XFORM ERROR (TypeError): Cannot read property 'i' of null

having a problem using Xform in openmrs. whenever i click PATIENT XFORM DESIGN , it throws this error

    Uncaught exception: com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError): Cannot read property 'i' of null
        at Unknown.$nc(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.ijd(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.hjd(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.ijd(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.hjd(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.cjd(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.ajd(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.Lfc(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.M9(Unknown source:0)
        at Unknown.$9(Unknown source:0)

…yet the xform works fine in my standalone application @dkayiwa @wyclif @k.joseph @tendomart

Can you use Firefox?


ok sir let me try that

oh i now get it. the reason it was running in my standalone is because the standalone uses IE. so , wen i copies the url to IE, it now works pretty fine. thx sir @dkayiwa

This is a bit of an unsatisfying answer for me because of the bug in Firefox in the Manage Appointments UI. This means I have to use Chrome for managing appointments and Firefox for using XForms.

I’m still trying to get access to JIRA to officially file that bug, btw.