Upgrading the module on OpenMRS standalone 2.3( based on openmrs-core 1.11.4) takes for ever

I am trying to add Radiology module on OpenMRS standalone 2.3( based on openmrs-core 1.11.4). i get error message saying needed to add EMRAPI 1.13. But EMRAPI 1.13 omod file depends on other dependencies as pointed in Ivo’s radiology module installation guide. Following are the necessary dependencies:

  1. providermanagement - version 2.3
  2. uiframework - version 3.4
  3. uilibrary - version 1.5
  4. emrapi - version 1.13
  5. event - version 2.2.1
  6. reporting - version
  7. htmlwidgets - version 1.7.0
  8. calculation - version 1.1
  9. serialization.xstream - version 0.2.9
  10. metadatasharing - version 1.1.9
  11. metadatamapping - version 1.0.1

I tried to upgrade the providermanagement to version 2.3 and it takes for ever to finish the process. It keeps hanging. I tried couple of times on different machines (MAC, Ubuntu 16.04, Windows 10) at different times, different network. Still I am unable to upgrade the providermanagement. Please let me know.

Can we look at the logs?

HI Daniel, Here is the drop box link to the Log File.

Please let me know. Thanks for your help.