Travis breaking with IllegalState error

While working on this ticket, i have made some changes as seen in this pr ,RA-552:Adding the View Logged in Users functionality to core by HerbertYiga · Pull Request #3706 · openmrs/openmrs-core · GitHub Things seem fine locally since i get my junit test passing as required but travis breaks with this IllegalState error as per these logs,Raw log0.08s0.06s0.05sworker_infoWorker information0.16s0.01s0.00s0.01s - any suggestion on fixing this? cc @dkayiwa @mksd @ibacher @dev3 @dev4 @dev5

Change the base class of CurrentUsersTest from BaseContextSensitiveTest to BaseWebContextSensitiveTest

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thanks @dkayiwa let me do that

thanks @dkayiwa this solved my problem,how do i mark this as solved with the green text mark(solved)?