Search on ID gets response cannot get value for address field{}

As indicated in the topic heading whenever I search on an ID during registration I get this error.

This is totally down to me as I appear to have messed up my config in this area unfortunately despite back tracking I am having difficulty finding the source of the problem a pointer to where to look would be of immense help.

Below are app.json and extension.json:

{ “id”: “bahmni.registration”, “instanceOf”:“bahmni.template.registration”, “description”: “Bahmni Patient Registration App”, “extensionPoints”: [ { “id”: “”, “description”: “Bahmni Patient Search Result Action” }, { “id”: “”, “description”: “After Bahmni Patient Registration, forward url configuration” } ], “contextModel”: [ “patientUuid”, “activeVisitUuid” ], “config” : { “patientInformation”: { “additionalPatientInformation”: { “title”: “Additional Patient Information”, “attributes”: [ “distanceFromCenter”, “isUrban”, “cluster”, “RationCard”, “familyIncome”, “debt”, “cluster”, “primaryContactName”, “primaryContactPhone”, “primaryContactAddress”, “patientTribe” ] }, “defaults”: { “class”: “General”, “landHolding”: 2 } }, “addressHierarchy”: { “showAddressFieldsTopDown”: true }, “relationshipTypeMap”: { “Doctor”:“provider”, “Parent”:“patient” },

        "autoCompleteFields":["familyName", "caste"],
        "defaultIdentifierPrefix": "GAN",
        "defaultVisitType": "OPD",
        "searchByIdForwardUrl": "/patient/{{patientUuid}}",
        "showMiddleName": true,
        "showBirthTime": false,
        "showCasteSameAsLastNameCheckbox": false,
        "printOptions": [
                "label": "Registration Card",
                "templateUrl": "/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/registration/registrationCardLayout/print.html",
                "shortcutKey": "r"
                "label": "Labels",
                "templateUrl": "/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/registration/registrationCardLayout/printWithBarcode.html",
                "shortcutKey": "b"
                "label": "Antenatal Card",
                "templateUrl": "/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/registration/antenatalCardLayout/print.html",
                "shortcutKey": "a"
                "label": "Family Planning Card",
                "templateUrl": "/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/registration/familyplanningCardLayout/print.html",
                "shortcutKey": "p"
        "conceptSetUI": {
            "REGISTRATION FEES": {
                "required": true,
                "label": "Fee"
            "FHS": {
                "buttonSelect": true
                "FHS": "Present"
        "fieldValidation" : {
            "primaryContact" : {"pattern" : "[0-9]{8,10}", "errorMessage" : "Should be 12 characters starting with 91 (country code)"},
            "landHolding" : {"pattern" : "[0-9]{0,3}", "errorMessage" : "Should be between 1 to 999 acres"},
            "familyName" : {"pattern" : "[a-zA-Z]{0,}", "errorMessage" : "Should contain characters"},
            "givenName" : {"pattern" : "[a-zA-Z]{0,}", "errorMessage" : "Should contain characters"},
            "middleName" : {"pattern" : "[a-zA-Z]{0,}", "errorMessage" : "Should contain characters"},
            "Patientnumber" : {"pattern" : "[0][1-9][0-9]{8}", "errorMessage" : "Must be 10 numbers starting with 0"},
            "address1" : {"pattern" : "[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}", "errorMessage" : "Should contain 3 characters"}

} … { “search”:{ “id”: “”, “extensionPointId”: “org.bahmni.registration.navigation”, “type”: “link”, “translationKey”:“REGISTRATION_SEARCH_CONFIG_KEY”, “url”: “/search”, “shortcutKey”: “REGISTRATION_SEARCH_CONFIG_ACCESS_KEY”, “icon”: “fa-search”, “order”: 1, “requiredPrivilege”: “View Patients” }, “createNew”:{ “id”: “bahmni.registration.navigation.patient.create”, “extensionPointId”: “org.bahmni.registration.navigation”, “type”: “link”, “translationKey”: “REGISTRATION_CREATE_NEW_CONFIG_KEY”, “url”: “/patient/new”, “icon”: “fa-plus”, “shortcutKey”: “REGISTRATION_CREATE_NEW_CONFIG_ACCESS_KEY”, “order”: 2, “requiredPrivilege”: “Add Patients” }, “view”:{ “id”: “”, “extensionPointId”: “”, “type”: “link”, “translationKey”: “REGISTRATION_VIEW_CONFIG_KEY”, “url”: “/patient/{{patientUuid}}”, “icon”: “fa-patient-edit”, “order”: 1, “requiredPrivilege”: “View Patients” }, “nutritionalValues”:{ “id”: “bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.nutritionalLevels”, “extensionPointId”: “org.bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.observations”, “type”: “config”, “extensionParams”: { “conceptName”: “Nutritional Values”, “translationKey”: “NUTRITIONAL_VALUES_LOCALE_KEY”, “conceptNames”: [“Height”, “Weight”, “BMI Data”, “BMI Status Data”], “required”:true, “showLatest”: true }, “order”: 3, “requiredPrivilege”: “Edit Visits” }, “feeInformation”:{ “id”: “bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.feeInformation”, “extensionPointId”: “org.bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.observations”, “type”: “config”, “extensionParams”: { “conceptName”: “Fee Information”, “translationKey”: “FEE_INFORMATION_LOCALE_KEY”, “conceptNames”: [“Payment”], “required”:true, “showLatest”: true }, “order”: 1, “requiredPrivilege”: “Edit Visits” }, “transportInformation”:{ “id”: “bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.transportInformation”, “extensionPointId”: “org.bahmni.registration.conceptSetGroup.observations”, “type”: “config”, “extensionParams”: { “conceptName”: “Transport Information”, “translationKey”: “TRANSPORT_INFORMATION_LOCALE_KEY”, “conceptNames”: [“Transport Mode”, “MA Payment”], “required”:true, “showLatest”: true }, “order”: 2, “requiredPrivilege”: “Edit Visits” } }


I guess you posted the revised app.json. I have tried this and get SyntaxError: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 20.


I just moved it to the bahmni category.

Sorry for my error.

I have now rolled back 7 days including elimination of an upgrade to 0.89.167 and applied an upgrade to 0.89.206 installer and everything seems fine.