Problems building Bahmin apps v0.85 & v0.81

Hello all–

We currently have a build pipeline for the PIH Bahmni implementation that builds our custom 0.81 branch of bahmni apps. We recently tried to upgrade it to build the 0.85 branch of Bahmni Apps, but have somehow managed to hose both builds at this time. We are looking into it, but wondered if anyone has any insight.

One hunch we have is that we were running an old version of NodeJS on our CI server, and so upgraded it in an attempt to get the 0.85 build version. We just upgraded to the latest version of Node, which appears to be v7.0.0–has Bahmni been tested with this version?

Below are all the versions of the dependencies we are using, and the errors we are seeing when running “scripts/”. Wondering if anyone has any thoughts?

node v7.0.0 grunt-cli v1.2.0 bower 1.7.9 ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux] (I realize the setup instructions say ruby 2.1, but ruby 1.9.3 is the one bundled with Ubuntu 14.04, I believe, and the 0.81 build was working previously with this version)

running package against 0.81 error:

build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	e[4mRunning "usemin:css" (usemin) taske[24m
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	e[1mProcessing as CSS - dist/styles/clinical.afcc51a6.csse[22m
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	Update the CSS to reference our revved images
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	e[1mProcessing as CSS - dist/styles/clinicalPrint.4b5659c1.csse[22m
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	Update the CSS to reference our revved images
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	e[1mProcessing as CSS - dist/styles/home.a7a08b3a.csse[22m
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	Update the CSS to reference our revved images
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	e[1mProcessing as CSS - dist/styles/offline.daf22150.csse[22m
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	Update the CSS to reference our revved images
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	e[1mProcessing as CSS - dist/styles/print.c9375b9d.csse[22m
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	Update the CSS to reference our revved images
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	e[1mProcessing as CSS - dist/styles/registration.f82a51d4.csse[22m
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	Update the CSS to reference our revved images
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	e[4mRunning "tests" taske[24m
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	e[33mWarning: Task "karma:unit" not found.a Use --force to continue.e[39m
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:19:17	e[31mAborted due to warnings.e[39m
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Failing task since return code of [/bin/sh scripts/ .] was 3 while expected 0
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Finished task 'Package 0.81 Bahmni Apps' with result: Failed
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Finalising the build...
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Stopping timer.
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Build BAH-APPS-JOB1-60 completed.
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	All post build plugins have finished
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Generating build results summary...
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Saving build results to disk...
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Logging substituted variables...
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Indexing build results...
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:19:18	Finished building BAH-APPS-JOB1-60.

running package against 0.85 error:

build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	d3#3.4.13 app/components/d3
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	angular-mocks#1.4.9 app/components/angular-mocks
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	└── angular#1.4.9
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	jasmine#2.5.2 app/components/jasmine
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	zeroclipboard#2.1.6 app/components/zeroclipboard
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	angular-translate-storage-cookie#2.12.1 app/components/angular-translate-storage-cookie
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	├── angular-cookies#1.4.9
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	└── angular-translate#2.7.2
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	openmrs-uicommons#438902a241 app/components/openmrs-uicommons
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:05	Xvfb already running
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	grunt-cli: The grunt command line interface (v1.2.0)
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	If you're seeing this message, grunt hasn't been installed locally to
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	your project. For more information about installing and configuring grunt,
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	please see the Getting Started guide:
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06
build	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Killing Xvfb process 
error	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	scripts/ 26: cd: can't cd to scripts/../dist
error	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	scripts/ 30: kill: Usage: kill [-s sigspec | -signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or
error	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	kill -l [exitstatus]
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Failing task since return code of [/bin/sh scripts/ .] was 2 while expected 0
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Finished task 'Package 0.85 bahmniapps' with result: Failed
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Finalising the build...
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Stopping timer.
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Build BAH-APPS-R0-62 completed.
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	All post build plugins have finished
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Generating build results summary...
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Saving build results to disk...
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Logging substituted variables...
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Indexing build results...
simple	27-Oct-2016 11:30:06	Finished building BAH-APPS-R0-62.

Thanks, Mark

Hi Mark,

Looks like the agent building bahmni apps is not having grunt karma. Can you once try the below command in the agent and tell us the output.

If this also shows that karma not found then can you once try installing karma on your agent manually using the below command?

Looks like an error in Is the modified? Can you share both 0.81, 0.85 files.

Hi @swathivarkala, Thank you for your response and for trying to help us. Here is the output of grunt karma:unit

root@bamboo:/opt/bamboo5.9/xml-data/build-dir/BAH-APPS-R0/ui# grunt karma:unit grunt-cli: The grunt command line interface (v1.2.0)

Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.

If you’re seeing this message, grunt hasn’t been installed locally to your project. For more information about installing and configuring grunt, please see the Getting Started guide:

Getting started - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner

And when I tried to run sudo npm install grunt-karma --save-dev I get the following messages:

root@bamboo:/opt/bamboo5.9/xml-data/build-dir/BAH-APPS-R0/ui# npm install grunt-karma --save-dev bahmni.apps@0.0.1 /opt/bamboo5.9/xml-data/build-dir/BAH-APPS-R0/ui └─┬ grunt-karma@0.8.3 └── lodash@2.4.2

npm WARN grunt-karma@0.8.3 requires a peer of grunt@0.4.x but none was installed. npm WARN grunt-karma@0.8.3 requires a peer of karma@~0.12.0 but none was installed.

Maybe we missing more components required for the build?

And here is the ui/scripts/ we are using:

Yes, thanks @swathivarkala!

And thanks @cioan for posting our

As a reference, we are using a slightly modified version of We were having problems with starting/stopping Firefox when running the tests, so we patched to get it to working for our build, and submitted a pull request that was merged in:

However, when we upgraded last week to 0.85, the tests were failing again with the same Firefox error, and we discovered that somehow the changes that were merged in got lost (see so we re-applied the patch to our 0.85 branch and seemed to get by the Firefox error only to run into the new one above. So it is possible that is part of the problem.

What is more mystifying is that our 0.81 branch was running until we started to try to get the 0.85 branch to run–I’m assuming we messed up our dependencies and/or grunt/node versions somehow.


Not sure if this is relevant or helpful on debugging this issue with the build, but here is output we get when we run npm install from bahmniapps/ui folder:

root@bamboo:/opt/bamboo5.9/xml-data/build-dir/BAH-APPS-R0/ui# npm install npm WARN deprecated grunt-regarde@0.1.1: Deprecated in favor of grunt-contrib-watch which now have Livereload support built-in. npm ERR! Linux 4.4.26-rh40-20161020144433.xenU.x86_64 npm ERR! argv “/usr/local/bin/node” “/usr/local/bin/npm” “install” npm ERR! node v7.0.0 npm ERR! npm v4.0.1

npm ERR! Cannot read property ‘debug’ of undefined npm ERR! npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at: npm ERR! npm ERR! Linux 4.4.26-rh40-20161020144433.xenU.x86_64 npm ERR! argv “/usr/local/bin/node” “/usr/local/bin/npm” “install” npm ERR! node v7.0.0 npm ERR! npm v4.0.1

npm ERR! Cannot read property ‘extsprintf’ of undefined npm ERR! npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at: npm ERR!

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! /opt/bamboo5.9/xml-data/build-dir/BAH-APPS-R0/ui/npm-debug.log

Hi @mogoodrich @cioan

Please look at Bahmni Wiki explaining prerequisites for the front-end to run. So please run the below commands to fix the issue.

Thanks @swathivarkala

We did something we probably should have done earlier–tested the 0.81 on a clean vagrant box (it worked) and then dockerized it. In a clean container, the 0.81 build works perfectly.

However, the 0.85 build still fails, but with failed tests during the karma:unit stage, as listed below. I’ve pasted the error below, but you should be able to reproduce by running our docker build against the 0.85 release branch. Take a look at :


Can you spot anything we are doing wrong? I guess one difference (I assume) from the Bahmni build pipeline that we are using Ubuntu, not CentOS. Don’t know if that could be an issue?

Here’s the failed tests we are seeing.

Running "karma:unit" (karma) task
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.37 server started at http://localhost:9876/
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Firefox
INFO [Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0)]: Connected on socket f8_0EP74fj56g_PCPMUu with id 48815426
WARN: 'Deprecation warning: moment construction falls back to js Date. This is discouraged and will be removed in upcoming major release. Please refer to for more info.'
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0): Executed 1026 of 1662 (skipped 3) SUCCESS (0 secs / 9.381 secs)
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0): Executed 1351 of 1662 (skipped 4) SUCCESS (0 secs / 15.543 secs)
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0): Executed 1352 of 1662 (skipped 4) SUCCESS (0 secs / 15.55 secs)
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0) MyReportsController should initialize with scheduled reports FAILED
	Expected [ { unixTimeStamp : 1474502400000, hidden : false }, { unixTimeStamp : 1474329600000, hidden : false } ] to equal [ { unixTimeStamp : 1474482600000, hidden : false }, { unixTimeStamp : 1474309800000, hidden : false } ].
	Expected { 1474502400000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-011602df-4d11-464d-a58c-3b731ff997bb', name : 'test report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : null, startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Scheduled', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474529795000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false } ], 1474329600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] } to equal { 1474482600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-011602df-4d11-464d-a58c-3b731ff997bb', name : 'test report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : null, startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Scheduled', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474529795000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false } ], 1474309800000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] }.
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0) MyReportsController should convert unixTimeStamps to given format FAILED
	Expected '07:36 AM' to equal '01:06 PM'.
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0) MyReportsController should search reports by name FAILED
	Expected { 1474502400000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-011602df-4d11-464d-a58c-3b731ff997bb', name : 'test report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : null, startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Scheduled', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474529795000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true } ], 1474329600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] } to equal { 1474482600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-011602df-4d11-464d-a58c-3b731ff997bb', name : 'test report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : null, startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Scheduled', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474529795000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true } ], 1474309800000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] }.
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0) MyReportsController should hide days if all reports are hidden for that day FAILED
	Expected { 1474502400000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-011602df-4d11-464d-a58c-3b731ff997bb', name : 'test report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : null, startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Scheduled', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474529795000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true } ], 1474329600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] } to equal { 1474482600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-011602df-4d11-464d-a58c-3b731ff997bb', name : 'test report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : null, startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Scheduled', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474529795000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true } ], 1474309800000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : true }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] }.
	Expected [ { unixTimeStamp : 1474502400000, hidden : true }, { unixTimeStamp : 1474329600000, hidden : false } ] to equal [ { unixTimeStamp : 1474482600000, hidden : true }, { unixTimeStamp : 1474309800000, hidden : false } ].
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0) MyReportsController should show all reports when search by empty string FAILED
	Expected { 1474502400000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-011602df-4d11-464d-a58c-3b731ff997bb', name : 'test report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : null, startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Scheduled', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474529795000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false } ], 1474329600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] } to equal { 1474482600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-011602df-4d11-464d-a58c-3b731ff997bb', name : 'test report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : null, startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Scheduled', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474529795000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false } ], 1474309800000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] }.
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0) MyReportsController should delete report FAILED
	Expected { 1474502400000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-011602df-4d11-464d-a58c-3b731ff997bb', name : 'test report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : null, startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Scheduled', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474529795000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false } ], 1474329600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] } to equal { 1474482600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false } ], 1474309800000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] }.
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0) MyReportsController should show error if not able to delete the report FAILED
	Expected { 1474502400000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-011602df-4d11-464d-a58c-3b731ff997bb', name : 'test report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : null, startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Scheduled', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474529795000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false } ], 1474329600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] } to equal { 1474482600000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-b90d13d1-8a52-4349-8dc2-62a92b637f01', name : 'test report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Visit_Report-2016-09-22_08:54:23.997_UTC.pdf', startDate : 1451606400000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Finished', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474534464000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-011602df-4d11-464d-a58c-3b731ff997bb', name : 'test report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : null, startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453420800000, status : 'Scheduled', format : 'application/pdf', requestDatetime : 1474529795000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false } ], 1474309800000 : [ { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-a340290b-07a6-4b80-9cf5-d0920a72bfb1', name : 'obs report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:14.754_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383794000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-043b4c8a-a5fc-4dc7-9d54-9d6a72f707ca', name : 'visit report 1', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_15:03:09.044_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383789000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-bee177a0-c54d-4d7b-9c66-ec2d93a29501', name : 'visit report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Laboratory_Services-2016-09-20_15:02:25.210_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Finished', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383745000, errorMessage : null, hidden : false }, { id : '6da64b5bd2ee-09cf4369-196e-4f49-b8ff-eed0976be905', name : 'obs report 2', user : 'superman', fileName : 'Test_Observation_Report-2016-09-20_14:59:09.087_UTC.html', startDate : 1454025600000, endDate : 1453248000000, status : 'Error', format : 'text/html', requestDatetime : 1474383549000, errorMessage : 'Error', hidden : false } ] }.
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0): Executed 1646 of 1662 (7 FAILED) (skipped 4) (18.914 secs / 17.657 secs)
7 XSELINUXs still allocated at reset
SCREEN: 0 objects of 256 bytes = 0 total bytes 0 private allocs
DEVICE: 0 objects of 96 bytes = 0 total bytes 0 private allocs
CLIENT: 0 objects of 136 bytes = 0 total bytes 0 private allocs
WINDOW: 0 objects of 32 bytes = 0 total bytes 0 private allocs
PIXMAP: 2 objects of 16 bytes = 32 total bytes 0 private allocs
GC: 4 objects of 16 bytes = 64 total bytes 0 private allocs
CURSOR: 1 objects of 8 bytes = 8 total bytes 0 private allocs
TOTAL: 7 objects, 104 bytes, 0 allocs
2 PIXMAPs still allocated at reset
PIXMAP: 2 objects of 16 bytes = 32 total bytes 0 private allocs
GC: 4 objects of 16 bytes = 64 total bytes 0 private allocs
CURSOR: 1 objects of 8 bytes = 8 total bytes 0 private allocs
TOTAL: 7 objects, 104 bytes, 0 allocs
4 GCs still allocated at reset
GC: 4 objects of 16 bytes = 64 total bytes 0 private allocs
CURSOR: 1 objects of 8 bytes = 8 total bytes 0 private allocs
TOTAL: 5 objects, 72 bytes, 0 allocs
1 CURSORs still allocated at reset
CURSOR: 1 objects of 8 bytes = 8 total bytes 0 private allocs
TOTAL: 1 objects, 8 bytes, 0 allocs
1 CURSOR_BITSs still allocated at reset
TOTAL: 0 objects, 0 bytes, 0 allocs
[dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic, removing from list!
[dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/:unscaled, removing from list!
[dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/:unscaled, removing from list!
[dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1, removing from list!
[dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi, removing from list!
[dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi, removing from list!

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 66.4% ( 9837/14814 )
Branches     : 55.65% ( 3657/6572 )
Functions    : 59.13% ( 2638/4461 )
Lines        : 66.44% ( 9806/14760 )
Warning: Task "karma:unit" failed. Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

@cioan @mseaton @jmbabazi

Actually, looking at these tests a little closer, I’m guessing that perhaps there is a time zone issue–ie, the tests expect the server to be in a certain time zone? I believe we had a similar problem (which we ended up submitting a patch for) for previous releases?


On a clean checkout of the release-0.85 branch, the build fails with the errors seen in this pastebin:

My guess is that this is due to the ridiculously low version of node that ships with Ubuntu 14.04, which is incompatible with Bahmni 0.84+.

Are there particular testing/supported versions for node/npm or any other dependencies for the build pipeline?

Hi Mark, The timezone issue with MyReportsController are fixed in Master branch as part of this commit. The fix is not available in release-0.85 branch. The tests will pass in IST Timezone.

Can you please try this.

Thanks @swathivarkala. Unfortunately, that did not work.

As @mogoodrich mentioned, I dockerized this process in order for us to be able to demonstrate our problems in a fresh, isolated environment, and to enable anyone to reproduce the problem. I also think this is a “better” way for us to be building bahmniapps, as it enables full consistency across the team. It would be very helpful to us if the Bahmni team could use this script to discover how and why the bahmniapps build process fails in this particular environment (ie. on Ubuntu 14.04 with standard packages), and to alter the developer guide to indicate how to get around this. If we all used the same docker container to build the code, then this would eliminate any of the environment-specific dependencies that might exist across OS.

Would you mind trying this out? All you would need to do is the following:

  1. Put this docker file in a new directory of your choosing

  2. From that directory, build the docker image using:

docker build -t bahmniapps-build .

  1. Check out the release-0.85 branch of bahmniapps to your host machine

  2. Run this with your docker container using the command:

docker run -v /absolute/path/where/you/have/bahmniapps/cloned:/bahmniapps bahmniapps-build ./scripts/

You should see this fail with the errors we have described. You can then tweak the docker file in order to try to fix this, and test by repeating the “docker build” and “docker run” commands above.

Thanks for any more help you can provide. Mike

Mike & worked on this a little more today, and we were able to get the build to pass as-is using Ubuntu 16.04 (minus the test errors in the MyReportController discussed above).

I think we are okay now… :slight_smile:

Note that we also discovered that an earlier pull request we made had been pulled into the 0.83 branch, but not 0.84, 0.85 or master… I’ve made a comment to that effect on that pull request, but, for reference, here’s the request:

Take care, Mark

Okay, so I think we are almost there. I cherry-picked the commit listed above that fixes the MyReportController issues, but we are still running into one more failing test. See below, any thoughts?

Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0) MyReportsController should show a dialog FAILED
	Expected spy to have been called with [ { template : 'views/errorMessagePopup.html', className : 'ngdialog-theme-default ng-dialog-all-details-page', data : 'errorMessage first line' } ] but actual calls were [ { template : 'views/errorMessagePopup.html', className : 'ngdialog-theme-default report', data : 'errorMessage first line
	second line' } ].
Firefox 49.0.0 (Ubuntu 0.0.0): Executed 1646 of 1662 (1 FAILED) (skipped 4) (18.936 secs / 17.353 secs)

This commit also should be cherry-picked to solve the issue completely.

Great, thanks @swathivarkala. Everything is working now and we were able to upgrade our demo instances to 0.85. The other good news is that it does look like all of our patches for 0.81 were merged in properly, and so the only changes we needed to make to the bahmniapps-0.85 release line was to cherry pick the two commits that fixed the MyReportController tests to be timezone independent.

One point I would add–we did have to update all our existing visits to have a visit location. This was documented in the release-0.83 upgrade instructions and was quick & easy for us to do, but as a heads up, might cause some problems for non-technical users who are expecting an out-of-the-box upgrade path.

Thanks for all the help, we will let you know if we run into future issues.

Take care, Mark

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Please make sure that patient identifier if used in any of the print pages etc…, should be referrred as patient.primaryIdentifier.identifier instead of patient.identifier Similar thing is also mentioned in Upgrade Instructions for 0.84