what platform version can be used with large demo dataset v1.11.9?

I installed platform v2.2.0 and added ref app addons 2.9.0 which worked fine. I then added large-demo-data-1.11.9.sql and the system blows up

What version is the latest version of platform and addons that can be used with large-demo-data?


For the reference application, can you use the “referencedemodata.createDemoPatientsOnNextStartup” setting for demo data? https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Reference+Application+2.9.0

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I don’t believe that was an answer to my question. I would like to use the large demo dataset. I could not get it to work with platform v2.2.0, combined with the ref app addons v2.9.0. I assume the large demo data set v 1.11.9 is compatible with some version of platform, combined with some version of the ref app addons. Am I mistaken? I do NOT want to use the reference application since the available demo data is limited for that configuration. Thanks

The large demo dataset does not run with the reference application modules. It will run with the platform and legacyui module.

@mksd i remember as if you had the corresponding large demo dataset file for platform 2.2 :slight_smile:


Ok, thanks. Very helpful

@dkayiwa yes, just added it on that page, here the link to the large demo dataset for 2.2.1: https://wiki.openmrs.org/download/attachments/5047323/large-demo-data-2-2-1.sql.gz?api=v2

Thank you for creating a version of the large demo data set that works with platform v2 (and I assume reference app add-ons v2)!

You may want to post a comment on the demo data downloads page saying this is now available. The last comment on that page says otherwise.


I am very confused as to how to use the demo data you created.

I installed platform v2.2.0 and the add-ons from package 2.9.0. I started OpenMRS with this setup, choosing the “blank patient database option”, and it worked. I then executed in mysql the sql statements in your demo data file and OpenMRS broke, giving nasty errors on any web page I tried to open.

I was thinking your demo data might need a platform version upgrade (since your demo data file has a version # of 2.2.1), but on the OpenMRS download page, the latest platform version is still 2.2.0. Is there someplace else I should look for platform 2.2.1?

Trying againm, I then re-created my platform 2.2.0 + add-ons 2.9.0 system and started it up again. This time I chose the “use sample patient data” startup option and examined the database in mysql. I see that there are 5,000+ patients and 500,000+ observations in the database. So it seems like platform 2.2.0 already includes the data from large-demo-data.zip. If that is true, why did you create the new large demo data file?

Also, to make things more confusing, in OpenMRS I can see (and search for) the patients that I see in the patients table in mysql. But I do not see, in OpenMRS, any of the observations I see when looking in the obs table in mysql. What do I need to do to be able to see in OpenMRS the observations I see in the obs table?

Thanks for your help

– Hank

Can you cross check to confirm that you are looking at the correct database? I do not remember the platform database setup wizard’s include demo data option, generating 5,000+ patients and 500,000+ observations.

At https://openmrs.org/download there is a link to Platform 2.2.0 Standalone edition, dated 21-Mar-2019. That link retrieves a zip file that includes demodatabase.zip (expanded size 103mb) and emptydatabase.zip (expanded size 97mb). When you run the jar the first time, you are prompted as to whether you want an empty database or demo data. I chose demo data, and then queried the associated MySQL db directly and saw how many rows were in the patient and obs tables.

Oh, talking about the platform standalone version. Yes that has some real demo data. But that demo data will not run with the reference application modules.

That’s strange

I saw instructions that said to add the reference application modules to Standalone Platform (taking the modules from referenceapplication-addons-2.9.0.zip). That seemed to work, even if I chose “use demo data” when starting platform for the first time. Is that not a valid set of pieces to combine?

If not, is there a valid set of pieces that will give me a working system, once that include the reference application functionality and also the 5000+ patients/500k+ observations that are in the large demo dataset?

The only demo data that am aware of which will run with the reference application is the one generated with the ‘referencedemodata.createDemoPatientsOnNextStartup’ setting.