Unable to start openmrs after adding rest dependencies in .omod pom

Hi all, Am trying to add openmrs rest framework dependencies using a bare openmrs basic module,i added rest resources classes and there coresponding classes because my idea was to create a new custom resource that depends on openmrsPlatformVersion.1.11.6, and openmrs-openmrs.distro 2.8.0. Everything seems to be fine but when i try to run the application i get openmrs unable to start Service not found: interface org.openmrs.scheduler.SchedulerService , apiException. here are the error log

cc @dkayiwa @ibacher @mozzy @reagan

@sharif could you share you code implementations… You can make a commit on github and share here…

Here is the link https://github.com/sherrif10/openmrslearningrest/tree/master/openmrslearningrest

The problem could have been arose from file moduleApplicationContext.xml configurations, Am still not in right position why this time its bringing classes and packages that doesnot exist,And one thing could also be Autowiring LaboratoryService class in controller class, here are logs

Hey @dkayiwa @ibacher @reagan, am getting to something intresting that seems to be fair. could you help me out with these logs here, thanks

What you have shared is just a side effect. The underlying cause is in the server side log.

Let me start the server a fresh, after deleting the tomcat logs and see the effect here is the full logs

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