What does registrationapp.patient.phone.question refer to in Registration App?

I’m customizing the registration module and have the below code in my custom app. I’ve slightly modified Phone Number1 from the original, and have duplicated it to create Phone Number2. But I’m curious, what does registrationapp.patient.phone.question refer to? If I want to change the label from Phone Number to Primary Phone Number, should I change

"label": "registrationapp.patient.phone.question"


"label": "Primary Phone Number"?

Or is there a better way? I’d prefer the two JSON objects to be consistent so that they both point to something like registrationapp.patient.phone1.question and registrationapp.patient.phone2.question, but if that isn’t how the design intends, I’ll just content myself with using bare strings.

            "legend": "Phone Number1",
            "id": "phoneNumberLabel",
            "fields": [
                "type": "personAttribute",
                "label": "registrationapp.patient.phone.question",
                "formFieldName": "phoneNumber",
                "uuid": "14d4f066-15f5-102d-96e4-000c29c2a5d7",
                "widget": {
                  "providerName": "uicommons",
                  "fragmentId": "field/text"
                "cssClasses": [
            "legend": "Phone Number2",
            "id": "phoneNumberLabel2",
            "fields": [
                "type": "personAttribute",
                "label": "What's the patient's secondary phone number?",
                "formFieldName": "phoneNumber2",
                "uuid": "0214d4ed-d37c-45b9-b81e-4330d9af4905",
                "widget": {
                  "providerName": "uicommons",
                  "fragmentId": "field/text"
                "cssClasses": [
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