Xreport issues with rendering pdf

Add Parameters to the report definition: http://localhost:8080/openmrs/module/reporting/reports/reportEditor.form?uuid=???

And then edit the mappings for the dataset to link the paremeters.

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thank you @dkayiwa. i have managed to make it work.

Now does the report grouping option in the xreport module has any purpose other than grouping the reports and is it possible to add items in the xreport designer that have a different sql source.

You got it right. It is for simply grouping related items. Yes you can add new report items from a different sql source.

any idea on how to add a new report item with a different source in the designer?

Did you try adding multiple datasets to the reporting module report?

yes i tried but when i add a new dataset, it replaces the previous one

Can you create such a report with the multiple datasets from here and i take a look?

i did not get what mean exactely

Create the datasets on the demo server and i take a look.

ok i have created a report called “number of daily visit by adult and children and total daily visit” and created 2 sql dataset "number of daily visit by adult and children " and “total daily visit”. i added the first sql dataset as a dataset definition for the report. Now the idea is to add the second sql dataset to the same report.

Here is an example of a report with multiple dataset definitions: https://demo.openmrs.org/openmrs/module/reporting/reports/reportEditor.form?uuid=0b0407d6-3ea9-4c67-b559-ec4d20961e8a

well how did you manage to add the 2 others? just by clicking on [+] New Dataset Definition] ?

Oh yes!!!

Well i don’t know how you are doing it. as soon as i click to add the new definition it replaces the previous one.

Ok i found out why it’s was not working. I was removing the key field when adding the new dataset definition.