Patient Registration form UI

The application is not responsive in terms of UI/UX on mobile devices. My query is this app meant for all devices or only for web?

@darius @arjun @vinay @danfuterman @mksd

Well, not exactly responsive, but it is being used in Tablets, iPads. If I remember correct, we did support minimum of 7".

The application is responsive though only for particular sizes / resolution. Example i know it works for 10" (includes iPads) and 7" tablets, apart from regular sized desktops.

I don’t think we have made efforts towards supporting on devices lesser than that yet.

Though i think making it work on smart phones is increasingly becoming desirable as since last year or so i have seen doctors starting to access Bahmni from their smart phones, though only occasionally when the regular device is not available.

The pages like patient dashboard and consultation could be the ones to begin with. (Registration would be lower priority) Though user is able to view and make sense of the data on these pages, the pages appear broken with buttons floating around randomly and difficult when trying to enter data. [@manmeet Hint Hint, if this is your strength/interest area :slight_smile: ]