There seems to be a backward incompatibility in hibernate versions

Can you point me to the lines of code that you changed?

here is the line. in my eclipse it is line 1050


That should compile fine. Can you do a pull request to see if travis will also fail?

Alright let me do that straight away.

@dkayiwa I have pushed into the existing PR. TRUNK-5499-upgrade-hibernate-libraries #2949 and This is the commit

That pull request has more changes than a mere change of version that am asking for.

@dkayiwa so should I just make another pull request or I point you to the commit?

@dkayiwa from your post, do I have to make a PR with only this change ? Then do i have to take back the versions of the other libraries first to test if


works fine?

Hello @dkayiwa using <hibernateVersion>4.3.10.Final</hibernateVersion> works fine and the build is success on my local machine . Still waiting for the travis build. Please may you review my PR here

As I wait for the travis build let me be updating the other sub libraries also.

Thank you very much.

Hello @dkayiwa I have updated these and they are successfully building






Is still failing with this error. I am still trying with other versions.