Quality Assurance test Sprint

I would like to propose a test Sprint to check our QA work and show it to the community. During the Sprint we can execute the test cases we already created in the RA project. Will next week be a good time to do it? Anyone who wishes to contribute to the Sprint is welcomed:)


@tmueller, how about sharing some links, which would guide people in how to execute test cases and where they can find test cases that would be included in the sprint?

Ok, On https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/QA+Testing+Manual you can find a manual on our work, how to help us and join our team if you wish. And on https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/How+to+execute+a+Test+Case we have a test case execution instruction. You can find our Test Cases in Test Cycles in our dashboard at https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/RA?selectedTab=com.thed.zephyr.je%3Apdb_cycle_panel_section

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Ok, so let’s start the test Sprint Purpose of the test Sprint is to execute all Test Cases from:

https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/enav/#?query=project%20%3D%20"RA"%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20"Unscheduled"%20AND%20cycleName%20in%20(“Test%20Sprint%20Tests”) (the ‘Test Sprint Tests’ Test Cycle)

Follow the instructions at https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/How+to+execute+a+Test+Case. Do not hesitate to ask questions to us if you find something unclear.

Anyone is welcomed to join!!! All hands on deck!!!


Hello, So far we have executed 42 test cases. 35 of them have passed, 7 have failed. No new issues were created, 3 issues were updated:

4 new topics on https://talk.openmrs.org/ were created.

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Total Test Sprint report: 70 test cases were executed, 58 of them have passed, 12 have failed,

Test cases by component:

  • Administration and Configuration - passed 27, failed 4, total 31
  • Appointment Scheduling - passed 8, failed 2, total 10
  • Data Management - failed 1, total 1
  • Patient Record - passed 8, failed 4, total 12
  • Record Lookup - passed 5, total 5
  • Visits and ADT - passed 12, failed 1, total 13
  • Vitals - failed 1, total 1

3 new issues were created:

4 issues were updated:

8 topics on https://talk.openmrs.org/ were created.