Saving Patient with xform

Hi @dkayiwa,

We have been saving patient dempgraphics using xform until recently things have stopped working. When you click the submit button you get the following warnings:

WARN - ModuleServlet.service(65) |2018-09-11 15:08:46,873| No servlet with name: call was found WARN - ModuleServlet.service(65) |2018-09-11 15:09:01,221| No servlet with name: call was found WARN - ModuleServlet.service(65) |2018-09-11 15:09:30,236| No servlet with name: call was found WARN - ModuleServlet.service(65) |2018-09-11 15:09:37,921| No servlet with name: call was found WARN - ModuleServlet.service(65) |2018-09-11 15:09:38,480| No servlet with name: call was found WARN - ModuleServlet.service(65) |2018-09-11 15:09:38,758| No servlet with name: call was found WARN - ModuleServlet.service(65) |2018-09-11 15:09:38,982| No servlet with name: call was found WARN - ModuleServlet.service(65) |2018-09-11 15:09:39,206| No servlet with name: call was found

Have you seen that before?


Does it still happen after restarting tomcat?

Daniel, that did NOT work(am using the sdk), but on a different server that has tomcat installed, the patient is created but fails to redirect to the patient dashboard by throwing this error, that only happens when you click the submit button, but when you try editing the patient recorded, no such error is thrown. Looking closely at, I have already supplied that privilege here. This seems to work fine for super users, but I don’t want to give my users that role. Is there any other privilege that I need to set to get rid of that error?

You can replicate that here Clinician/Clinician123

I tried to login, but did not know what to fill for security stamp

Daniel, security stamp is the arithmetic of the given numbers just above the security text field

Hi @dkayiwa any progress on this? Apparently it requires someone with the system developer role, I don’t want to give such roles to all system users

I can’t tell why the error is pointing here