Running tests for InitializationWizard (AKA InstallationWizard) in openmrs-core

Hi everyone, Sorry for a noob question, but I’m trying to figure out how to run the ainstallation_wizard.story in openmrs-core. I’ve tried following but without luck.

What I expected to happen was that I could do sh release_test/ -v -pmymysqlrootpassword -tAinstallationWizard in my openmrs-core directory, and that it would run through the ainstallation_wizard.story. It clearly downloaded Selenium and a bunch of other stuff, but it never started Jetty, and never ran any tests.

Before I spend more time troubleshooting this … is that test supposed to be working, or is it being abandoned since the UI has been pulled out of openmrs-core? I notice that the release-test/pom.xml has that test excluded in a couple of places. If it works for you on the latest openmrs-core from github then let me know, so I will know that the problem is me or my system…

I’m working on fixing TRUNK-2877 (I know I haven’t claimed it yet … I’m waiting for JIRA access) and I’d feel a lot happier if I could run whatever tests already exist. I’m particularly worried about breaking the “Advanced” and “Testing” options since I don’t understand enough about them to test them by hand.

Those tests were abandoned because they are targeting an old UI. Of late we have been doing different ones for the reference application

Okay, that is what I guessed.

Since the installation wizard UI is still part of openmrs-core, should I create an issue in JIRA to re-implement UI testing for the installation wizard in openmrs-core (maybe based on the new UITestFramework)? Otherwise we’ll have code that isn’t covered by tests.

Sure, feel free to create a JIRA issue for this. (Actually, I’d create two, one for removing the old misleading ones, and another for adding new ones.)

Implementing functional tests for the installation wizard would be tricky (since you have to automate firing up a clean OpenMRS, and I’d think your tests need to assert things on the file that gets created, as well as the status of the database.

So, the UI Test Framework is only going to cover a very small portion of this (i.e. webdriver and clicking on screens).

It would be good to get test coverage of this aspect of the system, but given the complexity of doing so, I would personally rank its priority a bit lower.