Test failures when building openmrs core on windows

I just cloned openmrs from github and run the command mvn clean install.

The build failed with the following error

       Failed to execute goal

org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.5:test (default test) on project openmrs-api:There are test failures.

I would like to why this is happening and how i can fix it. In the surefire reports there are about 450 files i am trying to find the one that has this test failure but i will appreciate any help even though i have provided very little information. Thanks.

Ivange Larry.

We need the full log from maven, your version of maven (mvn --version) and version of java (java -version)


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Hi cintiadr

I am still facing this problem. My java version is 1.8u45 and i am using maven-3.3.1. I have uploaded a text file that shows the full ‘maven clean install’ output with the -e switch enabled.mvn_compile_output.txt (326.1 KB)

Hi cintiadr

I would like to let you know that i have successfully installed openmrs. I asked a similar question in another thread and i was advice to skip test using -DskipTests=true instead of -Dmaven.test.skip=true by kristopherscmidt and the build was a success i have also successfully logged into the app. Thanks

I have successfully installed openmrs

You need to use JDK 1.7 and lower to build maintenance branches of openmrs e.g 1.11.x