We can't find the Operation Theater and Bed Management modules under OpenMRS addons page

The github links for OT and bedmanegement https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-operationtheater and https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-bedmanagement respectively. We were able to download the OMODs directly from OpenMRS addons page but these modules are not showing up recently.

@samuel34 @dkayiwa @grace @ibacher @angshuonline @gsluthra

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The list of files index by addons.openmrs.org is controlled by this file. I don’t see any entries related to either bed management or operationtheater nor them being removed from that, but a quick PR to make the necessary changes to that file should suffice to get them relisted.


Hi @ibacher created a PR adding entires for both Bed management and Operation Theater modules.

JIRA card - [AO-28] Add entires for Bed Management and Operation Theater modules for RefApp 2.11 - OpenMRS Issues

PR Link - Bindu | AO-28 | Add entires for Bed Management and Operation Theater modules for RefApp 2.11 by binduak · Pull Request #107 · openmrs/openmrs-contrib-addonindex · GitHub

Have added entires under RefApp 2.11 list. please check and let us know if it needs any change. Thanks !