_.date_changed as date_cha9_113_0_, attributes0_.voided_by as voided_10_113_0_, attributes0_.date_voided as date_vo11_113_0_, attributes0_.voided as voided12_113_0_, attributes0_.void_reason as void_re13_113_0_ from person_attribute attributes0_ where attributes0_.person_id=4 36 Query select names0_.person_id as person_i4_111_1_, names0_.person_name_id as person_n1_116_1_, names0_.person_name_id as person_n1_116_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid2_116_0_, names0_.preferred as preferre3_116_0_, names0_.person_id as person_i4_116_0_, names0_.prefix as prefix5_116_0_, names0_.given_name as given_na6_116_0_, names0_.middle_name as middle_n7_116_0_, names0_.family_name_prefix as family_n8_116_0_, names0_.family_name as family_n9_116_0_, names0_.family_name2 as family_10_116_0_, names0_.family_name_suffix as family_11_116_0_, names0_.degree as degree12_116_0_, names0_.creator as creator13_116_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cr14_116_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed15_116_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch16_116_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_17_116_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_vo18_116_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_re19_116_0_, names0_.voided as voided20_116_0_ from person_name names0_ where names0_.person_id=4 order by names0_.voided asc, names0_.preferred desc, names0_.date_created desc 36 Query select addresses0_.person_id as person_i3_111_1_, addresses0_.person_address_id as person_a1_112_1_, addresses0_.person_address_id as person_a1_112_0_, addresses0_.uuid as uuid2_112_0_, addresses0_.person_id as person_i3_112_0_, addresses0_.address1 as address4_112_0_, addresses0_.address2 as address5_112_0_, addresses0_.city_village as city_vil6_112_0_, addresses0_.state_province as state_pr7_112_0_, addresses0_.postal_code as postal_c8_112_0_, addresses0_.country as country9_112_0_, addresses0_.latitude as latitud10_112_0_, addresses0_.longitude as longitu11_112_0_, addresses0_.county_district as county_12_112_0_, addresses0_.address3 as address13_112_0_, addresses0_.address4 as address14_112_0_, addresses0_.address6 as address15_112_0_, addresses0_.address5 as address16_112_0_, addresses0_.address7 as address17_112_0_, addresses0_.address8 as address18_112_0_, addresses0_.address9 as address19_112_0_, addresses0_.address10 as address20_112_0_, addresses0_.address11 as address21_112_0_, addresses0_.address12 as address22_112_0_, addresses0_.address13 as address23_112_0_, addresses0_.address14 as address24_112_0_, addresses0_.address15 as address25_112_0_, addresses0_.creator as creator26_112_0_, addresses0_.date_created as date_cr27_112_0_, addresses0_.voided_by as voided_28_112_0_, addresses0_.date_voided as date_vo29_112_0_, addresses0_.void_reason as void_re30_112_0_, addresses0_.voided as voided31_112_0_, addresses0_.preferred as preferr32_112_0_, addresses0_.changed_by as changed33_112_0_, addresses0_.date_changed as date_ch34_112_0_, addresses0_.start_date as start_d35_112_0_, addresses0_.end_date as end_dat36_112_0_ from person_address addresses0_ where addresses0_.person_id=4 order by addresses0_.voided asc, addresses0_.preferred desc, addresses0_.date_created desc 36 Query select attributes0_.person_id as person_i3_111_1_, attributes0_.person_attribute_id as person_a1_113_1_, attributes0_.person_attribute_id as person_a1_113_0_, attributes0_.uuid as uuid2_113_0_, attributes0_.person_id as person_i3_113_0_, attributes0_.person_attribute_type_id as person_a4_113_0_, attributes0_.value as value5_113_0_, attributes0_.creator as creator6_113_0_, attributes0_.date_created as date_cre7_113_0_, attributes0_.changed_by as changed_8_113_0_, attributes0_.date_changed as date_cha9_113_0_, attributes0_.voided_by as voided_10_113_0_, attributes0_.date_voided as date_vo11_113_0_, attributes0_.voided as voided12_113_0_, attributes0_.void_reason as void_re13_113_0_ from person_attribute attributes0_ where attributes0_.person_id=5 36 Query select names0_.person_id as person_i4_111_1_, names0_.person_name_id as person_n1_116_1_, names0_.person_name_id as person_n1_116_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid2_116_0_, names0_.preferred as preferre3_116_0_, names0_.person_id as person_i4_116_0_, names0_.prefix as prefix5_116_0_, names0_.given_name as given_na6_116_0_, names0_.middle_name as middle_n7_116_0_, names0_.family_name_prefix as family_n8_116_0_, names0_.family_name as family_n9_116_0_, names0_.family_name2 as family_10_116_0_, names0_.family_name_suffix as family_11_116_0_, names0_.degree as degree12_116_0_, names0_.creator as creator13_116_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cr14_116_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed15_116_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch16_116_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_17_116_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_vo18_116_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_re19_116_0_, names0_.voided as voided20_116_0_ from person_name names0_ where names0_.person_id=5 order by names0_.voided asc, names0_.preferred desc, names0_.date_created desc 36 Query select addresses0_.person_id as person_i3_111_1_, addresses0_.person_address_id as person_a1_112_1_, addresses0_.person_address_id as person_a1_112_0_, addresses0_.uuid as uuid2_112_0_, addresses0_.person_id as person_i3_112_0_, addresses0_.address1 as address4_112_0_, addresses0_.address2 as address5_112_0_, addresses0_.city_village as city_vil6_112_0_, addresses0_.state_province as state_pr7_112_0_, addresses0_.postal_code as postal_c8_112_0_, addresses0_.country as country9_112_0_, addresses0_.latitude as latitud10_112_0_, addresses0_.longitude as longitu11_112_0_, addresses0_.county_district as county_12_112_0_, addresses0_.address3 as address13_112_0_, addresses0_.address4 as address14_112_0_, addresses0_.address6 as address15_112_0_, addresses0_.address5 as address16_112_0_, addresses0_.address7 as address17_112_0_, addresses0_.address8 as address18_112_0_, addresses0_.address9 as address19_112_0_, addresses0_.address10 as address20_112_0_, addresses0_.address11 as address21_112_0_, addresses0_.address12 as address22_112_0_, addresses0_.address13 as address23_112_0_, addresses0_.address14 as address24_112_0_, addresses0_.address15 as address25_112_0_, addresses0_.creator as creator26_112_0_, addresses0_.date_created as date_cr27_112_0_, addresses0_.voided_by as voided_28_112_0_, addresses0_.date_voided as date_vo29_112_0_, addresses0_.void_reason as void_re30_112_0_, addresses0_.voided as voided31_112_0_, addresses0_.preferred as preferr32_112_0_, addresses0_.changed_by as changed33_112_0_, addresses0_.date_changed as date_ch34_112_0_, addresses0_.start_date as start_d35_112_0_, addresses0_.end_date as end_dat36_112_0_ from person_address addresses0_ where addresses0_.person_id=5 order by addresses0_.voided asc, addresses0_.preferred desc, addresses0_.date_created desc 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.location_id as location1_81_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_81_0_, this_.name as name3_81_0_, this_.description as descript4_81_0_, this_.address1 as address5_81_0_, this_.address2 as address6_81_0_, this_.city_village as city_vil7_81_0_, this_.state_province as state_pr8_81_0_, this_.country as country9_81_0_, this_.postal_code as postal_10_81_0_, this_.latitude as latitud11_81_0_, this_.longitude as longitu12_81_0_, this_.county_district as county_13_81_0_, this_.address3 as address14_81_0_, this_.address4 as address15_81_0_, this_.address6 as address16_81_0_, this_.address5 as address17_81_0_, this_.address7 as address18_81_0_, this_.address8 as address19_81_0_, this_.address9 as address20_81_0_, this_.address10 as address21_81_0_, this_.address11 as address22_81_0_, this_.address12 as address23_81_0_, this_.address13 as address24_81_0_, this_.address14 as address25_81_0_, this_.address15 as address26_81_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr27_81_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch28_81_0_, this_.parent_location as parent_29_81_0_, this_.changed_by as changed30_81_0_, this_.creator as creator31_81_0_, this_.retired_by as retired32_81_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re33_81_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_34_81_0_, this_.retired as retired35_81_0_ from location this_ where this_.retired=0 order by this_.name asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='htmlformentry.showdateformat' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='htmlformentry.dateformat' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='htmlformentry.dateformat' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='htmlformentry.datepickeryearsrange' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1594481f-ae2b-47ea-a82d-8d8376d8690b' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9102c729-4498-427b-85ce-31237ca020dc' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='cca7a220-f754-4975-a455-730ea1d0d806' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='217a38f6-6680-42cb-b85a-3bc8e20da218' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='bca6a717-76b4-4228-9141-28f502bc9e6f' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='53c32272-7b01-492d-aafa-914a324ef7a7' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='17be1f80-5e50-4baa-88a0-721cb59cd12b' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='845bdb30-3d30-47ae-832f-ca0be9b0394a' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='daf77fa2-0d5e-4ac2-85d9-422e1f06042c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_class_id as concept_1_32_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_32_0_, this_.name as name3_32_0_, this_.description as descript4_32_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_32_0_, this_.creator as creator6_32_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_7_32_0_, this_.date_retired as date_ret8_32_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_r9_32_0_, this_.retired as retired10_32_0_, this_.changed_by as changed11_32_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch12_32_0_ from concept_class this_ where this_.name='Location' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, this_.name as name3_37_0_, this_.locale as locale4_37_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, this_.creator as creator6_37_0_, this_.voided as voided7_37_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, this_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, this_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, this_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, this_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name this_ where (this_.concept_name_id in (143681)) 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1990746, 1990664, 1990745, 164181, 1980566, 1970643, 1970555, 1970556, 1970557, 1970558, 1970559, 1970560) 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b271c8e3-0be3-4e2e-b673-2444eda31b10' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1970541, 1990664, 1990745, 164181, 1980566, 1970643, 1970555, 1970556, 1970557, 1970558, 1970559, 1970560) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b271c8e3-0be3-4e2e-b673-2444eda31b10' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000033 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1980560, 1970561, 1970562, 1970563, 5622, 1970644, 1970645, 1970642, 1970541, 2000033, 1980561, 1980562) 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1980564, 1980565) 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1594481f-ae2b-47ea-a82d-8d8376d8690b' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1594481f-ae2b-47ea-a82d-8d8376d8690b' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9102c729-4498-427b-85ce-31237ca020dc' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9102c729-4498-427b-85ce-31237ca020dc' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='cca7a220-f754-4975-a455-730ea1d0d806' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='cca7a220-f754-4975-a455-730ea1d0d806' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='217a38f6-6680-42cb-b85a-3bc8e20da218' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='217a38f6-6680-42cb-b85a-3bc8e20da218' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='bca6a717-76b4-4228-9141-28f502bc9e6f' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='bca6a717-76b4-4228-9141-28f502bc9e6f' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='53c32272-7b01-492d-aafa-914a324ef7a7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='53c32272-7b01-492d-aafa-914a324ef7a7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='17be1f80-5e50-4baa-88a0-721cb59cd12b' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='17be1f80-5e50-4baa-88a0-721cb59cd12b' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='845bdb30-3d30-47ae-832f-ca0be9b0394a' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='845bdb30-3d30-47ae-832f-ca0be9b0394a' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='daf77fa2-0d5e-4ac2-85d9-422e1f06042c' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='daf77fa2-0d5e-4ac2-85d9-422e1f06042c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c85588eb-cf69-4f66-b3d4-c7869d323fb7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1980554, 1970653, 1970562, 1970563, 5622, 1970644, 1970645, 1970642, 1990746, 2000033, 1980560, 1980561, 1980562, 1980564, 1980565, 1980558, 1970647, 196025, 2000037, 1970648, 1970650, 1970651, 1980557, 1980555, 1970652) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1066, 1980558, 1970647, 196025, 2000037, 1970648, 1980554, 1970650, 1970651, 1980557, 1980555, 1970652) 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1065, 1970653) 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1970572, 1970571) 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1970654, 1990814, 1970664, 1980572, 1970724, 1980633, 1980573, 1970665, 1980635, 2000043, 1980630, 1970655, 1980568, 1970656, 2000044, 1970657, 1980634, 1980569, 1980624, 155, 2000045, 1980570, 1980571, 1990813, 1980636) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1980629, 1980633, 1980573, 1970665, 1970666, 1970667, 1980575, 1970669, 1970573, 1970656, 2000044, 1970657, 1980634, 1980569, 1980624, 155, 2000045, 1980570, 1980571, 1990813, 1980636, 1990814, 1970664, 1980572, 1970724) 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1970575, 1980625, 2000042, 1970654, 1980635, 2000043, 1980630, 1970655, 1980568, 1970574) 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1980627, 1980628, 1980626) 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (119394, 142473, 118624, 139069, 140147, 138291, 117399, 117386, 113018, 115735, 148196, 115428, 141563, 142317, 141788, 129159, 134082, 113918, 121532, 1295, 119956, 128148, 119481, 130714, 142474) 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (163986, 148546, 153659, 121375, 157792, 128101, 134026, 119092, 113227, 113237, 117703, 124944, 123240, 134161, 121011, 127437, 5016, 149871, 145438, 113338, 115303, 158812, 117642, 113378, 143624) 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (124125, 127376) 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (129075, 157606, 135046, 126951, 126950, 158744, 126945, 126933, 126932, 126926, 126924, 158743, 126917, 126915, 126909, 126907, 126906, 128799, 157603, 157622, 115986, 113701, 115968, 115958, 113716) 37 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (147853, 147598, 121188, 147840, 121194, 147623, 121186, 157950, 147603, 157928, 133208, 133330, 121202, 121171, 121190, 147845, 147728, 133293, 133278, 147905, 121206, 116072, 147786, 147742, 147762) 37 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (135122, 113079, 126930, 126928, 133258, 157623, 128710, 157611, 157608, 157599, 152201, 152200, 113684, 128695, 116049, 135115, 135228, 135057, 128779, 115963, 134756, 152207, 126952, 126939, 126936) 37 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (115340, 147619, 147601, 155276, 155267, 156672, 147866, 121207, 147693, 157926, 133317, 133328, 133312, 133325, 133302, 126905, 126903, 126899, 158745, 158746, 147692, 147689, 155273, 155274, 155269) 37 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (147750, 115720, 147620, 147606, 117918, 147858, 155261, 147832, 147825, 155263, 152491, 147805) 37 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (147779, 155264, 147796, 147760, 147758, 121175, 147699) 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1067, 186057, 186058) 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1970666, 119394, 113018, 115735, 148196, 115428, 141563, 142317, 1970667, 1980575, 1970669, 1980629, 1970573, 1970574, 1970575, 1980628, 1980627, 1980626, 127376, 163986, 153659, 121375, 157792, 128101, 134026) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Connect root@localhost on openmrs 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 40 Query SET SESSION default_storage_engine=InnoDB 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name ='language' OR Variable_name = 'net_write_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'interactive_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'wait_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_client' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_connection' OR Variable_name = 'character_set' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_server' OR Variable_name = 'tx_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'transaction_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_results' OR Variable_name = 'timezone' OR Variable_name = 'time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'system_time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'lower_case_table_names' OR Variable_name = 'max_allowed_packet' OR Variable_name = 'net_buffer_length' OR Variable_name = 'sql_mode' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_type' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_size' OR Variable_name = 'init_connect' 39 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment 39 Query rollback 40 Query SHOW COLLATION 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='68547c22-0137-4630-9bed-c9c88a7fc64b' 40 Query SET NAMES utf8 40 Query SET character_set_results = NULL 36 Query commit 40 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query SET sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES' 40 Query SELECT @@session.tx_isolation 36 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='3a3ff28f-b831-4601-92cf-6b35be6ae25e' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='3a3ff28f-b831-4601-92cf-6b35be6ae25e' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='68547c22-0137-4630-9bed-c9c88a7fc64b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e7c5c067-3bc1-48d0-9346-5fb5163424d5' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e7c5c067-3bc1-48d0-9346-5fb5163424d5' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='68547c22-0137-4630-9bed-c9c88a7fc64b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6b3dde4c-0e9e-4096-833e-5553c8e8ef7c' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6b3dde4c-0e9e-4096-833e-5553c8e8ef7c' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='68547c22-0137-4630-9bed-c9c88a7fc64b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='96fe7eed-d2b9-45b2-ac32-06295cba2ae8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='96fe7eed-d2b9-45b2-ac32-06295cba2ae8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='68547c22-0137-4630-9bed-c9c88a7fc64b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b02dad81-2121-4859-bb19-f8003dfb02a1' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b02dad81-2121-4859-bb19-f8003dfb02a1' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='68547c22-0137-4630-9bed-c9c88a7fc64b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='07e3f8ab-6c56-4afd-abc1-311771eea144' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='07e3f8ab-6c56-4afd-abc1-311771eea144' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='68547c22-0137-4630-9bed-c9c88a7fc64b' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2e9290c6-9b95-4dcf-9ded-0617b690c113' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2e9290c6-9b95-4dcf-9ded-0617b690c113' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='68547c22-0137-4630-9bed-c9c88a7fc64b' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0cd4f178-6a07-49b7-b2d9-4e07038baaaf' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0cd4f178-6a07-49b7-b2d9-4e07038baaaf' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='68547c22-0137-4630-9bed-c9c88a7fc64b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='39a73032-d5a0-473b-afc6-f9fde93e0085' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='39a73032-d5a0-473b-afc6-f9fde93e0085' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='68547c22-0137-4630-9bed-c9c88a7fc64b' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1970672, 1980576, 1980577, 1980578, 1980579, 1980580, 1980581, 1980582, 1990720, 1980583, 1990636, 1970671, 1990635, 1970673, 135115, 135122, 135228, 135057, 128779, 115963, 134756, 186057, 186058, 1067, 1980584) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000041 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (2000040, 1980584, 1980576, 1980577, 1980578, 1980579, 1980580, 1980581, 1980582, 1990720, 1980583, 1990636) 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1990804, 1970671, 1970672, 1990635, 1970673, 1980587, 2000039, 2000041) 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:06:04 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000041 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000041 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000041 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000041 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000041 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000041 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000041 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000041 order by this_.sort_weight asc 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000041 order by this_.sort_weight asc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=2000041 order by this_.sort_weight asc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:06:05 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.backend' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1980608, 1980589, 1980588, 1980590, 1980591, 1990802, 1990803, 5258, 1980594, 892, 1990811, 175160, 1980609, 1980600, 1970675, 1970676, 2000041, 2000040, 1990804, 1990805, 1990806, 1990807, 1990808, 1990809, 1990810) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (175160, 1990805, 1990806, 1990807, 1990808, 1990809, 1990810, 1980589, 1980588, 1980590, 1980591, 1990802) 37 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1970723, 1990803, 5258, 1980594, 892, 1990811, 1980609, 1980600, 1980608, 1970675, 1970676, 175161) 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6eb5f836-08a6-4758-b741-92dc27ddf6fe' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='ccda3be7-2cc1-404e-84e8-342bc00c2c5a' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='64763356-9f89-4161-84a9-0bcd18c71c03' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e7ce58dd-81a2-41c0-9628-96c7f7bc00ac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='64f5c019-5322-43ca-9a01-d204b7250a01' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c748e4ce-df81-4bbf-a8fb-5ed64b346530' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161252' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:06 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='bba1a807-1a33-4cc5-8001-2d4d0f160e15' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2360e0c8-f6c1-46ff-aae3-1be910d8ef61' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b09cebb6-0435-4ff4-9c63-fd4ad218c2d2' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0ebfb195-3d4c-465c-92a2-667496235969' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='19e00745-c0a2-48f2-b6ef-91a45e063958' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8292fe98-2c31-463d-94c4-1be6ca914229' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9b5082ef-06dd-4a04-a968-6be2c90e6d21' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='54a8438a-a286-436a-8164-3775a6498174' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6788cf54-9760-4e87-8a1b-8f8624615a30' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='152370' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:06:07 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:07', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:07' where task_config_id=4 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0fb5f193-0cdb-4fa4-817b-dc5b97d99051' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7e445735-a158-44bd-82f4-a77e28b6c622' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='4e16ca37-4e16-4199-a44f-6dcd6cd5b925' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0eca123d-8de5-40ca-bf7f-bc164af85fcc' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='d6cb1b7d-ada8-461c-9b63-24cd32e8f581' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b2fafa07-53cb-4d79-86c8-3c07d1632b48' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1970678, 1970582, 1970587, 1970588, 1970578, 1970577, 1970597, 1970589, 1970581, 1970584, 1970585, 1970592, 1970586, 1970591, 1970590, 1970593, 1970580, 1970695, 1970697, 1980610, 1970679, 1970579, 1980616, 1970576, 1970583) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6eb5f836-08a6-4758-b741-92dc27ddf6fe' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6eb5f836-08a6-4758-b741-92dc27ddf6fe' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='ccda3be7-2cc1-404e-84e8-342bc00c2c5a' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='ccda3be7-2cc1-404e-84e8-342bc00c2c5a' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='64763356-9f89-4161-84a9-0bcd18c71c03' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='64763356-9f89-4161-84a9-0bcd18c71c03' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e7ce58dd-81a2-41c0-9628-96c7f7bc00ac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e7ce58dd-81a2-41c0-9628-96c7f7bc00ac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='64f5c019-5322-43ca-9a01-d204b7250a01' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='64f5c019-5322-43ca-9a01-d204b7250a01' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c748e4ce-df81-4bbf-a8fb-5ed64b346530' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c748e4ce-df81-4bbf-a8fb-5ed64b346530' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161252' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:08 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161252' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:09 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='bba1a807-1a33-4cc5-8001-2d4d0f160e15' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='bba1a807-1a33-4cc5-8001-2d4d0f160e15' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2360e0c8-f6c1-46ff-aae3-1be910d8ef61' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2360e0c8-f6c1-46ff-aae3-1be910d8ef61' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b09cebb6-0435-4ff4-9c63-fd4ad218c2d2' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b09cebb6-0435-4ff4-9c63-fd4ad218c2d2' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0ebfb195-3d4c-465c-92a2-667496235969' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0ebfb195-3d4c-465c-92a2-667496235969' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='19e00745-c0a2-48f2-b6ef-91a45e063958' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='19e00745-c0a2-48f2-b6ef-91a45e063958' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8292fe98-2c31-463d-94c4-1be6ca914229' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8292fe98-2c31-463d-94c4-1be6ca914229' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9b5082ef-06dd-4a04-a968-6be2c90e6d21' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9b5082ef-06dd-4a04-a968-6be2c90e6d21' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='54a8438a-a286-436a-8164-3775a6498174' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='54a8438a-a286-436a-8164-3775a6498174' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6788cf54-9760-4e87-8a1b-8f8624615a30' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6788cf54-9760-4e87-8a1b-8f8624615a30' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='152370' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:10 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='152370' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:11 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('SCHEDULED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('REQUESTED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0fb5f193-0cdb-4fa4-817b-dc5b97d99051' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0fb5f193-0cdb-4fa4-817b-dc5b97d99051' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7e445735-a158-44bd-82f4-a77e28b6c622' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7e445735-a158-44bd-82f4-a77e28b6c622' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='4e16ca37-4e16-4199-a44f-6dcd6cd5b925' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='4e16ca37-4e16-4199-a44f-6dcd6cd5b925' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0eca123d-8de5-40ca-bf7f-bc164af85fcc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0eca123d-8de5-40ca-bf7f-bc164af85fcc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='d6cb1b7d-ada8-461c-9b63-24cd32e8f581' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='d6cb1b7d-ada8-461c-9b63-24cd32e8f581' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e2fcd0df-0f5d-42f2-8316-dd7666e22d1c' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b2fafa07-53cb-4d79-86c8-3c07d1632b48' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b2fafa07-53cb-4d79-86c8-3c07d1632b48' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1970680, 126930, 126928, 133258, 157623, 128710, 157611, 157608, 157599, 152201, 152200, 113684, 128695, 116049, 1980587, 2000039, 1970723, 175161, 1970630, 1970681, 152207, 126952, 126939, 126936, 113079) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1970682, 1970687, 1970688, 1970689, 1970690, 1970691, 1970692, 1970693, 126924, 158743, 126917, 126915, 126909, 126907, 126906, 126905, 126903, 126899, 158745, 158746, 1980637, 1970683, 1970684, 1970685, 1970686) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1980613, 1970695, 1970697, 1970680, 1970681, 1980637, 1970682, 1970683, 1970684, 1970685, 1970686, 1970687, 1970688, 1970689, 1970690, 1970691, 1970692, 1970693, 1980612, 1980614, 1970586, 1970591, 1970590, 1970593, 1970580) 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1970598, 1970630, 1970678, 1980610, 1970679, 1970579, 1980616, 1970576, 1970583, 1970582, 1970587, 1970588) 40 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1970601, 1970578, 1970577, 1970597, 1970589, 1970581, 1970584, 1970585, 1970592, 1970599) 40 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id=1970600 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1980615, 174508) 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5090' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:12', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:12' where task_config_id=4 190220 16:06:12 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5089' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:13 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='1342' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:14 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5088' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:15 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5087' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5085' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:16 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5086' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 190220 16:06:17 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:17', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:17' where task_config_id=4 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5242' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:18 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='1343' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:19 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='509bfe35-65ac-4acd-a049-b4dd394a687e' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e022b147-9c4c-4239-a8b5-75738236d9cc' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='eec207ea-c518-41e9-9829-908d34838501' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c75692c2-5c76-4d47-88e2-e5efe28c6268' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='49664e06-d0de-4f00-adf9-8f9f6b73e1e6' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='179cb575-e161-4579-936b-3d4b78e04e0f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='a906b7c9-72f4-438b-a9e3-abf1b130e1b2' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='51fb9889-33f3-49e5-aacc-474ce09c7990' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='dcf27408-1ede-43c1-8fc8-174842cb786b' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='3e2ed33c-c026-406f-965d-c442c8c0ddd7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b1e178ce-bf08-4f34-b21c-6979cdf05072' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='083d6d78-6045-4db5-b7c4-f4cfe8257962' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5090' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:20 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5089' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:21 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='1342' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:22', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:22' where task_config_id=4 190220 16:06:22 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5088' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:23 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5087' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:24 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5085' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:25 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5086' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:26 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5242' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:27', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:27' where task_config_id=4 40 Query commit 190220 16:06:27 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='1343' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:28 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='509bfe35-65ac-4acd-a049-b4dd394a687e' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='509bfe35-65ac-4acd-a049-b4dd394a687e' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e022b147-9c4c-4239-a8b5-75738236d9cc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e022b147-9c4c-4239-a8b5-75738236d9cc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='eec207ea-c518-41e9-9829-908d34838501' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='eec207ea-c518-41e9-9829-908d34838501' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c75692c2-5c76-4d47-88e2-e5efe28c6268' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c75692c2-5c76-4d47-88e2-e5efe28c6268' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='49664e06-d0de-4f00-adf9-8f9f6b73e1e6' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='49664e06-d0de-4f00-adf9-8f9f6b73e1e6' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='179cb575-e161-4579-936b-3d4b78e04e0f' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='179cb575-e161-4579-936b-3d4b78e04e0f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='a906b7c9-72f4-438b-a9e3-abf1b130e1b2' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='a906b7c9-72f4-438b-a9e3-abf1b130e1b2' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='51fb9889-33f3-49e5-aacc-474ce09c7990' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='51fb9889-33f3-49e5-aacc-474ce09c7990' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='dcf27408-1ede-43c1-8fc8-174842cb786b' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='dcf27408-1ede-43c1-8fc8-174842cb786b' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='3e2ed33c-c026-406f-965d-c442c8c0ddd7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='3e2ed33c-c026-406f-965d-c442c8c0ddd7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b1e178ce-bf08-4f34-b21c-6979cdf05072' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b1e178ce-bf08-4f34-b21c-6979cdf05072' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='083d6d78-6045-4db5-b7c4-f4cfe8257962' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='083d6d78-6045-4db5-b7c4-f4cfe8257962' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9129a4ad-6f6e-4877-ae10-6d6cb4d19502' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e78f866c-b9a8-4e7c-9d9e-75b509e5a64b' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e78f866c-b9a8-4e7c-9d9e-75b509e5a64b' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1626c411-476f-4d05-8f53-15c7fb20dfac' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='6c640894-88f6-429d-8561-f1c1678f45e8' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:06:29 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb0d9d3-b516-4788-a27b-87be92064781' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f4e2661b-dc8b-47fc-a6d3-51a6027e6ec7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c2fd8b0b-1201-460c-bb00-88646b641916' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='552e4a61-d9e1-46f7-bb32-6d68edce4f51' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e78f866c-b9a8-4e7c-9d9e-75b509e5a64b' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e78f866c-b9a8-4e7c-9d9e-75b509e5a64b' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e78f866c-b9a8-4e7c-9d9e-75b509e5a64b' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69a8b156-fb5b-4b30-87a9-5caf2953ea53' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e78f866c-b9a8-4e7c-9d9e-75b509e5a64b' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e78f866c-b9a8-4e7c-9d9e-75b509e5a64b' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e78f866c-b9a8-4e7c-9d9e-75b509e5a64b' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f5eac4d-f483-4bba-87ee-2b1fd71800f1' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='088facde-f3ce-4c25-8265-119e404af292' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b144c539-3d11-453d-9770-f70b5c543cfc' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='52485523-a1c3-4311-bd47-17ca4f2079c7' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query rollback 40 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Connect root@localhost on openmrs 39 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query SET SESSION default_storage_engine=InnoDB 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name ='language' OR Variable_name = 'net_write_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'interactive_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'wait_timeout' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_client' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_connection' OR Variable_name = 'character_set' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_server' OR Variable_name = 'tx_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'transaction_isolation' OR Variable_name = 'character_set_results' OR Variable_name = 'timezone' OR Variable_name = 'time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'system_time_zone' OR Variable_name = 'lower_case_table_names' OR Variable_name = 'max_allowed_packet' OR Variable_name = 'net_buffer_length' OR Variable_name = 'sql_mode' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_type' OR Variable_name = 'query_cache_size' OR Variable_name = 'init_connect' 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 41 Query /* mysql-connector-java-5.1.28 ( Revision: alexander.soklakov@oracle.com-20131125092425-yvejy3xvci77ru3k ) */SELECT @@session.auto_increment_increment 41 Query SHOW COLLATION 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET NAMES utf8 39 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query SET character_set_results = NULL 39 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET sql_mode='NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES' 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 41 Query SELECT @@session.tx_isolation 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='e72687f6-b930-441d-ad7d-55bc910882da' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0ec17a-d820-4ab4-bd7d-f1e7a904a8d3' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5db4a448-3186-4bac-9146-34cc76f81395' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2d243004-7d74-41d7-ac48-5371c85b70cd' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5f81f548-8af4-447d-83fc-a4fd358a0f7f' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='012023ab-5e5c-4357-9610-fd0b80008715' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c132abb5-1aba-4a59-aed6-e0e0733b8950' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='876645ed-2931-4f74-92d3-3cbfe0a1cddd' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5dd7307c-ec9b-412d-a6b3-5f488a219cba' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1990721, 1990645, 1970698, 1990646, 1970699, 1990648, 1970700, 1990649, 1970701, 1990650, 1970702, 1990651, 1970703, 1970603, 1990652, 1970704, 1990653, 1970705, 1990654, 1970706, 1990655, 1970707, 1990656, 1970708, 2000038) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 41 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1970612, 1970705, 1990654, 1970706, 1990655, 1970707, 1990656, 1970708, 1990721, 2000038, 1970604, 1970605, 1970606, 1970607, 1970608, 1970609, 1970610, 1970611, 1970702, 1990651, 1970703, 1970603, 1990652, 1970704, 1990653) 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_source_id as concept_1_43_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_43_0_, this_.name as name3_43_0_, this_.description as descript4_43_0_, this_.hl7_code as hl5_43_0_, this_.unique_id as unique_i6_43_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_43_0_, this_.retired as retired8_43_0_, this_.date_retired as date_ret9_43_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_10_43_0_, this_.creator as creator11_43_0_, this_.retired_by as retired12_43_0_, this_.changed_by as changed13_43_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch14_43_0_ from concept_reference_source this_ where this_.name='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='diagnosis concept set' and (lower(source2_.name)='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='org.openmrs.module.emrapi') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:30 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='coded diagnosis' and (lower(source2_.name)='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='org.openmrs.module.emrapi') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:31 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select conceptset0_.concept_set as concept_6_28_1_, conceptset0_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_1_, conceptset0_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, conceptset0_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, conceptset0_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, conceptset0_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, conceptset0_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, conceptset0_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, conceptset0_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set conceptset0_ where conceptset0_.concept_set in (159947, 1970607, 1970608, 1970609, 1970610, 1970611, 1970612, 1990651, 1970703, 1970603, 1990652, 1970704, 1990653, 1970705, 1990654, 1970706, 1990655, 1970707, 1990656, 1970708, 1990721, 2000038, 1970604, 1970605, 1970606) order by conceptset0_.sort_weight asc 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='non-coded diagnosis' and (lower(source2_.name)='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='org.openmrs.module.emrapi') order by concept3_.retired asc 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:32', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:32' where task_config_id=4 38 Query commit 190220 16:06:32 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='diagnosis order' and (lower(source2_.name)='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='org.openmrs.module.emrapi') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:33 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='diagnosis certainty' and (lower(source2_.name)='org.openmrs.module.emrapi' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='org.openmrs.module.emrapi') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:34 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='58f877a2-6006-40cd-a67a-6890fe02ec44' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c96505ab-7046-48f5-a71b-0414ed348187' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7e9a32cf-0357-489a-9218-1e0df965edd9' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8521262d-6cb9-43e0-b7d7-06b06a89fbb2' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='083d6d78-6045-4db5-b7c4-f4cfe8257962' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='58f877a2-6006-40cd-a67a-6890fe02ec44' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='58f877a2-6006-40cd-a67a-6890fe02ec44' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c96505ab-7046-48f5-a71b-0414ed348187' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c96505ab-7046-48f5-a71b-0414ed348187' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7e9a32cf-0357-489a-9218-1e0df965edd9' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7e9a32cf-0357-489a-9218-1e0df965edd9' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8521262d-6cb9-43e0-b7d7-06b06a89fbb2' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8521262d-6cb9-43e0-b7d7-06b06a89fbb2' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='083d6d78-6045-4db5-b7c4-f4cfe8257962' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='083d6d78-6045-4db5-b7c4-f4cfe8257962' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='039c6f79-27da-4db2-b78b-5fca9ec56d9d' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='21' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:35 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='1015' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:36 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='228a2e36-dc37-4eb4-aa7f-ee692868ca47' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='990f4107-74c9-4dd9-a0d1-de188dadea4d' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='300' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:06:37 41 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:37', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:37' where task_config_id=4 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161233' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:38 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='77edf634-011f-48c4-b13d-60456a4f57d2' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161421' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:39 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='36e83d12-d286-4493-bbf3-1377851b5b56' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='ed2dfaaa-ab4d-4a3d-be26-d1ae44370cdd' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='36e83d12-d286-4493-bbf3-1377851b5b56' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b086c14-a985-4cc2-b86c-9af9422facce' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='36e83d12-d286-4493-bbf3-1377851b5b56' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='304' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:40 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='75d9e2e1-9fad-4a43-a522-d5f117db8411' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='887' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:41 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1849ecdb-5742-4e2e-bbac-b8d382132aee' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='4a460325-9dd7-469e-8640-2f30cd3cec65' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='25556824-f758-4f8c-b41a-7ebd861f2132' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b167ccb8-2af3-4e5a-833b-478605ecc86b' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='06c5495a-4577-46d0-b298-add1362a5604' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='38e9068c-fda9-4e0c-b064-f22dfde21e91' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='85413869-1bfe-4e68-bb24-29102741a2cb' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69685ee3-906d-4121-9039-9404dea5ba3c' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='a478ddbb-de2e-4831-a885-2856152f5180' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161500' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:42', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:42' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 190220 16:06:42 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b9039220-0177-4d23-9c39-d814ad83661b' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='3abf57c0-b81a-47a1-ae39-35432b9465bf' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c69c8d25-efb9-402a-9457-78eb21fa74d9' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c69c8d25-efb9-402a-9457-78eb21fa74d9' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c69c8d25-efb9-402a-9457-78eb21fa74d9' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='cc3a1bde-ad85-494f-9e7b-8760e7b0a01b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c69c8d25-efb9-402a-9457-78eb21fa74d9' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f439ce89-0f01-4f5b-8f2a-eb414e9e5c4b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='893418d0-e2bd-4ca3-8cd8-a4158fc1b4f6' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5497' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:43 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='893418d0-e2bd-4ca3-8cd8-a4158fc1b4f6' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7565a5f0-dc89-4f83-816c-c9da5233ae81' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='893418d0-e2bd-4ca3-8cd8-a4158fc1b4f6' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='856' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:44 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='893418d0-e2bd-4ca3-8cd8-a4158fc1b4f6' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='1041' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:45 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='aa1d9b1b-4302-43ea-b53c-7c0829cab1ac' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9ccd3c9e-a98c-4b6a-92ca-22a3bf5d456a' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='aa1d9b1b-4302-43ea-b53c-7c0829cab1ac' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161454' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:46 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='aa1d9b1b-4302-43ea-b53c-7c0829cab1ac' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7a72a2c0-d032-40fd-a5b9-c2a30aca45d0' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='aa1d9b1b-4302-43ea-b53c-7c0829cab1ac' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='d17a900b-33fe-463f-9574-f026f7bd89b7' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb40b6c-9e98-4c72-beea-5c1564ffe3f3' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='d17a900b-33fe-463f-9574-f026f7bd89b7' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='a8483088-262e-4a76-92e9-3c4db632ca74' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='d17a900b-33fe-463f-9574-f026f7bd89b7' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7709f81a-7dd2-4ecb-b1e7-a9c89071b699' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='d17a900b-33fe-463f-9574-f026f7bd89b7' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='21' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:47', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:47' where task_config_id=4 190220 16:06:47 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='21' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='1015' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:48 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='1015' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:49 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='228a2e36-dc37-4eb4-aa7f-ee692868ca47' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='228a2e36-dc37-4eb4-aa7f-ee692868ca47' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='990f4107-74c9-4dd9-a0d1-de188dadea4d' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='990f4107-74c9-4dd9-a0d1-de188dadea4d' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='300' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:50 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='300' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:51 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161233' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 190220 16:06:52 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:52', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:52' where task_config_id=4 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161233' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:53 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='77edf634-011f-48c4-b13d-60456a4f57d2' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='77edf634-011f-48c4-b13d-60456a4f57d2' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b2b7d66-9a1c-4267-b3c4-7a01ddf15428' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161421' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:54 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161421' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:55 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='36e83d12-d286-4493-bbf3-1377851b5b56' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='ed2dfaaa-ab4d-4a3d-be26-d1ae44370cdd' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='ed2dfaaa-ab4d-4a3d-be26-d1ae44370cdd' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='36e83d12-d286-4493-bbf3-1377851b5b56' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b086c14-a985-4cc2-b86c-9af9422facce' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8b086c14-a985-4cc2-b86c-9af9422facce' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='36e83d12-d286-4493-bbf3-1377851b5b56' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='304' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:56 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='304' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:06:57', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:06:57' where task_config_id=4 41 Query commit 190220 16:06:57 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='75d9e2e1-9fad-4a43-a522-d5f117db8411' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='75d9e2e1-9fad-4a43-a522-d5f117db8411' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='887' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:58 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='887' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:06:59 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1849ecdb-5742-4e2e-bbac-b8d382132aee' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1849ecdb-5742-4e2e-bbac-b8d382132aee' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='4a460325-9dd7-469e-8640-2f30cd3cec65' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='4a460325-9dd7-469e-8640-2f30cd3cec65' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='25556824-f758-4f8c-b41a-7ebd861f2132' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='25556824-f758-4f8c-b41a-7ebd861f2132' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='0d09b9b3-313b-4e0b-b205-554d99cc28c6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b167ccb8-2af3-4e5a-833b-478605ecc86b' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b167ccb8-2af3-4e5a-833b-478605ecc86b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='06c5495a-4577-46d0-b298-add1362a5604' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='06c5495a-4577-46d0-b298-add1362a5604' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='38e9068c-fda9-4e0c-b064-f22dfde21e91' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='38e9068c-fda9-4e0c-b064-f22dfde21e91' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='85413869-1bfe-4e68-bb24-29102741a2cb' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='85413869-1bfe-4e68-bb24-29102741a2cb' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69685ee3-906d-4121-9039-9404dea5ba3c' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='69685ee3-906d-4121-9039-9404dea5ba3c' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='a478ddbb-de2e-4831-a885-2856152f5180' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='a478ddbb-de2e-4831-a885-2856152f5180' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161500' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:07:00 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161500' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:07:01 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b9039220-0177-4d23-9c39-d814ad83661b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b9039220-0177-4d23-9c39-d814ad83661b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1bbdfeca-701c-40bc-bbca-1b5530949fd6' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='3abf57c0-b81a-47a1-ae39-35432b9465bf' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='3abf57c0-b81a-47a1-ae39-35432b9465bf' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c69c8d25-efb9-402a-9457-78eb21fa74d9' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c69c8d25-efb9-402a-9457-78eb21fa74d9' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c69c8d25-efb9-402a-9457-78eb21fa74d9' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c69c8d25-efb9-402a-9457-78eb21fa74d9' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='cc3a1bde-ad85-494f-9e7b-8760e7b0a01b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='cc3a1bde-ad85-494f-9e7b-8760e7b0a01b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c69c8d25-efb9-402a-9457-78eb21fa74d9' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f439ce89-0f01-4f5b-8f2a-eb414e9e5c4b' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='f439ce89-0f01-4f5b-8f2a-eb414e9e5c4b' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='893418d0-e2bd-4ca3-8cd8-a4158fc1b4f6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5497' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 190220 16:07:02 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:02', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:02' where task_config_id=4 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='5497' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:07:03 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='893418d0-e2bd-4ca3-8cd8-a4158fc1b4f6' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7565a5f0-dc89-4f83-816c-c9da5233ae81' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7565a5f0-dc89-4f83-816c-c9da5233ae81' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='893418d0-e2bd-4ca3-8cd8-a4158fc1b4f6' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='856' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:07:04 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='856' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:07:05 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='893418d0-e2bd-4ca3-8cd8-a4158fc1b4f6' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='1041' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:07:06 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='1041' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:07:07 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:07', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:07' where task_config_id=4 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='aa1d9b1b-4302-43ea-b53c-7c0829cab1ac' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9ccd3c9e-a98c-4b6a-92ca-22a3bf5d456a' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9ccd3c9e-a98c-4b6a-92ca-22a3bf5d456a' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='aa1d9b1b-4302-43ea-b53c-7c0829cab1ac' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161454' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 190220 16:07:08 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_id as y0_ from concept_reference_map this_ inner join concept concept3_ on this_.concept_id=concept3_.concept_id left outer join concept_numeric concept3_1_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept3_2_ on concept3_.concept_id=concept3_2_.concept_id inner join concept_reference_term term1_ on this_.concept_reference_term_id=term1_.concept_reference_term_id inner join concept_reference_source source2_ on term1_.concept_source_id=source2_.concept_source_id where lower(term1_.code)='161454' and (lower(source2_.name)='ciel' or lower(source2_.hl7_code)='ciel') order by concept3_.retired asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:09 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='aa1d9b1b-4302-43ea-b53c-7c0829cab1ac' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7a72a2c0-d032-40fd-a5b9-c2a30aca45d0' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7a72a2c0-d032-40fd-a5b9-c2a30aca45d0' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='aa1d9b1b-4302-43ea-b53c-7c0829cab1ac' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='d17a900b-33fe-463f-9574-f026f7bd89b7' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb40b6c-9e98-4c72-beea-5c1564ffe3f3' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7eb40b6c-9e98-4c72-beea-5c1564ffe3f3' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='d17a900b-33fe-463f-9574-f026f7bd89b7' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='a8483088-262e-4a76-92e9-3c4db632ca74' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='a8483088-262e-4a76-92e9-3c4db632ca74' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='d17a900b-33fe-463f-9574-f026f7bd89b7' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7709f81a-7dd2-4ecb-b1e7-a9c89071b699' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='7709f81a-7dd2-4ecb-b1e7-a9c89071b699' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='d17a900b-33fe-463f-9574-f026f7bd89b7' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (162335, 162263, 162367, 165171, 162368, 162376, 162351, 162354, 1608, 162355, 162356, 162357, 162358, 162359, 161554, 162360, 162361, 162264, 162362, 162262, 162363, 162364, 162365, 162366, 161553) 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (162369, 1073, 1074, 1734, 162582, 162370, 162371, 162372, 162373, 162374, 162375, 1518, 162377, 1513, 162378, 162379, 162380, 162381, 162382, 162383, 1732, 162583, 1733, 1822, 1072) 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (160858, 160862, 160863, 160865, 160864, 160866, 160867, 160869, 160868, 160870, 160872, 160871, 162135, 162245, 162243, 162244, 162246, 162247, 162248, 162249, 162251, 162250, 160859, 160860, 160861) 39 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (162252, 162256, 162384, 1990696, 1990697, 1990675, 1990705, 1990704, 1990676, 1990707, 1990677, 1990711, 1990713, 1970537, 1990678, 1990714, 1990715, 1990716, 1990657, 1990658, 1990661, 160855, 162254, 162253, 162255) 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.drug_id as drug_id1_52_0_, this_.name as name2_52_0_, this_.combination as combinat3_52_0_, this_.maximum_daily_dose as maximum_4_52_0_, this_.minimum_daily_dose as minimum_5_52_0_, this_.strength as strength6_52_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_52_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_52_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_52_0_, this_.retired as retired10_52_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re11_52_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_12_52_0_, this_.concept_id as concept13_52_0_, this_.dosage_form as dosage_14_52_0_, this_.uuid as uuid15_52_0_, this_.creator as creator16_52_0_, this_.retired_by as retired17_52_0_ from drug this_ 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=160855 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=162384 order by this_.sort_weight asc 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.concept_set_id as concept_1_46_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_46_0_, this_.sort_weight as sort_wei3_46_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_46_0_, this_.concept_id as concept_5_46_0_, this_.concept_set as concept_6_46_0_, this_.creator as creator7_46_0_ from concept_set this_ where this_.concept_set=1732 order by this_.sort_weight asc 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1990658, 160870, 160872, 160871, 162135, 162245, 162243, 162244, 162246, 162247, 162248, 1990661, 160855, 160858, 160859, 160860, 160861, 160862, 160863, 160865, 160864, 160866, 160867, 160869, 160868) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1990660, 1990698, 1990702, 1990659, 1970633, 1970632, 1970712, 1970713, 1990671, 1990681, 1990682, 1990683, 1990672, 1990687, 1990688, 1990673, 1990691, 1990694, 1990695, 1990692, 1990693, 1990674, 1990703, 1990701, 1990699) 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1f6857ac-7b0c-4ff4-aa95-c01b63bc827e' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='ca95234c-fb7d-479e-b72b-3a7937cd47d9' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='ca95234c-fb7d-479e-b72b-3a7937cd47d9' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1f6857ac-7b0c-4ff4-aa95-c01b63bc827e' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='af8f13c0-5ea4-4639-b21f-f4fe1132b8f1' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='af8f13c0-5ea4-4639-b21f-f4fe1132b8f1' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1f6857ac-7b0c-4ff4-aa95-c01b63bc827e' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='baab101b-dbd2-4e17-b91e-b262f933c691' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='baab101b-dbd2-4e17-b91e-b262f933c691' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1f6857ac-7b0c-4ff4-aa95-c01b63bc827e' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='4d76c510-ea82-4d10-a877-e236bde3f446' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='4d76c510-ea82-4d10-a877-e236bde3f446' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1f6857ac-7b0c-4ff4-aa95-c01b63bc827e' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2a685af4-089f-4d7d-a59b-cf5186b72995' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='fa775c54-ed07-4a68-a253-77bd36712a09' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='fa775c54-ed07-4a68-a253-77bd36712a09' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2a685af4-089f-4d7d-a59b-cf5186b72995' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c362b61b-f653-429c-a52e-0213d18e3e06' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c362b61b-f653-429c-a52e-0213d18e3e06' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2a685af4-089f-4d7d-a59b-cf5186b72995' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0d2f0c-949b-46a2-b1e1-6495e2fb60f2' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='9f0d2f0c-949b-46a2-b1e1-6495e2fb60f2' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2a685af4-089f-4d7d-a59b-cf5186b72995' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='dd7d0efa-1a61-443b-9d4a-acbecaf3cbc9' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='dd7d0efa-1a61-443b-9d4a-acbecaf3cbc9' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2a685af4-089f-4d7d-a59b-cf5186b72995' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2cc8582f-e10f-45c9-bd4d-93a3c2f310a5' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2cc8582f-e10f-45c9-bd4d-93a3c2f310a5' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2a685af4-089f-4d7d-a59b-cf5186b72995' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1826b439-0329-4950-85b7-0a3ad2278c19' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1826b439-0329-4950-85b7-0a3ad2278c19' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2a685af4-089f-4d7d-a59b-cf5186b72995' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='4d9c4590-699a-4e99-b2a8-a22ef401254c' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='4d9c4590-699a-4e99-b2a8-a22ef401254c' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2a685af4-089f-4d7d-a59b-cf5186b72995' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b00663fd-d551-48ce-9453-c76d3bca7c3b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='b00663fd-d551-48ce-9453-c76d3bca7c3b' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1d1e683e-8e51-4453-b647-91ab2b13406e' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1d1e683e-8e51-4453-b647-91ab2b13406e' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8cca2579-04ce-4bbe-a97f-fe6e1a21c61a' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='8cca2579-04ce-4bbe-a97f-fe6e1a21c61a' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2db9a347-7097-46c0-a9e0-0024be51e5b8' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2db9a347-7097-46c0-a9e0-0024be51e5b8' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2ed6b7dc-4c2c-44ff-998b-afe8c88bb846' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='2ed6b7dc-4c2c-44ff-998b-afe8c88bb846' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='3e0b99c9-fd33-4c3c-9163-716690e5dde7' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='3e0b99c9-fd33-4c3c-9163-716690e5dde7' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='a9c31ea3-db7a-438b-8a06-504af9e9033f' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='a9c31ea3-db7a-438b-8a06-504af9e9033f' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='952adfdf-dc07-4743-ad07-7de94433176f' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='952adfdf-dc07-4743-ad07-7de94433176f' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5ec2dcaa-026a-463d-a365-221e761cb6a1' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5ec2dcaa-026a-463d-a365-221e761cb6a1' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1211ddd0-6256-427b-8b98-657426725be9' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='1211ddd0-6256-427b-8b98-657426725be9' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='01818f51-67a8-416e-bfa1-03d04e6bb96c' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='01818f51-67a8-416e-bfa1-03d04e6bb96c' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='c32c37bf-2284-44d5-af23-c4f667425f36' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select concept0_.concept_id as concept_1_28_, concept0_.uuid as uuid2_28_, concept0_.retired as retired3_28_, concept0_.date_created as date_cre4_28_, concept0_.version as version5_28_, concept0_.date_changed as date_cha6_28_, concept0_.is_set as is_set7_28_, concept0_.retire_reason as retire_r8_28_, concept0_.date_retired as date_ret9_28_, concept0_.retired_by as retired10_28_, concept0_.datatype_id as datatyp11_28_, concept0_.class_id as class_i12_28_, concept0_.changed_by as changed13_28_, concept0_.creator as creator14_28_, concept0_1_.hi_absolute as hi_absol2_40_, concept0_1_.hi_critical as hi_criti3_40_, concept0_1_.hi_normal as hi_norma4_40_, concept0_1_.low_absolute as low_abso5_40_, concept0_1_.low_critical as low_crit6_40_, concept0_1_.low_normal as low_norm7_40_, concept0_1_.units as units8_40_, concept0_1_.precise as precise9_40_, concept0_1_.display_precision as display10_40_, concept0_2_.handler as handler2_33_, case when concept0_1_.concept_id is not null then 1 when concept0_2_.concept_id is not null then 2 when concept0_.concept_id is not null then 0 end as clazz_ from concept concept0_ left outer join concept_numeric concept0_1_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_1_.concept_id left outer join concept_complex concept0_2_ on concept0_.concept_id=concept0_2_.concept_id where concept0_.uuid='5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query select answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_1_, answers0_.concept_answer_id as concept_1_29_0_, answers0_.concept_id as concept_2_29_0_, answers0_.answer_concept as answer_c3_29_0_, answers0_.answer_drug as answer_d4_29_0_, answers0_.date_created as date_cre5_29_0_, answers0_.creator as creator6_29_0_, answers0_.uuid as uuid7_29_0_, answers0_.sort_weight as sort_wei8_29_0_ from concept_answer answers0_ where answers0_.concept_id in (1970721, 1990797, 1970635, 1970636, 1970637, 1970659, 1970717, 1970638, 1970639, 1970640, 1970641, 1970720, 1970613, 1970614, 1970615, 1970616, 1970617, 1970618, 1970619, 1970620, 1970621, 1970622, 1970623, 1990722, 1970722) order by answers0_.sort_weight asc, answers0_.concept_answer_id asc 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select programwor0_.program_workflow_id as program_1_119_, programwor0_.uuid as uuid2_119_, programwor0_.date_created as date_cre3_119_, programwor0_.date_changed as date_cha4_119_, programwor0_.retired as retired5_119_, programwor0_.program_id as program_6_119_, programwor0_.concept_id as concept_7_119_, programwor0_.creator as creator8_119_, programwor0_.changed_by as changed_9_119_ from program_workflow programwor0_ where programwor0_.uuid='0d8da7d2-0391-43ce-8f53-82030924d591' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select programwor0_.program_workflow_state_id as program_1_120_, programwor0_.uuid as uuid2_120_, programwor0_.initial as initial3_120_, programwor0_.terminal as terminal4_120_, programwor0_.date_created as date_cre5_120_, programwor0_.date_changed as date_cha6_120_, programwor0_.retired as retired7_120_, programwor0_.program_workflow_id as program_8_120_, programwor0_.concept_id as concept_9_120_, programwor0_.creator as creator10_120_, programwor0_.changed_by as changed11_120_ from program_workflow_state programwor0_ where programwor0_.uuid='9df122f4-d8a2-4afe-8a80-54d7a75d2e61' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select names0_.concept_id as concept_2_28_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_1_, names0_.concept_name_id as concept_1_37_0_, names0_.concept_id as concept_2_37_0_, names0_.name as name3_37_0_, names0_.locale as locale4_37_0_, names0_.date_created as date_cre5_37_0_, names0_.creator as creator6_37_0_, names0_.voided as voided7_37_0_, names0_.date_voided as date_voi8_37_0_, names0_.void_reason as void_rea9_37_0_, names0_.voided_by as voided_10_37_0_, names0_.concept_name_type as concept11_37_0_, names0_.locale_preferred as locale_12_37_0_, names0_.uuid as uuid13_37_0_, names0_.changed_by as changed14_37_0_, names0_.date_changed as date_ch15_37_0_ from concept_name names0_ where names0_.concept_id in (1990740, 1970622, 1970623, 1990722, 1970721, 1970722, 1990797, 1970636, 1970637, 1970659, 1970717, 1970638, 1970639, 1970640, 1970641, 1970720, 1970613, 1970614, 1970615, 1970616, 1970617, 1970618, 1970619, 1970620, 1970621) 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.patient_program_id as patient_1_109_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_109_0_, this_.date_enrolled as date_enr3_109_0_, this_.date_completed as date_com4_109_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre5_109_0_, this_.voided as voided6_109_0_, this_.date_voided as date_voi7_109_0_, this_.void_reason as void_rea8_109_0_, this_.voided_by as voided_b9_109_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_109_0_, this_.outcome_concept_id as outcome11_109_0_, this_.program_id as program12_109_0_, this_.patient_id as patient13_109_0_, this_.creator as creator14_109_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_109_0_, this_.location_id as locatio16_109_0_ from patient_program this_ where this_.patient_id=8 and this_.program_id=1 and this_.voided=0 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='icrc.constants.date_format.frontend' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='icrctaskmanagement.todoList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='registrationapp.basicRegisterPatientNew' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.metadatamapping' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='dhisconnector' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.adminui.configuremetadata' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='formentryapp.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.vitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.homepage' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.homeApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.schedulingAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.requestAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.dormWaitingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.confDorm' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.conceptdictionary' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.dataManagementApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.patientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.systemAdministrationApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.clinicianFacingPatientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mergePatients' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.diagnoses' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='xforms.formentry' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.findPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.mhpss.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='chartsearch.chartSearchApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='atlas' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='reportingui.reports' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.awaitingAdmission' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.activeVisits' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mostRecentVitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.latestObsForConceptList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsAcrossEncounters' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.visitByEncounterType' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.relationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.pastEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.personalRelationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.findHSU' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.financialAssessmentPendingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='workflow.supportWaitinglist' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.ongoingEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.recentAssessment.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.forms.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.diagnosis.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.medication.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.allergies.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.visitHistory.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.investigationResult.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.specificConditions.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.planOfAction.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.latestObservation.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.relationships.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.attachments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.appointments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.location_tag_id as location1_84_0_, this_.name as name2_84_0_, this_.description as descript3_84_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre4_84_0_, this_.creator as creator5_84_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_6_84_0_, this_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_0_, this_.retired as retired9_84_0_, this_.uuid as uuid10_84_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_0_, this_.changed_by as changed12_84_0_ from location_tag this_ where this_.name='Login Location' 36 Query select this_.location_id as location1_81_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_81_0_, this_.name as name3_81_0_, this_.description as descript4_81_0_, this_.address1 as address5_81_0_, this_.address2 as address6_81_0_, this_.city_village as city_vil7_81_0_, this_.state_province as state_pr8_81_0_, this_.country as country9_81_0_, this_.postal_code as postal_10_81_0_, this_.latitude as latitud11_81_0_, this_.longitude as longitu12_81_0_, this_.county_district as county_13_81_0_, this_.address3 as address14_81_0_, this_.address4 as address15_81_0_, this_.address6 as address16_81_0_, this_.address5 as address17_81_0_, this_.address7 as address18_81_0_, this_.address8 as address19_81_0_, this_.address9 as address20_81_0_, this_.address10 as address21_81_0_, this_.address11 as address22_81_0_, this_.address12 as address23_81_0_, this_.address13 as address24_81_0_, this_.address14 as address25_81_0_, this_.address15 as address26_81_0_, this_.date_created as date_cr27_81_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch28_81_0_, this_.parent_location as parent_29_81_0_, this_.changed_by as changed30_81_0_, this_.creator as creator31_81_0_, this_.retired_by as retired32_81_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re33_81_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_34_81_0_, this_.retired as retired35_81_0_ from location this_ where this_.retired=0 order by this_.name asc 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=47 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=45 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=48 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=49 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=46 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=50 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=10 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=52 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=8 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=11 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=53 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=69 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=64 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=66 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=56 36 Query select 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date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=55 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=61 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=70 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=74 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=58 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=57 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=62 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=65 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=67 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as 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locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=98 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=96 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=105 36 Query select 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date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=103 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=104 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=106 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=89 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=90 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=15 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=75 36 Query select 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=78 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=81 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=86 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=84 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=88 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=16 36 Query select 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date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=18 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=112 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=111 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=19 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=117 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=118 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=119 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=114 36 Query select 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as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=116 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=122 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=127 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=126 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=22 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=6 36 Query select 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as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=143 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=139 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=141 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=134 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=132 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=131 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=142 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=136 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=140 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=145 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=149 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as 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locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=4 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=155 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=154 36 Query select 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as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=152 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=151 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=159 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=157 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=83 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=93 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=94 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=25 36 Query select 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date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=163 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=169 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=170 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, 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as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=167 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=160 36 Query select 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date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=27 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=28 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=172 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=183 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=177 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=181 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=179 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=173 36 Query select 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as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=176 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=190 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=189 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, 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as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=196 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=195 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=199 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=198 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=202 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=204 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=203 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=30 36 Query select 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date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=7 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=217 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=221 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=222 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, 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as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=2 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=33 36 Query select 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as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=208 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=211 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=210 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=212 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=209 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=213 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=5 36 Query select 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as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=224 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, 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locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=228 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=226 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from 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location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=230 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, 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as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=233 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=235 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=236 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=232 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=234 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=36 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=92 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=237 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=238 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=44 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=37 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=243 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=242 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=241 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=239 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=240 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=38 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=1 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=245 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=246 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=244 36 Query select tags0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, tags0_.location_tag_id as location2_85_0_, locationta1_.location_tag_id as location1_84_1_, locationta1_.name as name2_84_1_, locationta1_.description as descript3_84_1_, locationta1_.date_created as date_cre4_84_1_, locationta1_.creator as creator5_84_1_, locationta1_.retired_by as retired_6_84_1_, locationta1_.date_retired as date_ret7_84_1_, locationta1_.retire_reason as retire_r8_84_1_, locationta1_.retired as retired9_84_1_, locationta1_.uuid as uuid10_84_1_, locationta1_.date_changed as date_ch11_84_1_, locationta1_.changed_by as changed12_84_1_ from location_tag_map tags0_ inner join location_tag locationta1_ on tags0_.location_tag_id=locationta1_.location_tag_id where tags0_.location_id=39 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='icrctaskmanagement.todoList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='registrationapp.basicRegisterPatientNew' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.metadatamapping' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='dhisconnector' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.adminui.configuremetadata' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='formentryapp.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.vitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.homepage' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.homeApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.schedulingAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.requestAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.dormWaitingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.confDorm' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.conceptdictionary' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.dataManagementApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.patientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.systemAdministrationApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.clinicianFacingPatientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mergePatients' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.diagnoses' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='xforms.formentry' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.findPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.mhpss.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='chartsearch.chartSearchApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='atlas' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='reportingui.reports' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.awaitingAdmission' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.activeVisits' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mostRecentVitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.latestObsForConceptList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsAcrossEncounters' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.visitByEncounterType' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.relationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.pastEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.personalRelationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.findHSU' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.financialAssessmentPendingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='workflow.supportWaitinglist' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.ongoingEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.recentAssessment.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.forms.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.diagnosis.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.medication.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.allergies.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.visitHistory.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.investigationResult.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.specificConditions.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.planOfAction.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.latestObservation.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.relationships.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.attachments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.appointments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.configureStandardHeader' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='icrctaskmanagement.todoList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='registrationapp.basicRegisterPatientNew' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.metadatamapping' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='dhisconnector' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.adminui.configuremetadata' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='formentryapp.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.vitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.homepage' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.homeApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.schedulingAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='appointmentschedulingui.requestAppointmentApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.dormWaitingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='bedmanagement.confDorm' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='owa.conceptdictionary' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.dataManagementApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.patientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.systemAdministrationApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.clinicianFacingPatientDashboardApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mergePatients' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.diagnoses' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='xforms.formentry' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.findPatient' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.mhpss.forms' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='chartsearch.chartSearchApp' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='atlas' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='reportingui.reports' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.awaitingAdmission' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.activeVisits' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.mostRecentVitals' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.latestObsForConceptList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsAcrossEncounters' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.visitByEncounterType' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='coreapps.relationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.pastEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='referenceapplication.personalRelationships' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.findHSU' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='patientsearch.financialAssessmentPendingList' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='workflow.supportWaitinglist' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.ongoingEpisodes.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.recentAssessment.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.forms.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.diagnosis.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.medication.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.allergies.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.visitHistory.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.investigationResult.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.specificConditions.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.planOfAction.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.latestObservation.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.obsGraph' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.relationships.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.attachments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='hsuLandingPage.appointments.app' and this_.component_type='APP' 36 Query select this_.component_state_id as componen1_4_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_4_0_, this_.component_id as componen3_4_0_, this_.component_type as componen4_4_0_, this_.enabled as enabled5_4_0_ from appframework_component_state this_ where this_.component_id='org.openmrs.module.adminui.myAccount.menuItem' and this_.component_type='EXTENSION' 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='ui2.extensionconfig.org.openmrs.ui.framework.mapresource' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query commit 36 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 41 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 38 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query commit 38 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query commit 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query rollback 38 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 40 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 41 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query commit 38 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query commit 40 Query commit 39 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 36 Query rollback 40 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query rollback 40 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 36 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 41 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query commit 41 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 40 Query commit 39 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 41 Query commit 36 Query commit 40 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query commit 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query rollback 41 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query rollback 36 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 36 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 39 Query rollback 41 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 36 Query commit 39 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 41 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query set session transaction read write 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:10 36 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query set session transaction read only 39 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 40 Query SET autocommit=0 40 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 40 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 40 Query commit 40 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query SET autocommit=0 41 Query commit 40 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query commit 38 Query set session transaction read only 41 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 40 Query rollback 41 Query set session transaction read write 40 Query SET autocommit=1 41 Query rollback 41 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 37 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 39 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select location0_.location_id as location1_81_0_, location0_.uuid as uuid2_81_0_, location0_.name as name3_81_0_, location0_.description as descript4_81_0_, location0_.address1 as address5_81_0_, location0_.address2 as address6_81_0_, location0_.city_village as city_vil7_81_0_, location0_.state_province as state_pr8_81_0_, location0_.country as country9_81_0_, location0_.postal_code as postal_10_81_0_, location0_.latitude as latitud11_81_0_, location0_.longitude as longitu12_81_0_, location0_.county_district as county_13_81_0_, location0_.address3 as address14_81_0_, location0_.address4 as address15_81_0_, location0_.address6 as address16_81_0_, location0_.address5 as address17_81_0_, location0_.address7 as address18_81_0_, location0_.address8 as address19_81_0_, location0_.address9 as address20_81_0_, location0_.address10 as address21_81_0_, location0_.address11 as address22_81_0_, location0_.address12 as address23_81_0_, location0_.address13 as address24_81_0_, location0_.address14 as address25_81_0_, location0_.address15 as address26_81_0_, location0_.date_created as date_cr27_81_0_, location0_.date_changed as date_ch28_81_0_, location0_.parent_location as parent_29_81_0_, location0_.changed_by as changed30_81_0_, location0_.creator as creator31_81_0_, location0_.retired_by as retired32_81_0_, location0_.date_retired as date_re33_81_0_, location0_.retire_reason as retire_34_81_0_, location0_.retired as retired35_81_0_ from location location0_ where location0_.location_id=51 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.provider_id as provider1_121_0_, this_.person_id as person_i2_121_0_, this_.name as name3_121_0_, this_.identifier as identifi4_121_0_, this_.creator as creator5_121_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre6_121_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_7_121_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha8_121_0_, this_.retired_by as retired_9_121_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re10_121_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_11_121_0_, this_.retired as retired12_121_0_, this_.uuid as uuid13_121_0_, this_.provider_role_id as provide14_121_0_ from provider this_ where this_.retired=0 and this_.person_id=1 order by this_.provider_id asc 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 38 Query commit 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 38 Query SET autocommit=0 38 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 39 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query SET autocommit=0 39 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 38 Query commit 36 Query set session transaction read only 38 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 38 Query set session transaction read write 38 Query rollback 38 Query SET autocommit=1 39 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 36 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 39 Query commit 36 Query commit 39 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 39 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query set session transaction read write 39 Query rollback 36 Query rollback 39 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:11 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('SCHEDULED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('REQUESTED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 37 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 36 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:07:12 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:12', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:12' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:14 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='owa.appbaseurl' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:16 37 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:07:17 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:17', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:17' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:21 36 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:07:22 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:22', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:22' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:27 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:27', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:27' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:32 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:32', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:32' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:36 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:07:37 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:37', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:37' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:41 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:42 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:42', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:42' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:46 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:07:47 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:47', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:47' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:51 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:07:52 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:52', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:52' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:07:56 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:07:57', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:07:57' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 190220 16:07:57 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:01 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:08:02 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:02', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:02' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:06 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 190220 16:08:07 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:07', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:07' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:11 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('SCHEDULED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 37 Query commit 36 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('REQUESTED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query commit 37 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 36 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:08:12 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:12', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:12' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:16 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:17 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:17', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:17' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:21 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:22 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:22', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:22' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:26 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:27 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:27', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:27' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:31 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:08:32 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:32', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:32' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:36 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:37 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:37', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:37' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:41 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:08:42 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:42', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:42' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:46 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 190220 16:08:47 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:47', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:47' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:51 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 190220 16:08:52 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:52', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:52' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:08:56 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 190220 16:08:57 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:08:57', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:08:57' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:01 39 Quit 41 Quit 38 Quit 40 Quit 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:02', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:02' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 190220 16:09:02 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:07 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:07', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:07' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:11 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.id as id1_75_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_75_0_, this_.name as name3_75_0_, this_.description as descript4_75_0_, this_.identifier_type as identifi5_75_0_, this_.creator as creator6_75_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_75_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_75_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_75_0_, this_.retired as retired10_75_0_, this_.retired_by as retired11_75_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re12_75_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_13_75_0_, this_1_.next_sequence_value as next_seq2_80_0_, this_1_.base_character_set as base_cha3_80_0_, this_1_.first_identifier_base as first_id4_80_0_, this_1_.prefix as prefix5_80_0_, this_1_.suffix as suffix6_80_0_, this_1_.min_length as min_leng7_80_0_, this_1_.max_length as max_leng8_80_0_, this_2_.url as url2_78_0_, this_2_.user as user3_78_0_, this_2_.password as password4_78_0_, this_3_.source as source2_74_0_, this_3_.batch_size as batch_si3_74_0_, this_3_.min_pool_size as min_pool4_74_0_, this_3_.refill_with_scheduled_task as refill_w5_74_0_, this_3_.sequential as sequenti6_74_0_, case when this_1_.id is not null then 1 when this_2_.id is not null then 2 when this_3_.id is not null then 3 when this_.id is not null then 0 end as clazz_0_ from idgen_identifier_source this_ left outer join idgen_seq_id_gen this_1_ on this_.id=this_1_.id left outer join idgen_remote_source this_2_ on this_.id=this_2_.id left outer join idgen_id_pool this_3_ on this_.id=this_3_.id where this_.retired like 0 order by this_.name asc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select this_.property as property1_67_0_, this_.property_value as property2_67_0_, this_.description as descript3_67_0_, this_.datatype as datatype4_67_0_, this_.datatype_config as datatype5_67_0_, this_.preferred_handler as preferre6_67_0_, this_.handler_config as handler_7_67_0_, this_.uuid as uuid8_67_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_9_67_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_67_0_ from global_property this_ where lower(this_.property)='report.deletereportsageinhours' 37 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.request_datetime<='2019-02-17 16:09:11.152' and this_.status in ('COMPLETED', 'FAILED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('SCHEDULED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 36 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('REQUESTED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 36 Query commit 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:12 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:12', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:12' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:13 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.serialized_object_id as serializ1_143_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_143_0_, this_.name as name3_143_0_, this_.description as descript4_143_0_, this_.type as type5_143_0_, this_.subtype as subtype6_143_0_, this_.serialization_class as serializ7_143_0_, this_.serialized_data as serializ8_143_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre9_143_0_, this_.date_changed as date_ch10_143_0_, this_.retired as retired11_143_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re12_143_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_13_143_0_, this_.creator as creator14_143_0_, this_.changed_by as changed15_143_0_, this_.retired_by as retired16_143_0_ from serialized_object this_ where (this_.type='org.openmrs.module.reporting.report.definition.ReportDefinition' or this_.subtype='org.openmrs.module.reporting.report.definition.ReportDefinition') 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:17 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:17', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:17' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:22 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:22', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:22' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:26 37 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:09:27 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:27', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:27' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:32 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:32', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:32' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:36 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:09:37 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:37', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:37' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:41 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:09:42 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:42', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:42' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:46 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:47 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:47', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:47' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:51 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:09:52 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:52', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:52' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:09:56 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:09:57 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:09:57', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:09:57' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:01 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:10:02 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:02', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:02' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:06 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 190220 16:10:07 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:07', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:07' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:11 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('SCHEDULED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 36 Query commit 37 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('REQUESTED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query commit 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:12', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:12' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 190220 16:10:12 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:16 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:10:17 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:17', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:17' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:21 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:10:22 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:22', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:22' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:26 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:10:27 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:27', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:27' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:31 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:10:32 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:32', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:32' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:36 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:10:37 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:37', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:37' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:41 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:10:42 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:42', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:42' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:46 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:10:47 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:47', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:47' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:51 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 190220 16:10:52 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:52', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:52' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:10:56 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:10:57 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:10:57', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:10:57' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:01 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:11:02 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:02', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:02' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:06 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:11:07 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:07', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:07' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:11 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('SCHEDULED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 36 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('REQUESTED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query rollback 37 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:12 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:12', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:12' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:17 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:17', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:17' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:22 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:22', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:22' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:26 36 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:11:27 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:27', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:27' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:31 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:11:32 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:32', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:32' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:36 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:37', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:37' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 190220 16:11:37 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:41 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:42', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:42' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 190220 16:11:42 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:46 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 190220 16:11:47 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:47', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:47' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:51 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:52', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:52' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 190220 16:11:52 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:11:56 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:11:57', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:11:57' where task_config_id=4 190220 16:11:57 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:01 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 190220 16:12:02 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:02', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:02' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:06 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:12:07 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:07', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:07' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:11 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('SCHEDULED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('REQUESTED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:12', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:12' where task_config_id=4 190220 16:12:12 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:16 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:17 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:17', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:17' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:21 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:12:22 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:22', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:22' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:26 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:12:27 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:27', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:27' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:31 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:32 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:32', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:32' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:36 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:37', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:37' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 190220 16:12:37 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:41 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:12:42 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:42', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:42' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:46 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:12:47 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:47', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:47' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:51 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 190220 16:12:52 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:52', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:52' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:12:56 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:12:57 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:12:57', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:12:57' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:01 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:13:02 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:02', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:02' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:06 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:07 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:07', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:07' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:11 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('SCHEDULED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('REQUESTED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 36 Query commit 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:12 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:12', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:12' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:17 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:17', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:17' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:21 37 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:13:22 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:22', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:22' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:27 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:27', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:27' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:32 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:32', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:32' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:37 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:37', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:37' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:41 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:13:42 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:42', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:42' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:46 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:47 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:47', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:47' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:51 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 190220 16:13:52 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:52', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:52' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:13:56 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 190220 16:13:57 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:13:57', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:13:57' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:14:01 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 190220 16:14:02 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:14:02', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:14:02' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:14:06 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:14:07 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:14:07', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:14:07' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:14:11 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.id as id1_75_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_75_0_, this_.name as name3_75_0_, this_.description as descript4_75_0_, this_.identifier_type as identifi5_75_0_, this_.creator as creator6_75_0_, this_.date_created as date_cre7_75_0_, this_.changed_by as changed_8_75_0_, this_.date_changed as date_cha9_75_0_, this_.retired as retired10_75_0_, this_.retired_by as retired11_75_0_, this_.date_retired as date_re12_75_0_, this_.retire_reason as retire_13_75_0_, this_1_.next_sequence_value as next_seq2_80_0_, this_1_.base_character_set as base_cha3_80_0_, this_1_.first_identifier_base as first_id4_80_0_, this_1_.prefix as prefix5_80_0_, this_1_.suffix as suffix6_80_0_, this_1_.min_length as min_leng7_80_0_, this_1_.max_length as max_leng8_80_0_, this_2_.url as url2_78_0_, this_2_.user as user3_78_0_, this_2_.password as password4_78_0_, this_3_.source as source2_74_0_, this_3_.batch_size as batch_si3_74_0_, this_3_.min_pool_size as min_pool4_74_0_, this_3_.refill_with_scheduled_task as refill_w5_74_0_, this_3_.sequential as sequenti6_74_0_, case when this_1_.id is not null then 1 when this_2_.id is not null then 2 when this_3_.id is not null then 3 when this_.id is not null then 0 end as clazz_0_ from idgen_identifier_source this_ left outer join idgen_seq_id_gen this_1_ on this_.id=this_1_.id left outer join idgen_remote_source this_2_ on this_.id=this_2_.id left outer join idgen_id_pool this_3_ on this_.id=this_3_.id where this_.retired like 0 order by this_.name asc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('SCHEDULED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query select this_.id as id1_137_0_, this_.uuid as uuid2_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_uuid as base_coh3_137_0_, this_.base_cohort_parameters as base_coh4_137_0_, this_.report_definition_uuid as report_d5_137_0_, this_.report_definition_parameters as report_d6_137_0_, this_.renderer_type as renderer7_137_0_, this_.renderer_argument as renderer8_137_0_, this_.requested_by as requeste9_137_0_, this_.request_datetime as request10_137_0_, this_.priority as priorit11_137_0_, this_.status as status12_137_0_, this_.schedule as schedul13_137_0_, this_.process_automatically as process14_137_0_, this_.evaluation_start_datetime as evaluat15_137_0_, this_.evaluation_complete_datetime as evaluat16_137_0_, this_.render_complete_datetime as render_17_137_0_, this_.minimum_days_to_preserve as minimum18_137_0_, this_.description as descrip19_137_0_ from reporting_report_request this_ where this_.status in ('REQUESTED') order by this_.evaluation_complete_datetime desc, this_.evaluation_start_datetime desc, this_.priority desc, this_.request_datetime desc 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 190220 16:14:12 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:14:12', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:14:12' where task_config_id=4 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:14:16 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query select hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id as hl1_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source as hl2_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_source_key as hl3_70_, hl7inqueue0_.hl7_data as hl4_70_, hl7inqueue0_.date_created as date_cre5_70_, hl7inqueue0_.error_msg as error_ms6_70_, hl7inqueue0_.message_state as message_7_70_, hl7inqueue0_.uuid as uuid8_70_ from hl7_in_queue hl7inqueue0_ where hl7inqueue0_.message_state=0 order by hl7inqueue0_.hl7_in_queue_id limit 1 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 37 Query SET autocommit=0 37 Query set session transaction read only 37 Query commit 37 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 37 Query set session transaction read write 37 Query rollback 37 Query SET autocommit=1 190220 16:14:17 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query set session transaction read only 36 Query select user0_.user_id as user_id1_150_, user0_.uuid as uuid2_150_, user0_.person_id as person_i3_150_, user0_.system_id as system_i4_150_, user0_.username as username5_150_, user0_.creator as creator6_150_, user0_.date_created as date_cre7_150_, user0_.changed_by as changed_8_150_, user0_.date_changed as date_cha9_150_, user0_.retired as retired10_150_, user0_.retired_by as retired11_150_, user0_.date_retired as date_re12_150_, user0_.retire_reason as retire_13_150_ from users user0_ where user0_.uuid='A4F30A1B-5EB9-11DF-A648-37A07F9C90FB' 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query set session transaction read write 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1 36 Query SET autocommit=0 36 Query select taskdefini0_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_0_, taskdefini0_.uuid as uuid2_141_0_, taskdefini0_.name as name3_141_0_, taskdefini0_.description as descript4_141_0_, taskdefini0_.schedulable_class as schedula5_141_0_, taskdefini0_.repeat_interval as repeat_i6_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time as start_ti7_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_time_pattern as start_ti8_141_0_, taskdefini0_.last_execution_time as last_exe9_141_0_, taskdefini0_.start_on_startup as start_o10_141_0_, taskdefini0_.started as started11_141_0_, taskdefini0_.created_by as created12_141_0_, taskdefini0_.changed_by as changed13_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_created as date_cr14_141_0_, taskdefini0_.date_changed as date_ch15_141_0_, properties1_.task_config_id as task_con1_141_2_, properties1_.value as value2_142_2_, properties1_.name as name3_2_ from scheduler_task_config taskdefini0_ left outer join scheduler_task_config_property properties1_ on taskdefini0_.task_config_id=properties1_.task_config_id where taskdefini0_.task_config_id=4 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query update scheduler_task_config set uuid='eb30aa74-bfd2-4e85-b1c0-788ebaf4129b', name='Process HL7 Task', description=null, schedulable_class='org.openmrs.scheduler.tasks.ProcessHL7InQueueTask', repeat_interval=5, start_time='2016-08-24 09:38:07', start_time_pattern=null, last_execution_time='2019-02-20 16:14:17', start_on_startup=1, started=1, created_by=2, changed_by=2, date_created='2016-08-24 09:38:07', date_changed='2019-02-20 16:14:17' where task_config_id=4 36 Query commit 36 Query select @@session.tx_read_only 36 Query rollback 36 Query SET autocommit=1