The Intro Ticket 03-4411

I am new to this platform, am asking about the ticket 03-4411, i want to know how i do access the source code so that i can try it out. Thank you so much.

I have just fixed your access to jira/wiki you should be able to claim the ticket now. Before fixing the issue reproduce the bug using the dev3 server besides, this is the repository you are working on. You can fix the issue by removing the overlay prop of whatever WorkspaceContainer hosting the clinical workspace. Good luck.

Thank you very much

I have tried the steps you have told me, but I have encountered some problems; 1- The dev3 server has failed to login, even when i have provided the correct info. 2- Then the repository is like its not found.

So sorry I had a full stop added at the end of the link you can try accessing the repository again.

Thank you very much. It has worked.

Now incase i want to access the other tickets code, how do I get to the GitHub. and also how do I change its status. This is because It doesn’t allow to change from “todo” to progress.

this is how the page looks

it says you don’t

have permission to transition this issue.

Hi Elvis!

This wiki page should guide you on how to get started.

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Thanks bro, let me check it out

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