Reference Application 2.4 Release to UAT

Is CI setup to automatically deploy to

What are the steps necessary to deploy reference application to UAT?

Reference application is ready to deploy to UAT and I am looking for some guidance on how to do this.

@dkayiwa, I see that you have a 2.4 reference application distribution build plan on CI. I also see that the OpenMRS-2.x deployment plan already setup. It seems that I need to add an environment UAT-REFAPP and a release version 2.4 and then I can deploy. I will connect with you on IRC so you can help me do this.

We don’t have an alias for yet. I have submitted a request to the help desk, so this should be fixed shortly. The alias will point to, so you could use in the CI scripts for now if we don’t get the alias quickly.

We’d like to write CI scripts using canonical names (e.g.,, but missing aliasing shouldn’t prevent release testing from proceeding.

Tip: You should always use variables for hostnames in scripts, to make them easy to adjust down the line. :slight_smile:

Agreed. Good point.

The canonical names are meant to help both the scripts and the humans.

There is no server uat02 currently in our inventory:

There is a uat01, which, according to our records, is currently allocated to @maurya for “OpenMRS Reference Application 2.2 Testing”. Interestingly, the alias uat-platform was assigned to this host.

It would seem that you would prefer to remove the alias and instead have uat-refapp. Is that correct?

I’m not sure

is maintained.

uat02 appears to exist:

$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=59 time=6.058 ms

And uat01 was reclaimed for uat-platform a while ago.

There is a uat01, which, according to our records, is currently allocated to @maurya for “OpenMRS Reference Application 2.2 Testing”. Interestingly, the alias uat-platform was assigned to this host.

As I have stated multiple times on various email and talk threads over the last months that this needs to be unallocated and returned to the pool. (Because OpenMRS Reference Application 2.2 was released > 1 year ago, so its pre-release testing is done.)