Reference Application 2.7.0 Ready For Community Testing

Hello Community,

I Would like to inform you that Reference Application Beta- Release 2.7.0 is now available on the uat-server for testing by the Community. We call upon volunteers to test it and give us feed back in the remaining few days before we do a major Release.

Please use the following Credentials to login

  • Username — Password
  1. admin — Admin123
  2. doctor — Doctor123
  3. nurse — Nurse123
  4. clerk — Clerk123
  5. sysadmin — Sysadmin123

Thanks alot. Regards Tendo

This is a heads-up that we plan to release the Reference Application 2.7 on Thursday December 7, 2017 unless there are any issues that arise during testing

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Is the version of reff app supposed to be displayed somewhere? I have tried to find it without success and I think it would be nice to have it somewhere just like what we have in the legacy UI.

@willa Nope its not - just check for the version of the referenceapplication module

Thanks but I think it should be displayed somewhere on the ref UI.

@willa i think i also like your idea. Do you have a pull request in mind? :slight_smile:

I like your approach Daniel :smile:. No I don’t have a PR in mind or otherwise. At least not right now.

@tendomart ssmusoke, I know things have been a bit crazy with OMRS17. Where do we stand on the RefApp 2.7 release?

@burke I encountered some problems with CI and @raff with the SDK,CI triggered with the wrong values,however @raff is clearing things and we’ll be releasing anytime this week God willing.